






(: )

-, (, ) :


Byte 0255 1
Word 0... 65535 2
ShortInt -128127 1
Integer -32768...32767 2
Longint -2147483648... 2147483647 4
Single 7-8 -1.510-45 ...3.410-48 4
Real 11-12 -2.910-39 ...2.910-38 6
Double 15-16 -5.010-324 ... 1.710-308 8
Extended 19-20 -1.910-4951 ... 1.910-4932 10



Read (< >);

Readln (< >);

< > . Enter. , . , ( ) , - .

- Readln(k,t,e);

Readln; Enter .



Write (< , >);

Writeln (< , >);

, Write(2+, ); Writeln (A=, ); Write(, ); . , , - .

Real .

- , .. , , , .

: Write(:5:2,:6:3); - 5 , , . + . 2,5678, : _2.56



div a b C:=a div b;
mod a b D:=a mod b;


, Y:= 25 div 3; ( Y 8), Y:= - 25 div 4; ( Y -6), Y:= 13 mod 3; ( Y 1), Y:= 13 mod 4; ( 1).

, :

trunc(x) x ( )  
int(x) x
round(x) x


: Y:=trunc(13.999); ( Y 13), Y:=frac(13.111); ( Y 0.111), Y:=round(3.145); ( Y 3), Y:=round(-12.5); ( Y -13), Y:=int(2.7) ( Y 2), Y:=int(-32.3) ( Y -32).

CHAR , (, , ). CHAR .

( Boolean) , - true (1) - false (0). . :

And ( , )  
Or ( , )  
Xor ( 1, )  
, 1 , 1 , true, false
CHAR :Var c: char; BOOLEAN , Varc,: boolean;
( ASCII). . : =,<>,<,<=,>,>= ( ) Not, And, Or, or( ) , .
, : - X>2 - (X>2) and (X<=10) , .
:=a; Writeln(C=,c); X:=4; A:=(X>2) and (x<=10); If A=True then y:=1 else y:=1/x;

, :

Ord(x) . , Ord(A) - 65
Chr(x) . , Chr(65) - A CHAR


, y=x2. Var x:real, y:real;
, . Var r1,r2,s:real;
Y=-2,7x3+0,23x2-1,4 Y:=-2.7*x*x*x+0.23*x*x-1.4
, Vara,b,c,d:integer; Begin Writeln( ); Readln(a,b); := a div b; d:= a mod b; Writeln( - , c); Writeln( - ,d); Readln; end.
:   Var Y,x:integer; Begin Write(x=); Readln(x); Y:=5*x*x+9*x+12; Writeln(Y=,Y); End.
l, R (l=2πR)   Const π=3.14; Var R:integer; L:Real; Begin Write(R =); Readln(R); L:= 2*π*R; Writeln(L =, L); End.

, .

( )

, .

. . , ().

. , (;), begin end. .








Begin (), end () . Begin end ; . , .. .

. . . . . : if case.

If. If () .



- IF.

: if <> then < 1> [ else < 2> ];

, .

1, 2 , , .. , begin end.

, .



¨ (), 1

¨ (), 2

¨ else < 2> , , , if .

, a b . if a > b then writeln ( a - , a) else writeln ( b - , b);

! else . . else , if. , then else .

: if <> then < 1>;

: f(x) x. if x<0 then y=x; if x=0 then y=0; if x>0 then y=sqr(x);


, () ( 1 2). , .. . ( ).

Case . . , . , , .






ase < > of

< 1>:<1>;

< 2>:<2>;


< N>:< N>;

lse < n+1>]



: 2016-10-30; !; : 480 |



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==> ...

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