






A fair face may hide a foul soul

Itisacommontruth;practicallyeveryonehasmetatleastsomeonewhosecharacterandappearance differ radically.

Whenoneseesatall,broad-shoulderedyouth,oneexpectshimtobe strong - willed andbrave.Onethinks: A model to follow!Howoftena good-looking individual turnsouttobe petty, weak - willed oreven cowardly. Thenonethinks: A mediocrity!

Atthesametimeeveryoneknowsthatalotofgreatpeoplewere of a poor build: short and fragile. Itdidnotstopthemfrom displaying intelligence and courage. Ingenuity doesnotdependonones complexion or constitution.

Plump or fat peoplecreateanimpressionof generous and kind personalities. Strangelyenough,notrarelytheymaybe thrifty oreven greedy. Oneusuallythinks:A scrooge!

Ontheotherhand, thin or slim nervous ladiestendtobe lavish. Theyliketobuyandneverthinktwicewhentheypay.Onethinks:Iwouldcallher open - handed andMotherwouldcallhera spendthrift. Yes,mothersarealways stricter in judgements.

Hasiteverhappenedtoyouthatyoucometoanimportantofficeandseeanimportantboss?Youimmediately evaluate his looks: Round-faced, small narrow eyes, dimples on the cheeks and an up-turned nose. Whata kind-hearted person!A simpleton!Youtellthebossofyourtroublesandexpectimmediatehelp.Butthebossappearstobe rude, harsh and wilful. Younevergetyourhelpandthink:A stone heart andan iron fist.

Whensomeoneseesa delicately built pretty blonde withcurlyhair,blueeyes,astraightnoseandahighforehead,oneisinclinedtothinkthat the beauty is intelligent and nice. Itmaybedisappointingtothinklater.Whata stupid, capricious, impolite bore!

Onthecontrary,whenoneseesa skinny brunette with ugly irregular features - a hooked nose, pointed chin, close-set eyes and thin lips,strangethoughtscometooneshead;becauseitis the image of evil people - cruel and cunning. Itmaybeareliefsometimelatertofindhera clever, gentle and good-mannered ladyandthink:What charm! A heart of gold!

Anothergeneralmisconceptionliesinthefactthatchildrenarealwaysexpectedto resemble their parents. Andparentslikeitwhenchildren take after them. Relativesliketocompare moles, the shape of noses,etc.Thegreatestcomplimentis: They are as like as two peas. Thegreatestdisappointmentisto find nothing in common. Wewanttodenypeopletheir exclusiveness,wedontwanttoadmitthatnaturehasselectedotheroptionsfromanenormous genetic fund developedovergenerations.Whydowelikeour copies?Whoknows!

Naturelikestoplaytricksonus. (Y.M. Merkulova. English for University Students. , 2002)

Ex. 12. Answer the questions on the text:

1. When do you think a person is a model to follow?

2. How do we call the constitution of fragile people?

3. What do intelligence and ingenuity depend on?

4. What are fat people like? Supposed to be?

5. Who can we call a scrooge?

6. What does a kind-hearted person look like?

7. What does a beauty look like?

8. Do intelligence and beauty correlate?

9. What are evil people like?

10. What is an ugly persons appearance?

11. Who can be called a heart of gold?

12. What is a general misconception about parents and children?

13. What is the greatest compliment / disappointment for parents?


Ex.13. Find the words in the text and translate them:

, , , , , , , , , , , , , / , /, / , , , , / , /


Ex.14. Write down antonyms to the following words and phrases:

Cowardly -


Poor build -

Simpleton -

Spendthrift -

Thrifty -

Rude -

Strict -

Good-mannered -

Well-bred -



Ex.15. Write down synonyms to the following words and phrases:


Capricious -

Greedy -

Big-headed -

Hard-hearted -

Ex.16. Read the text. What other traits of character can correlate with the animals people resemble?


Since ancient times people have practised the art of physiognomy, reading character from physical features. Ancient Greeks compared the human face with various animals and birds, such as the eagle and the horse. They believed people to share certain character traits with the animals they resembled. A person with a horse-like face was thought to be loyal, brave and stern. A person with an eagle-like nose was believed to be bold and courageous. Physiognomists study such features as the shape of the head, nose, mouth, eyes and chin, the length and thickness of hair. They believe that round-faced people are self-confident. Prominent cheekbones show the strength of character, while a pointed nose reveals curiosity. Heavy arched eyebrows belong to a decisive individual while thin, arched eyebrows signal a restless and active personality. Almond-shaped eyes belong to dreamers. Down-turned lips reveal a proud character, while a long, pointed chin indicates someone, who likes to give orders.


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