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Seventeen: What was your experience with bullying in high school?

Билет №11

I. 1. Read the article and say in 2-3 sentences what it is about.


"Researching family history is a true passion rather than just a hobby for many people", says Julie Mason. "It is wonderfully exciting when you learn more about the ancestors."

Julie began researching her family's past in order to find out her roots. She says: "When you discover your roots, it gives you understanding who you are." John Paul Thompson, has a different reason for wanting to research his family's history. "After my father died I found myself with photo albums full of old photographs with no labels. 1 wanted to find out more about the others." Some of the things that people discover about their families can be very surprising. When Jean Sandwell researched her family history she had a very big shock. She found out that she had been adopted as a baby. After she had accepted this situation, Jean tried to find her real parents. "I discovered that my mother emigrated to Australia in 1966," says Jean. "In 1982 I went to Australia to meet her. It was a very emotional experience for both of us."

So what is the best way to start researching your family history? "Interview all your family members before it is too late," says Julie Mason. "Make a basic family tree of your close family and step by step make it bigger. Of course, it is not easy to have accurate information from relatives about things that happened in the distant past. It is quite normal for different family members give different versions of the same events. It is very important to chcck everything."

Public records in local libraries and in national archives are also important to the family historian. Old newspaper reports are often kept on in local libraries. Sometimes, researching your family history can be lonely work. Remember that you can find a lot of help on the internet. Of course, it is not easy to trace your family history a long way back and you must be very patient. Believe me, in the future, your children, and their children may be very grateful to you for recording it.


2. Jean Sandwell made a shocking discovery. Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3. Why do people start tracing their family histories?

4. What recommendations does the author give to discover your roots?


II. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.


1. How many runners are going to take part in a race?
2. Where would they like to organize the starting line?
3. Why do they need to have first aid points?


Mike: Well, Jane, we’ve only got two weeks left before the run so I really think we have to finalise the route of the race today.

Jane: Yes, Mike. Now, how many runners do you estimate will register for the race? Mike: Well, it’s hard to say what the final number will be — at the moment we have 150 applicants but I fully expect there will be 200 by the race itself.

Jane: Fine. I’ll make a note of that.

Mike: Where will the starting line be? Jane: I think you have to start somewhere that has a place to warm up. How about the Town hall as the car park there is big enough for the runners to do their exercises?

Mike: Actually, that’s a good point. Let’s start there and then we could have the first aid point nearby. But look, we should have another first aid point somewhere on the route in case the runners have problems.

Jane: You’re probably right! Em, do you think the athletes need somewhere to take a break if they are feeling tired? We could use the entrance to the library. It’s ideal as it has such a huge portico where the athletes could relax in the shade.

Mike: Good idea.



1. Let's talk about Belarusian national cuisine. What can you tell me about eating habits in Belarus?

2. Do you know many recipes?

3. Which national dishes can you recommend a tourist to taste in Belarus?
4. Which questions will you ask a friend who has invited you to a pot luck party?

5. Can you tell me how to cook one of your favourite dishes?



Билет №12

I. 1. Read the article and say in 2-3 sentences what it is about.


Seventeen: What was your experience with bullying in high school?

Audra Mari: One Sunday, I came home and there was a big picture on the door. It was basically making fun of me because I'm tall. Once the girls prepared a slogan to support a football team. The slogan wishing good luck faced the team, but the back of the slogan read "Go Home Mari". And the whole student section saw it. One time during lunch, I was sitting with all my friends, and a girl came up to me and threw a paper lunch bag at me. She said, "You can eat this for lunch, it is for horses."

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