The Globaljig universal bracket system is manufactured
in Italy and is available as a mobile
(Figure 14.25), four-post lift or centre-post lift unit
(Figure 14.26). It is also available with a side lift,
making positioning of the vehicle on the bench
very simple; and, because of the mobility of the
side lift, the vehicle can be easily moved around
the workshop area (Figure 14.27). Conversion sets
are also available for other jig benches. It is a universal
bracket system, comprising one set of jig
brackets that are designed to fit any type of vehicle
and light commercials, eliminating costly hire or
purchase of specific vehicle model brackets. Each
422 Repair of Vehicle Bodies
Figure 14.25 Globaljig mobile universal bracket system (Globaljig, Tri-Sphere Ltd)
Figure 14.26 Globaljig centre-post lift unit (Globaljig,
Tri-Sphere Ltd)
Figure 14.27 Globaljig mobile side lift jig loader
(Globaljig, Tri-Sphere Ltd)
Major accident damage 423
bracket is designed as a fixing point, providing
anchorage throughout the vehicle, with mechanical
parts in or out. With the Globaljig there is an
option of brackets or sill clamps, providing a precise
and progressive anchorage. Precision and
strength are the main features of this system: accuracy
is guaranteed to within 1 mm. The brackets
included in the system are strong and truly universal;
each has a single bolt fixing, providing quick
and simple assembly. All calibrated scales are easy
to read, and are attained by sliding the beams and
base blocks to their specific location.
The pulling unit is a multivector system, easily
positioned around the jig bed. When placed at the
front or the rear of the jig, the puller will pivot
through 220 degrees, allowing pulls to be obtained
from both sides of the vehicle without removing
the unit from the jig bed. This unique design
allows the pulling capacity to remain constant at
any given height or angle.
The overhead measuring bridge is a standard
feature of the Globaljig. It provides a strong, accurate
measuring device for suspension mountings
and is also used for checking the upper body measurements
(Figure 14.28). Once measurements are
satisfactorily achieved, the accurate positioning of
new panels can be made prior to welding.
The system can also be used as a building jig for
classic cars or tubular framed sports cars, or as
control equipment for estimation or diagnosis of
damaged or previously repaired vehicles.
In the case of anchor points varying from their
engineering specifications owing to manufacturer’s
tolerances, this system can still carry out the repair
because of the total adjustability in all dimensions
and the capability to handle tolerances, even allowing
for positioning and movement during repair.
Universal Bench car body repair
Universal Bench offer a wide range of mobile
benches, a four-post jig lift, and a scissor bench. The
repair system offers specific anchorage that can guarantee
a precise and reliable repair. The UB Modular
system gives positive repair with jig brackets. This
offers quick and easy mounting on to cross-beams
and allows the possibility of checking and anchoring
up to 22 points on the underbody of a vehicle
(4 anchorage and 18 mini brackets). The pulling
equipment can be attached to the bed, giving a
pulling facility all round the vehicle. There is a standard
four-post bench incorporating lifting facilities,
and a four-post lift with a disengageable jig frame.
This unit is ideal for busy workshops with fast
throughput of work, giving easy mounting and positioning
of the vehicle and the possibility of rotating
the vehicle on the frame. Disengageable frames
allow other frames to be used with the same lift.
Universal Bench have developed a universal repair
system that can be mounted to any jig frame by
using an adaptor. This is a positive system which
allows the repairer to check and hold the most
important underbody points on a vehicle. It can also
be used for repairs which require the replacement of
body panels because of the totally accurate positioning
of the panels to be replaced. Data sheets for the
system use manufacturers’ specifications and measurements.
UB Electronics is a measuring system
with digital readout. This allows quick and accurate
reading of longitudinal, transverse and vertical measurements.
The measuring system can be used with
all Universal Bench units.
Bracketless universal systems: general
Bracketless universal systems offer certain advantages
over the traditional fixed bracket systems.
Figure 14.28 Globaljig overhead measuring bridge
(Globaljig, Tri-Sphere Ltd)
Two types of data sheet are supplied. One is for
quick diagnostic checks with mechanical parts in
position, and the other is for more detailed repairs
with mechanical parts removed.
424 Repair of Vehicle Bodies
The universal jig does not require the attachment
of special mounting brackets, and therefore may
be used in the repair of any vehicle model. Each
system is a self-contained unit, with its own measuring
system for checking body distortion and its
own pulling and pushing equipment for the repair
of any damage, whether minor or major.
Dataliner repair system
Dataliner: general description
The Swedish company Nicator has developed a
universal alignment jig combined with a special
measuring method. The system is called Dataliner
(see Figure 14.29). The straightening bench, around
which the system is designed, eliminates modelspecific
brackets altogether. It allows the repair of
collision damage without the extensive dismantling
and reassembling of components. Its most outstanding
feature is the precise measurement obtainable
(_1 mm) with the use of a laser beam in conjunction
with comprehensive data charts suited to different
makes and models of vehicles.
transport beams, by using quick-release and snap-on
bolts. Once the transport beams have been fitted in
place and tightened, their wheels allow the vehicle to
be moved to any convenient area in the workshop.
The mainframe of the bench has two wheels
which are centrally located. This allows the frame to
be pushed under the vehicle. Using the jack support
on the mainframe, the frame is lifted and anchored
to the transport beams, after which four floor stands
are placed under the frame. The floor stands are
individually adjustable to raise the vehicle to the
most suitable working height for the repair.
Measuring system
The measuring system of the Dataliner is based on
the principle that a laser beam can act as an optical
square, creating a perfect right angle. By means of
transparent scales the plane of measurement is
transferred under the vehicle (Figure 14.30). This
provides a clear view of all measuring points and
allows measurements to be taken and alignment
work to be carried out simultaneously. The main
components of the measuring system are: a set of
measuring rails; a laser unit, which emits a lowpower
safe laser beam; a beam splitter; and laser
guides and transparent scales.
Figure 14.29 Complete Dataliner repair system
showing laser equipment and pulling equipment
(Dataliner, Geotronics Ltd)
Figure 14.30 Laser beam passing through the
transparent scales underneath a vehicle (Dataliner,
The bench is made from strong hollow beams, Geotronics Ltd)
known as the mainframe, to which transport beams
are attached in a transverse manner. These transport
beams with chassis clamps are first positioned under
the vehicle, which is raised from the floor by the
use of a high-lift trolley jack. Then the four chassis
clamps are positioned and tightened, to the bottom
edge of the sill on the vehicle and the top edge of the
When the measuring equipment has been connected
to the bench, the long rail is positioned on the
least damaged side of the vehicle and the short rail
on the front or rear of the vehicle. The transparent
scales are hung under the vehicle in accordance with
information on the data charts (see Figure 14.31).
Major accident damage 425
The transparent scales transfer the measuring point
on the vehicle to a level which can be illuminated
with the laser beam. The scales are mounted on special
yokes designed for bolt heads and fixture holes.
The centre of the scale has a target area through
which the laser beam passes when the measuring
point is at the correct position. As soon as the scales
are in place, calibration can be carried out. This is
done by using the laser guide to deflect the light on
scales on two undamaged measuring points under
the vehicle, vertically adjusting the measuring rail
and angling the laser beam using a wheel on the top
of the laser guide (see Figure 14.32). The laser guide
is equipped with a self-levelling system, which automatically
repeats the height angle of the deflected
beam when the unit is moved to other locations on
the rail. Calibration is complete when the laser beam
passes through the target areas on the scales on three
undamaged measuring points. The beam splitter is
designed to make it possible for measuring height,
width and length at the same time (Figure 14.32). It
is sited in front of the laser unit and splits the beam
to travel simultaneously along the two rails. It can
also be used for the alignment of upper body measurements
by deflecting the beam at the appropriate
angle. Using the other laser guide on the short rail,
the centre line of the vehicle and the width of the
underbody can be checked from the front or back of
the vehicle (Figure 14.33).
Figure 14.31 Transparent scales hung in position for
alignment (Dataliner, Geotronics Ltd)
Figure 14.32 Beam splitter and laser guide
(Dataliner, Geotronics Ltd)
Figure 14.33 Checking the centre line of a vehicle
(Dataliner, Geotronics Ltd)
Straightening equipment
The straightening equipment is designed on the
vector principle using hydraulic rams and chains.
Pulling and pushing can be carried out at all possible
angles, both lengthwise and crosswise, and at
any height. The basic Dataliner kit includes two
complete 10 tonne pulling units. A counter-support
(blocking arm) prevents the vehicle from moving in
the direction of pull, and holds the vehicle so that
the pulling forces affect only the damaged zone of
the vehicle (Figure 14.34). This blocking arm can be
used anywhere on the bench, and with extension
tubes it can reach both high and low points of a
repair. Downward pulls can be carried out using a
chain wheel which can be mounted on the bench
frame. As this wheel is pivoted it automatically
adjusts itself to the angle of pull (Figure 14.35). On
426 Repair of Vehicle Bodies
severe major damage several independent hydraulic
units can be used simultaneously at any angle round
the bench frame (see Figure 14.36).
A major feature of the Dataliner is that measurement
and pulling can be carried out at the same
time. This guarantees complete control over the
straightening operations from the first pull to the
final adjustment of the damaged area. Measuring
and alignment also takes place at the same time,
which means that a continuous check on the measuring
during the whole repair is possible. The position
of the laser spot on the transparent scale shows
when the correct alignment point has been reached.
Accessories are available to measure the
MacPherson suspension strut tower without any
dismantling (Figure 14.29). A flex lock arm will
fix and hold panels in position during assembly
and welding.
Dataliner drive-on rack system
This system has been designed to repair cars
and small commercial vehicles. It is a complete
workstation that can also be employed for body
preparation, mechanical work and as a platform
for wheel alignment. The system features versatility
as a multifunctional piece of equipment.
The construction of the rails permits limitless tiedown
points. Chassis clamps for unibody vehicles
can accommodate vehicles of all widths. The
working height of the track is adjustable, and the
work platform makes it easy to reach all points of
vehicles being repaired. This equipment is used
in conjunction with Dataliner’s laser measuring
system, and has multipulling facilities (see
Figure 14.37).
Dataliner laser check
Dataliner laser check has introduced a system for
checking car chassis. This system is faster, more
reliable and more accurate than conventional
measuring methods. The laser check is based on
Dataliner’s laser measuring system in combination
with a computer program for fast entry and
Figure 14.34 A counter-support (blocking arm) in
use (Dataliner, Geotronics Ltd)
Figure 14.35 A downward pull using a chain wheel
(Dataliner, Geotronics Ltd)
Figure 14.36 Simultaneous multipulling (Dataliner,
Geotronics Ltd)
Major accident damage 427
checking of measurements. The equipment consists
1 Laser guide with electronic calibration and digital
measurement display
2 Hand unit with a memory capacity for four different
car models
3 Personal computer (PC) for connecting to hand
unit for registration of data and specifications
4 Printer for printout of measurements
5 Modern with access to central register and
specification for all car models.
With this system, calibration of laser measurements
has been simplified considerably. Measurements are
made electronically and are accurately displayed
digitally on the laser guide. It is not possible to
obtain incorrect readings. With the hand unit connected,
measurements appear immediately on the
unit display. The hand unit has a storage capacity
for data and specifications for up to four different
car models (Figure 14.38). The test car measurements
can be quickly compared with specifications,
with deviations displayed in millimetres. When
measurements and deviations need to be documented,
the hand unit can be connected to a printer
for printout.
All marketed car models will be found digitally
registered in the company’s main computer.
Measurements are available either on disc or via
modem from the main computer. All data and
specifications can be stored in the PC and are
easily transferred to and from the hand unit via
an adaptor. The program is simple to understand
and requires no special knowledge of computers.
Figure 14.37 Dataliner drive-on rack system (Dataliner, Geotronics Ltd)
Figure 14.38 Hand-held unit with memory
(Dataliner, Geotronics Ltd)
428 Repair of Vehicle Bodies