Familiarization tour is another part of incentive tourism. It means that a tourist or a business company sends its staff on education tour to other business companies in different destinations. The main purpose of an educational tour is to get familiar with the kind of service provided by different tour operators.
During these tours the company managers get acquainted with local facilities, hotels, restaurants and local attractions. They study the practice of the tour operators or local agencies. The main purpose of travel staff on a familiarization or FAM tour is to get necessary knowledge from personal experience. After the familiarization tour the travel agency clerks know better what to offer and what to explain to the customers about the destination.
If a tour operator wants to promote a new destination he should organize a familiarization tour for the staff of different travel agencies that will sell this destination to customers. So a FAM tour is an incentive to the travel agency staff and a benefit to the tour operator who organizes this tour.
FAM tours are very popular and they will become even more popular in future.
Assignment 6.2 Answer the following questions:
1. What is a familiarization tour?
2. What does a tourist company do?
3. What is the main purpose of an educational tour?
4. What do the company managers do during these tours?
5. Do the company managers study the practice of their tour operators?
6. What is the main purpose of the travel staff?
7. What do the travel clerks know better after FAM tours?
8. What is a FAM tour to the travel agency staff and to the tour operator?
9. Are FAM tours popular now?
10. Will they be popular in future?
Assignment 6.3 Insert the appropriate words from the list:
popular, educational, to promote, personal, familiarization, acquainted, to explain, a benefit
1. … tour is another part of incentive tourism.
2. It means that a tourist or a business company sends its staff on … tours.
3. During these tours the company managers get … with local facilities, hotels, restaurants and local attractions.
4. The main purpose of travel staff on a familiarization or FAM tour is to get necessary knowledge from … experience.
5. After the familiarization tour the travel agency clerks know better what to offer and what … to the customers about the destination.
6. If a tour operator wants … a new destination he should organize a familiarization tour.
7. So a FAM tour is an incentive to the travel agency staff and … to the tour operator who organizes this tour.
8. FAM tours are very popular and they will become even more … in future.
Assignment 6.4 Complete the sentences:
1. Familiarization tour is another part of …
2. The main purpose of an educational tour is to get familiar with …
3. During these tours the company managers get acquainted …
4. They study the practice of …
5. The main purpose of travel staff on a FAM tour is …
6. After the FAM tour the travel agency clerks know better what to …
7. To promote a new destination a tour operator organizes a familiarization tour for the staff that will sell ….
Assignment 6.5 Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
1. Ознакомительный тур – это часть поощрительного туризма. Это означает, что туркомпания посылает своих служащих в образовательный тур в другие компании в различных турцентрах.
2. Основной целью ознакомительного туризма является знакомство со всеми видами услуг, предоставляемых различными туроператорами.
3. Во время этих туров менеджеры компании знакомятся с местными условиями, отелями, ресторанами и местными достопримечательностями. Они изучают практику туроператоров и местных турагентств. Основная задача служащих в ознакомительном туре – получить необходимые знания о турцентре, исходя из собственного опыта.
4. Ознакомительный тур – это поощрение для сотрудников туркомпании и выгодное мероприятие для туроператора, организующего тур.