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Higher education in the Russian Federation

Федеральное агентство по образованию

Российской Федерации



Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования




Кафедра английского языка естественных факультетов




по развитию навыков чтения и устной речи

на английском языке по теме «Высшее образование»

для студентов 1-2 курсов

естественных факультетов университетов



Составители: проф. Сафроненко О.И., ст. преп. Беляева Н.А.,

ст. преп. Кузнецова Л.В., ст. преп. Мыльникова С.Б.


Рецензент: ст. преп. Резникова С.Ю.


Печатается в соответствии с решением кафедры английского языка естественных факультетов ГОУ ВПО «РГУ», протокол № 2 от 21 октября 2005 г.


Методическая записка


Настоящие методические указания предназначаются для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курсов.

Основная цель указаний - расширение страноведческих знаний студентов по теме «Системы высшего образования в России, Великобритании и США» и совершенствование навыков изучающего и ознакомительного чтения с выходом в устную речь. Методические указания также способствуют накоплению тематического словарного запаса в пределах данной темы.

Данные методические указания состоят из трех основных разделов по следующим темам:

· Система высшего образования в России;

· Система высшего образования в США;

· Система высшего образования в Великобритании.

В каждый раздел входит текст, предназначенный для изучающего чтения, ряд заданий и тренировочных упражнений для работы в аудитории. Под рубрикой «Supplementary Reading» предлагаются дополнительные тексты по теме раздела для самостоятельного чтения. Под рубрикой «Discussion Points» приводятся творческие задания, которые побуждают студентов прокомментировать прочитанные тексты, высказать свое отношение и обменяться мнением по полученной информации.

Методические указания также содержат ссылку на сайт формата Webquest, посвященный величайшим ученым и их открытиям в различных областях человеческого знания. Данный сайт можно использовать как информационно-аналитический сборник, включающий аутентичные материалы широкого спектра, что обеспечивает каждому студенту возможность личностного выбора тематики и индивидуального графика подготовки к занятиямпо избранной теме.

При наличии хорошей компьютерной базы данный сайт можно использовать как ролевой проект для изучения вклада ученных в развитие науки и оценки их научных достижений, что способствует развитию аналитических, поисковых и исследовательских навыков студентов, а также навыков речевой деятельности на английском языке.



Before you start

1.1 Answer the following questions:

1. What are the general purposes of higher education?

2. Do you know if any changes have been made in the system of higher education in Russia?

3. What are the most prestigious universities in Russia?



2.1 Read and practise the pronunciation of the following words:


nomenclature [n«Ûmenkl«tS«]
intermediate [,Int«Ûmi:dI«t]
pursue [p«Ûsju:]
commence [k«Ûmens]
matriculation [m«,trIkju ÛleISn]
oriented [ ۍ:rI«ntId]



3.1 Read the text to know more about the higher education in Russia.


Higher education in the Russian Federation

There are four types of institutions of higher education in Russia at the present time:

1. Universities: responsible for education and research in a variety of disciplines;

2. Academies: responsible for education and research. They differ from universities only in that they restrict themselves to a single discipline;

3. Institutes: multi-discipline oriented. They can be independent structural units, or part of a university or academy;

4. Private institutions: present in increasing numbers. They offer degrees in non-engineering fields such as business, culture, sociology and religion, etc.

Currently, there is a new degree structure which follows a three-level pattern and uses U.S./British nomenclature. The Certificate of Secondary Complete General Education and the successful passing of university matriculation exams are required for admission to all levels.

Level I generally lasts 2 years of study, upon completion of which students are awarded a “certificate of incomplete higher education”. Students holding a Level I qualification may either continue their studies or, if they choose not to, leave the institution with the intermediate diploma.

Level II represents the completion of “basic academic education”. Students are awarded a Bachelor’s degree upon a completion of four-year programmes in the humanities, economics and natural sciences, as well as some practical professional training.

Level III represents an educational level, common to both the Master’s degree and the Specialist diploma.

Specialist: This is a professional training programme designed for the students who choose to pursue the practical applications of their specialization. It can be earned in one of two ways:

a) upon completion of at least one year of study after the Bachelor’s degree;

b) upon completion of five years of study after the certificate of secondary complete general education. The degree grants professional qualification in engineering, teaching, economics and etc.

Master’s: This is an academic degree designed for students who wish to pursue a career in academy and research. The length of study is at least two years.

The top level of higher education is a graduate work which entails a three-year programme of study and research leading to a Candidate degree, then original research which finally leads to a Doctoral degree.

With more than 880 higher education institutions, the Russian Federation higher education system offers a broad range of study and research programmes designed to meet possible academic need on the part of students and these include:

- intermediate diploma courses;

- full Bachelor’s degree programmes (BA or BSc);

- full Master’s degree programmes (MA or MSc);

- Master’s degree programmes for graduates already holding a Bachelor’s degree;

- special full-time courses for visiting students who commenced and/or will complete their degree at a foreign higher education institution;

- doctoral programmes (PhD and DSc);

- continuing education and training programmes;

- research study programmes;

- retraining programmes;

- Specialist’s diploma programmes.

(Adapted from the Internet sites)


3.2 What new facts about the Russian system of higher education have you learnt from this text?


Comprehension check

4.1 Answer the following questions:

1. What are the main types of higher educational establishments in Russia?

2. How many levels are there in the system of higher education in Russia? What are they responsible for?

3. What are the main requirements for the admission to the educational establishments of all levels?

4. In which case are students awarded a “certificate of incomplete higher education” or a Bachelor’s degree?

5. What does level III represent?

6. How can the Specialist diploma be earned?

7. What is the difference between Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees?

8. What are the highest degree titles in Russia?

9. What are the most common study and research programmes offered in the institutions of higher education in Russia?


4.2 Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. The system of higher education in Russia is represented by two main types of institutions.

2. There are only few private educational establishments in Russia.

3. A new degree structure is represented by a three-level pattern.

4. Entry requirements for admission to educational institutions of all levels in Russia are different.

5. Specialist diploma is conferred after 4 years of university training.

6. The top level that can be reached in higher education is a Doctoral degree.



5.1 Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

учреждения высшего образования; ограничиваться отдельной дисциплиной; независимые (самостоятельные) структурные единицы; растущее число; трехуровневая модель; аттестат о полном общем среднем образовании; диплом о неполном высшем образовании; программа профессиональной подготовки; желать продолжить карьеру в … области; предусматривать трехгодичную программу обучения и исследовательской работы.


5.2 Сomplete the sentences:

1. There are … types of institutions of higher education in Russia at the present time.

2. A new degree structure follows a … pattern.

3. Upon completion of level I students are awarded …

4. Students are awarded … degree upon completion of four-year programme.

5. Level III represents an educational level common to both the Master’s degree and …

6. Specialist training programme is for the students who wish to pursue the … application of their specialization.

7. Master’s academic degree is designed for students who wish to pursue a carreer in …

8. The top level of higher education is …


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