1. Write down the following words and phrases and learn them.
judicial [dʒu(:)′dı∫əl] судебный, законный; судейский
authority [⊃:′Ө⊃rıtı] власть; полномочие
determinedisputes [dı′tə:mındıs′pju:ts] разрешать споры, разногласия
case [′keıs] случай; обстоятельство;судебное дело; случай в судебной практике, прецедент
civil [′sıvl] гражданский
criminal [′krımınl] преступный; криминальный, уголовный
military [′mılıtərı] военный, воинский
try [′trαı] расследовать (дело), судить
proceeding [prə′sı:dıŋ] рассмотрение дела в суде; судебное разбирательство; судопроизводство
judgement [′dʒ∧dʒmənt] приговор, решение суда; заключение суда в отношении правильности процедуры
pass judgement (on smb)
bring under review [′brıŋ ′∧ndə rı′vju:] пересматривать, рассматривать
tribunal [trαı ′bju:nl] суд; трибунал
justification [¸dʒ∧stıfı′keı∫ən] оправдание; оправдывающие обстоятельства
appellate [ə′pelıt] апелляционный
assessorinferiorcourt [ə′sesə ın′fıərıə ′k⊃:t] низший суд
coroners’ court [′k⊃rənəz ′k⊃:t] суд коронера (специальный
судья, в обязанность которого входит выяснение причины смерти, наступившей при
необычных или подозрительных обстоятельствах)
courtofappeal [′k⊃:t əv ə′pi:l] апелляционный суд
hearing [′hıərıŋ] слушание (дела)
juvenilecourt [′dʒu:vınaıl ′ k⊃:t] суд по делам несовершеннолетних
litigation [lıtı′geı∫n] гражданский судебный спор, процесс
people’sassessor [′pi:plz ə′sesə] народный заседатель
sueorbesued [sju:] выступать в суде в качестве истца или ответчика; преследовать судебным порядком; возбуждать дело
superior court [sju:′pıərıə ′k⊃:t] высший суд
2. Complete the missing forms and translate them.
Noun Adjective Verb
Dispute ---- ----
---- ---- try
---- legal----
---- ---- investigate
----litigious ----
justification --------
---- ---- criminate
---- ---- decide
offender---- ----
election ---- ----
3. Match the pairs of synonyms and make up your own sentences.
1) take place a) try
2) determine b) happen
3) investigate c) legal trial
4) judgement d) unusual
5) fair e) reconsider
6) similar f) inferior
7) sue g) have to do with
8) review h) verdict
9) lower i) just
10) deal with j) identical
11) unnaturalk) resolve
12) hearingl) litigate
4. Complete the sentences below by using prepositions. Translatethem into Russian.
1. Both parties can appeal … a higher court … reconsideration of the decision.
2. She was arrested and put … trial … murdering her husband.
3. English courts are divided … certain features.
4. One common feature … almost all tribunals is that they are subject … judicial review … the High Court.
5. Some years ago the police made the final decision to prosecute in the cases they were dealing ….
6. A case requiring a heavier punishment must be referred … the Crown Court … sentencing.
7. The jurisdiction of the courts is limited … the type of case and, with the lower courts … the geography and the amount of the claim.
8. There are two main reasons … having a variety … courts. One is that a particular court can specialize … particular kinds … legal actions – for example, family courts and juvenile courts. The other is so that a person who feels his case was not fairly treated … a lower court can appeal … a higher court.
9. The right … appeal usually depends … the appellant being able to show certain reasons … his dissatisfaction.
10.The decisions of a higher court are binding … lower courts.
5. Look through the list of phrases in A and find their Russian equivalents in B. Try to memorize them.
A. court of Appeal; court of cassation; court of honour; court of last resort; court procedure; court ruling; burlaw court; commit to court; constitutional court; general court; hold for court; leave of court; open court; go into court; civil court.
В. отдавать под суд; суд последней инстанции; кассационный суд; законодательное собрание; апелляционный суд; открытое/открывать судебное заседание; суд чести; соседский, "товарищеский" суд; судоп- роизводство; конституционный суд; разрешение суда; гражданский суд; подавать жалобу; предавать суду; постановление суда.
6. Read and translate the text.
Court System
Court is a person or body of persons having judicial authority to hear and determine disputes in particular cases: civil, criminal or military. Court is also a large room in a building where trials and other legal cases happen. English courts are divided by certain features. The first distinction is between courts trying criminal cases and courts trying civil cases. The second
distinction is made between the inferior courts, or courts of first instance, in which the first hearing of any judicial proceeding takes place, and the superior courts, or courts of appeal, in which the judgement of the first courts are brought under review. The court of appeal is the main appeal court, whose decision may be reviewed by the House of Lords in important points of law. The legal system also includes juvenile courts (which deal with offenders under seventeen) and coroners' courts (which investigate violent, sudden or unnatural deaths). There are administrative tribunals, which make quick, cheap and fair decisions with much less formality. Tribunals deal with professional standards, disputes between individuals, and disputes between individuals and government departments (e.g. over taxation).
The American court system is complex. It functions as part of the federal system of government. Each state runs its own court system, and no two are identical. The federal courts coexist with the state courts. Individuals fall under the jurisdiction of two different court systems, their state courts and federal courts. They can sue or be sued in either system,
depending mostly on what their case is about. The vast majority of cases are resolved in the state courts. The federal courts are organised in three tiers, like a pyramid. At the
bottom of the pyramid there are the U.S. district courts, where litigation begins. In the middle there are the U.S. courts of appeals. At the top there is the U.S.
Supreme Court. To appeal means to take a case to a higher court. The courts of appeals and the Supreme Court are appellate courts, with few exceptions; they review cases that have been decided in lower courts. Most federal courts hear and decide a wide array of cases; the judges in these courts are known as generalists.
Раrt I «State and Law».
Lesson 2.