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Слова и словосочетания, которые связывает отдельные части высказывания

Наряду с союзами существует ряд слов и словосочетаний, которые служат для связи отдельных частей высказывания, то есть выполняют ту же функцию, что и союзы. Знание этих слов помогает проследить логическую последовательность изложе­ния, ход мыслей автора.

В зависимости от значения эти средства связи можно разде­лить на несколько групп.

1. Средства связи, указывающие на порядковую последова­тельность мыслей и действий:

first, at first, first of all, in the beginning, to begin with — во-первых, сначала, прежде всего;

second, secondly — во-вторых;

next, further, then — далее, затем;

finally, lastly, at last, in the end — (и) наконец.

2. Средства связи, выражающие присоединение к высказы­ванию, то есть присоединяющие к предшествующему предло­жению новое предложение, которое содержит дополнительные замечания или мысль:

in addition — кроме того, в дополнение к сказанному;

moreover, furthermore —более того, далее, к тому же;

likewise, similarly, besides, now — точно также, кроме это­го, итак.

3. Средства связи, выражающие противопоставление:

however, still, yet, nevertheless — однако, все же, тем не ме­нее;

on the contrary, conversely, alternately — наоборот, напро­тив, в противоположность этому;

otherwise, rather — иначе, в противном случае;

on the one hand, on the other hand — с одной стороны, с другой стороны.


Перевод многофункциональных служебных слов: still, rather, than

Still употребляют как:

а) союз (все-таки, однако):.

In spite of all efforts of improvement still the efficiency of heat engines remains low.

Несмотря на все усилия по улучшению, эффективность тепловых моторов все-таки остается низкой.

б) наречие (все еще, до сих пор, тем не менее):

In many instances it is still necessary to consider the rate at which work is done.

Во многих случаях все еще необходимо учитывать ско­рость выполнения работы. |

Rather than (а не, вместо того чтобы):

The prediction was based on molecular asymmetry rather than atomic asymmetry.

Предсказание было основано на молекулярной, а не на атомной асимметрии.


Electronics is believed to be a rather young and a very promising science. It has become a powerful means of progress. Electronics has widened our vision and given us the chance to see the micro world more clearly.

Electron-optical image converters using solid-state components penetrate deep into opaque materials, convert invisible radiations to visible, and pick up light of negligible intensity. Radiotelescopes are known to collect and to focus the radio waves emitted by celestial bodies, revealing new facts about the universe. Of course, radio waves are not the only carries of information in space.

Modem science knows many more media, which can be employed for this purpose. These are the infrared and ultraviolet radiations, X- and gamma rays, elementary particles and fields, etc. What role will electronics play in space travel? Above all, it will give a deeper insight into the properties of outer space.

Radio is thought to help man to know more about the Sun's atmosphere of many planets, the location the speed of huge hydrogen clouds in space, and the processes accompanying the collisions of galaxies. Electronics is expected to enable the astronauts to locate their position in space.

Spaceships will be guided automatically just as planes are controlled by robots today. Electronics is sure to give the space pilots easy control for soft landing on other planets. Collision-warning radars will operate automatic control if there is. a danger of meteor hitting the spaceship. Before all this can be accomplished, however, many complicated problems will have to be solved. One problem is that of extending the range of radio communication in outer. With proper refinements, radio communication is, likely to be set up over distances of 100 million kilometers or even more.

To ensure higher effectiveness and reliability of communication many thousands of scientific experiments were devoted, to the investigations of these factors. Аll scientific achievements in the field of transmitting information over long distances being applied in the system of space communication, real possibilities are opened up for transmitting tremendous amount of information over distances of several hundred million kilometers.

It is expected that greater prospects for constructing even more effective systems for transmitting information in space will be opened with the application of methods and means of quantum electronics and especially of quantum generators.



Vocabulary notes

converter - преобразователь

opaque - непроницаемый, непрозрачный'

to pick up - подхватывать

celestial bodies- небе сные тела

collisions of galaxies -столкновение галактик.

refinement - (у)совершенствование

to transmit - передавать

participle - частица

outer space- космическое пространство

to be set up- устанавливаться



IV. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the meanings again.

1. If at a given instant the velocity remains constant with respect to distance along a streamline, the flow is said to be uniform. Again, it must be remembered that, if there is a change either in magnitude or direction along the streamline, then the flow is non-uniform. 2. Solid sugar, when added to water, dissolves and forms a homogenous solution. Liquid alcohol and water also mix in all proportions to form solutions. It is generally possible by suitable means, to separate again the constituents of solutions, one method being by distillation. 3. There are several method of investigating the structure of the upper atmosphere from the, ground. Again, spectroscope studies of the radiation from Aurora have enabled determinations to be made of the temperature in the region near the 70-mile level 4. The fact that electrical energy can be converted into mechanical energy can be readily observed in the electric motor. Again, electric energy can be converted into heat energy by means commonly used electrical heaters, for example.


V. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the meanings otherwise.

1. From early times man has been continually creating and improving devices to assist him in completing tasks that would otherwise be difficult or impossible. 2. Space vehicles can carry the scientist's instruments as well as the scientist himself to region otherwise not accessible to collect information otherwise unattai­nable. 3. A force is a push or pull, which tends, to start, stop or otherwise change the motion of a body on which in acts. 4. External forces, whether lifting or otherwise, that act upon a body are termed "loads". 5. All the engine parts must be checked before flight; otherwise, some engine failure may occur. 6. The pilot has to watch the controls all the time; otherwise, the plane will be unstable.


VI. Translate the text into Russian in written form.


Have your ever heard of a paper bridge? Everyone connects paper with thin paper. In fact's a very strong elastic material. To prove it paper makers built a paper bridge across a remote Nevada river and they drove a 12,000 lbs (фунтов) truck (грузовик) across.

The bridge covered a span (пролет) of 32 feet and was made only of paper and glue (клей). It weighed 9,000 lbs. Engineers calculated that the bridge could take six times the load of 12,000 lbs. The truck could safely drive two and half times further. The ten-foot- wide, four-foot-deep structure was light enough to be laid into place by a helicopter.


VII. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the meanings yet.

1 The nucleus of an atom contains most of the atom's mass yet it occupies little of the atomic volume. 2. Mendeleyev was able gaps in his table for elements yet to be discovered. 3. When the new hydroelectric plant will be completed is not yet known. 4. As yet no practical means of controlling this procedure has been found.


VIII. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the meanings still, rather than.

1. A rocket starts its trip rather slowly, but after its propellant (ракетное топливо) supply is consumed its acceleration increases. 2. In mechanical systems energy will be stated in joules (джоуль) rather than in ergs (эрг). 3. Rocket may differ from each other. Still the principles of rocketry are the same. 4. The simpler phenomena of magnetism are known for every student, but a complete understanding of the mechanism of magnetic action is still the subject of advanced research.


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