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Completing the differentiated -diagnostic map



Stow on the title page:

SMU of t.Semey,

chair, chair’s man.,

discipline, the theme of SMU,

S.N.F.n of the student, specialty, group,

S.N.F.n of the checking teacher.



СRITERION OF DOING tasks- conditions, influencing the estimation mark:

1 Creative thinking, critical minding, analysis and writing outlining of the clear formulated and clearly expressed student’s own minds must be reflected in the essay;

2.The structure of the essay must include: introduction, the main part, conclusion;

3.The volume of the essay - 5-7 papers;

4.Аgrumentation of conclusions and supports;

5.Analysis must be done thoroughly;

6.The individuality of the essey, it’s difference from the other students’ works (avoid «the blind copying»)

7. The literature sources’ list must to be at the end

8. Format А4, script - Times New Roman, point- 14, interval – one and a half. Margins: on left - 30 мм, on the right - 10 мм, above, below - 20 мм.

9. Pass in time. By passing not in time the mark of the SWS is bellowed to1 mark;


Presentation in the format Power Point

СRITERION OF the estimation of doing the task, influencing the estimation mark:

  1. The number of slides must be not less than, but not more than 20.
  2. The presentation must consist of 3 components: 1) headpiece – it is the dynamic and effective entering. The task of this presentation – to attract the attention, to form the positive mood and emotional receptiveness to the presented information. 2) informative part of the presentation must be supported by schemes, pictures, the brief text part, explaining the main questions of the task; 3) in conclusion must be given the argumentation conclusions and supports.
  3. The aim and tasks of the presentation must be clearly presented.
  4. The passed necessary analyses of the literature on the given problem.
  5. The presentation must not be overloaded by illustrations or texts; illustrations must be used basely.
  6. The integration of audio, video-files in the united presentation.
  7. Using the contrast combination – bright text on the dark background or the dark text on the bright background.

8. The literature sources’ list must to be at the end.

9. Passing in time. By passing not in time the mark of the SWS is bellowed to1 mark;


Situational task

Demands to doing the situational task for clinical disciplines -

Grammatically correctly doing of the situational task

  1. by the scheme of the given case report of the patient (complaints, аnamnesis, objective testing of organs and systems, and so on)
  2. Using the correct medical terminology.

3. Clearly formulated by the student the diagnosis at the end of the situational task

4. The plan of treating, offered by the student with the base of it the prescription of that or another preparation.

5. The literature sources’ list must to be at the end.

6. Format А4, script - Times New Roman, point- 14, interval – one and a half. Margins:

on left - 30 мм, on the right - 10 мм, above, below - 20 мм.

7. Passing in time. By passing not in time the mark of the SWS is bellowed to1 mark.

Situational task

Demands to doing the situational task for general educational and based disciplines:

  1. The number of chosen tasks on the theme – not less than 5 tasks.
  2. The concrete outline of the stages of solving the tasks
  3. Being of the corresponding conclusions, made on the base of taken results.

4. The literature sources’ list must to be at the end.

5. Format А4, script - Times New Roman, point- 14, interval – one and a half. Margins:

on left - 30 мм, on the right - 10 мм, above, below - 20 мм.

6. Passing in time. By passing not in time the mark of the SWS is bellowed to1 mark;



СRITERION OF the estimation of doing the task, influencing the estimation mark:

  1. The volume - 15-20 testing tasks.
  2. The necessity of learning the materiel of the theme.
  3. Тhe thoroughness of completing of testing tasks of plural choose (MCQ), testing tasks with several right answers (MAQ), widened testing tasks with several right answers (EMAQ).
  4. Clarity of formulation of the tasks.
  5. Аrgumentation and clarity of the right answer, excluding the not right interpreting (not more than 2-3 test tasks), but in the level of understanding (9-11 testing tasks) and of using (2-3 testing tasks).

6. Format А4, script - Times New Roman, point- 14, interval – one and a half. Margins:

on left - 30 мм, on the right - 10 мм, above, below - 20 мм.

7. Passing in time. By passing not in time the mark of the SWS is bellowed to1 mark;


Completing the differentiated -diagnostic map

СRITERION OF DOING the task- conditions, influencing the estimation mark:

  1. The volume – not less than 10 differentiated -diagnosticsСRITERION.
  2. The defence – setting out before the auditory.
  3. Format А4 or А3

4. Passing in time. By passing not in time the mark of the SWS is bellowed to1 mark;



СRITERION OF DOING tasks- conditions, influencing the estimation mark:

  1. Clarity and simpleness of outlining.
  2. The volume – about 10-15 lines

3. In the annotation must be the next:

*the type and the name of the annotated document (monography, dissertation, collection, an article and so on);

    • the tasks, put by the author of the document;
    • the method, which used the author (experiment, comparing analyses, compilation of the other sources and so on);
    • the structure of the annotated materiel;
    • the subject and the theme of the work, the main positions and the conclusions of the author;
    • the characteristics of the auxiliary illustrative materiel, adding, applicatios, informational apparatus, including the indicators and bibliography.

4. Format А4, script - Times New Roman, point- 14, interval – one and a half. Margins:

on left - 30 мм, on the right - 10 мм, above, below - 20 мм.

5. Passing in time. By passing not in time the mark of the SWS is bellowed to1 mark;


СRITERION OF DOING tasks- conditions, influencing the estimation mark:

The volume of the Glossarij - 20-25 terms

  1. To explain the meaning of every term clearly
  2. To show the meaningfulness of the given words on the chosen theme by You
  3. By writing the terms to follow strictly the alphabetical order.
  4. It is necessary to write all the terms.

6. Format А4, script - Times New Roman, point- 14, interval – one and a half. Margins:

on left - 30 мм, on the right - 10 мм, above, below - 20 мм.

7. Passing in time. By passing not in time the mark of the SWS is bellowed to1 mark;


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