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Famous people of science and engineering. James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, known for his improvements of the steam engine

James Watt

James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, known for his improvements of the steam engine.

Watt was born on January 19, 1736, in Greenock, Scotland. He worked as a mathematical-instrument maker from the age of 19 and soon became interested in improving the steam engine which was used at that time to pump out water from mines.

Watt determined the properties of steam, especially the relation of its density to its temperature and pres­sure, and designed a separate condensing chamber for the steam engine that prevented large losses of steam in the cylinder. Watt's first patent, in 1769, covered this device and other improvements on steam engine.

At that time. Watt was the partner of the inventor John Roebuck, who had financed his researches. In 1775, however. Roebuck's interest was taken over by the manu­facturer Matthew Boulton, owner of the Soho Engineer­ing Works at Birmingham, and he and Watt began the manufacture of steam engines. Watt continued his re­search and patented several other important inventions, including the rotary engine for driving various types of machinery; the double-action engine, in which steam is admitted alternately into both ends of the cylinder; and the steam indicator, which records the steam pressure in the engine. He retired from the firm in 1800 and there­after devoted himself entirely to research work.

The misconception that Watt was the actual inventor of the steam engine arose from the fundamental nature of his contributions to its development. The centrifugal or flyball governor, which he invented in 1788, and which automatically regulated the speed of an engine, is of par­ticular interest today. It embodies the feedback princi­ple of a servomechanism, linking output to input, which is the basic concept of automation. The watt, the unit of power, was named in his honour. Watt was also a well-known civil engineer. He invented, in 1767, an attach­ment that adapted telescopes for use in the measurement of distances. Watt died in Heathfield, near Birmingham, in August 1819.



I. Text A: «What is a computer?», Text B: «Hardware», Text C: «Types of software»

II. Famous people of science and engineering: Charles Babbage.


The term computer is used to describe a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical (part electronic and part mechanical) components. Com­puter has no intelligence by itself and is referred to as hardware. A computer system is a combination of five elements:

• Hardware

• Software

• People

• Procedures

• Data/information

When one computer system is set up to communicate with another computer system, connectivity becomes the sixth system element. In other words, the manner in which the various individual systems are connected — for ex­ample, by phone lines, microwave transmission, or sat­ellite — is an element of the total computer system.

Software is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task. Without software instructions, the hardware doesn't know what to do.People, however, are the most important compo­nent of the computer system: they create the computer software instructions and respond to the procedures that those instructions present.

The basic job of the computer is the processing of in­formation. Computers accept information in the form of instruction called a program and characters called data to perform mathematical and logical operations, and then give the results. The data is raw material while informa­tion is organized, processed, refined and useful for deci­sion making. Computer is used to convert data into in­formation. Computer is also used to store information in the digital form.


characters — символы

data — данные

decision — решение

device — устройство

hardware — оборудование

instruction — команда

intelligence — разум

manner — манера, способ

microwave — микроволновая

procedures — процедуры, операции

purpose — цель

raw — необработанный, сырой

to come to life — оживать

to connect — соединять

to convert — превращать, преобразовывать

to create — создавать

to evaluate — оценивать

to refer to as — называть что-либо

to refine — очищать

to respond — отвечать

transmission — передача

various — различные

General understanding:

1) What does the term «computer» describe?

2) Is computer intelligent?

3) What are five components of computer system?

4) What is connectivity?

5) What is software? What's the difference between hardware and software?

6) Why people are the most important component of a computer system?

7) In what way terms «data» and «information» differ?

8) How does computer convert data into information?

Exercise 8.1. Which of the listed below terms have Russian equivalents:

computer, diskette, metal, processor, scanner, infor­mation, data, microphones, printer, modem, Internet.

Exercise 8.2. Which of the listed above state­ments are true/false. Specify your answer using the text.

1) Computer is made of electronic components so it is referred to as electronic device.

2) Computer has no intelligence until software is loaded.

3) There are five elements of computer system: hard­ware, software, people, diskettes and data.

4) The manner in which computers are connected is the connectivity.

5) Without software instructions hardware doesn't know what to do.

6) The software is the most important component be­cause it is made by people.

7) The user inputs data into computer to get informa­tion as an output.

8) Computer is used to help people in decision making process.

Exercise 8.3. Match the following:

1)... doesn't come to life until it is connected to other parts of a system.

2)... is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task.

3)... create the computer software instructions and respond to the procedures that those instructions present

4) Information in the form of instruction is called a...

5) The manner in which the various individual sys­tems are connected is...

6)... is organized, processed and useful for decision making

7) The basic job of the computer is the...

a) program

b) information

c) processing of information

d) software

e) connectivity

f) computer

g) people

Exercise 8.4. Translate the text. Retell the text, using the vocabulary.

Exercise 8.5. Questions for group discussion:

1) Why so many people are still «computer illiterate»?

2) What are the most important applications of com­puter? (Are computer games just a «waste of time» or it is a nice hobby and a lot of fun?)

3) Who has a computer in your group? Ask them what they use it for?


What is hardware? Webster's dictionary gives us the following definition of the hardware — the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical devices composing a computer system.

Computer hardware can be divided into four catego­ries:

Input hardware

Processing hardware

Storage hardware

Output hardware.

Input hardware

The purpose of the input hardware is to collect data and convert it into a form suitable for computer process­ing. The most common input device is a keyboard. It looks very much like a typewriter. The mouse is a hand held device connected to the computer by small cable. As the mouse is rolled across the mouse pad, the cursor moves across the screen. When the cursor reaches the desired location, the user usually pushes a button on the mouse once or twice to signal a menu selection or a command to the computer.

The light pen uses a light sensitive photoelectric cell to signal screen position to the computer. Another type of input hardware is optic-electronic scanner that is used to input graphics as well as typeset characters. Micro­phone and video camera can be also used to input data into the computer. Electronic cameras are becoming very popular among the consumers for their relatively low price and convenience.

Processing hardware

The purpose of processing hardware is retrieve, inter­pret and direct the execution of software instructions provided to the computer. The most common components of processing hardware are the Central Processing Unit and main memory.

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. It reads and interprets software instructions and coordinates the processing activities that must take place. The design of the CPU affects the processing power and the speed of the computer, as well as the amount of main memory it can use effectively. With a well-designed CPU in your computer, you can perform highly sophisti­cated tasks in a very short time.

Memory is the system of component of the computer in which information is stored. There are two types of computer memory: RAM and ROM.

RAM (random access memory) is the volatile compu­ter memory, used for creating loading, and running pro­grams and for manipulating and temporarily storing data;

ROM (read only memory) is nonvolatile, non-modifiable computer memory, used to hold programmed in­structions to the system.

The more memory you have in your computer, the more operations you can perform.

Storage hardware

The purpose of storage hardware is to store computer instructions and data in a form that is relatively permanent and retrieve when needed for processing. Storage hardware serves the same basic functions as do office fil­ing systems except that it stores data as electromagnetic signals. The most common ways of storing data are Hard disk, floppy disk and CD-ROM.

Hard disk is a rigid disk coated with magnetic mate­rial, for storing programs and relatively large amounts of data.

Floppy disk (diskette) - thin, usually flexible plas­tic disk coated with magnetic material, for storing com­puter data and programs. There are two formats for floppy disks: 5.25" and 3.5". 5.25" is not used in mod­ern computer systems because of it relatively large size flexibility and small capacity. 3.5" disks are formatted 1.4 megabytes and are widely used.

CD-ROM (compact disc read only memory) is a com­pact disc on which a large amount of digitized read-only data can be stored. CD-ROMs are very popular now be­cause of the growing speed which CD-ROM drives can provide nowadays. Output hardware

The purpose of output hardware is to provide the user with the means to view information produced by the com­puter system. Information is output in either hardcopy or softcopy form. Hardcopy output can be held in your hand, such as paper with text (word or numbers) or graphics printed on it. Softcopy output is displayed on a monitor.

Monitor is a component with a display screen for view­ing computer data, television programs, etc.

Printer is a computer output device that produces a paper copy of data or graphics.

Modem is an example of communication hardware — an electronic device that makes possible the transmission of data to or from computer via telephone or other communication lines.

Hardware comes in many configurations, depending on what the computer system is designed to do. Hard­ware can fill several floors of a large office building or can fit on your lap.


amount — количество

capacity — вместительность

circuitry — эл. цепи

CPU, microprocessor — микропроцессор

hard disk — жесткий диск, «винчестер»

input hardware — устройства ввода данных

keyboard — клавиатура

lap — колени

modem — модем

mouse — устройство для перемещения объектов на экране, «мышь»

output hardware — выходные устройства отображе­ния информации

printer — принтер

processing hardware — устройства обработки данных

RAM — ОЗУ (оперативное запоминающее устройство)

ROM — ПЗУ (постоянное запоминающее устройство)

CD-ROM — накопитель на компакт-дисках (CD)

scanner — сканер

sensitive — чувствительный

sophisticated — сложный

storage hardware — устройства хранения данных

temporarily — временно

temporary — временный

the purpose — цель

tier — ярус

to affect — влиять

to connect — соединять

to convert — преобразовывать

to direct — управлять

to execute — выполнять

to interpret — переводить

to provide — обеспечивать

to reach — достигать

to retrieve — извлекать

to roll — катать, перекатывать

volatile — летучий, нестойкий, временный

General understanding:

1. What is the Webster's dictionary definition of the hardware?

2. What groups of hardware could be defined?

3. What is input hardware? What are the examples of input hardware?

4. What is mouse designed for? What is a light pen?

5. What is processing hardware? What are the basic types of memory used in a PC?

6. Can a PC-user change the ROM? Who records the information in ROM?

7. What is storage hardware? What is CD-ROM used for? Can a user record his or her data on a CD? What kind of storage hardware can contain more information: CD-ROM, RAM or ROM?

8. What is modem used for? Can PC-user communi­cate with other people without a modem?

Exercise 8.6. Which of the listed below statements are true/false. Specify your answer using the text.

1) Computer is an electronic device therefore hardware is a system of electronic devices.

2) The purpose of the input hardware is to collect data and convert it into a form suitable for computer process­ing.

3) Scanner is used to input graphics only.

4) The purpose of processing hardware is to retrieve, interpret and direct the execution of software instruc­tions provided to the computer.

5) CPU reads and interprets software and prints the results on paper.

6) User is unable to change the contents of ROM.

7) 5.25" floppy disks are used more often because they are flexible and have more capacity than 3.5" disks.

5) Printer is a processing hardware because its pur­pose is to show the information produced by the system.

6) Modem is an electronic device that makes possible the transmission of data from one computer to another via telephone or other communication lines.

7) The purpose of storage hardware is to store com­puter instructions and data in a form that is relatively permanent and retrieve them when needed for process­ing.

Exercise8.7. Give definitions to the following us­ing the vocabulary


2) ROM

3) Floppy-disk


5) Printer

6) Modem

7) Motherboard

8) Hard disk

9) Keyboard

10) Sound-card


Exercise 8.8. Which of the following is Hardware:

1) program

2) mouse


4) printer

5) modem

6) command

7) port

8) cursor or the pointer

9) keyboard

10) character

Exercise 8.9. Match the following:

1) процессор

2) клавиатура

3) мышь

4) дискета

5) «винчестер»

6) модем

7) экран

8) ПЗУ

9) ОЗУ

a) nonvolatile, non-modifiable computer memory, used to hold programmed instructions to the system.

b) the part of a television or computer on which a pic­ture is formed or information is displayed.

c) rigid disk coated with magnetic material, for storing computer programs and relatively large amounts of data.

d) an electronic device that makes possible he trans­mission of data to or from computer via telephone or other communication lines.

e) a set of keys, usually arranged in tiers, for operat­ing a typewriter, typesetting machine, computer termi­nal, or the like.

f) volatile computer memory, used for creating, load­ing, and running programs and for manipulating and temporarily storing data; main memory.

g) central processing unit: the key component of a com­puter system, containing the circuitry necessary to in­terpret and execute program instructions.

h) a palm-sized device equipped with one or more but­tons, used to point at and select items on a computer dis­play screen and for controlling the cursor by means of analogous movement on a nearby surface.

i) a thin, usually flexible plastic disk coated with mag­netic material, for storing computer data and program.

Questions for group discussion:

1) Without what parts computer is unable to work?

2) What is the most expensive part of the hardware?

3) What other hardware devices do you know? What are they for? Do you know how to use them?


A computer to complete a job requires more than just the actual equipment or hardware we see and touch. It requires Software — programs for directing the opera­tion of a computer or electronic data.

Software is the final computer system component. These computer programs instruct the hardware how to conduct processing. The computer is merely a general-purpose machine which requires specific software to per­form a given task. Computers can input, calculate, com­pare, and output data as information. Software deter­mines the order in which these operations are performed.

Programs usually fall in one of two categories: sys­tem software and applications software.

System software controls standard internal compu­ter activities. An operating system, for example, is a col­lection of system programs that aid in the operation of a computer regardless of the application software being used. When a computer is first turned on, one of the sys­tems programs is booted or loaded into the computers memory. This software contains information about memory capacity, the model of the processor, the disk drives to be used, and more. Once the system software is loaded, the applications software can be brought in.

System programs are designed for the specific pieces of hardware. These programs are called drivers and coor­dinate peripheral hardware and computer activities. User needs to install a specific driver in order to activate a pe­ripheral device. For example, if you intend to buy a printer or a scanner you need to worry in advance about the driver program which, though, commonly goes along with your device. By installing the driver you «teach» your mainboard to «understand» the newly attached part.

Applications software satisfies your specific need. The developers of application software rely mostly on mar­keting research strategies trying to do their best to at­tract more users (buyers) to their software. As the pro­ductivity of the hardware has increased greatly in recent years, the programmers nowadays tend to include as much as possible in one program to make software inter­face look more attractive to the user. These class of pro­grams is the most numerous and perspective from the

marketing point of view.

Data communication within and between computers systems is handled by system software. Communications software transfers data from one computer system to another. These programs usually provide users with data security and error checking along with physically transferring data between the two computer's memories. Dur­ing the past five years the developing electronic network communication has stimulated more and more companies to produce various communication software, such as Web-Browsers for Internet.


aid — помощь

to attach — присоединять

control — управление

developer — разработчик

equipment — оборудование

general-purpose — общего назначения

internal — внутренний

mainboard — материнская плата

memory capacity — вместимость памяти

peripheral — периферийный

regard — отношение

regardless — несмотря на, безотносительно,

security — безопасность

specific — конкретный, определенный

to boot — загружать

to check — проверять

to complete — совершать, завершать

to conduct — проводить

to develop — развивать, проявлять

to direct — управлять, руководить

to handle — управлять, обращаться с

to install — устанавливать, встраивать, инсталли­ровать

to provide with — обеспечивать чем-либо

to require — требовать

to secure — обеспечивать безопасность

to transfer — переводить, переносить

Web-browser — «браузер» (программа, позволяю­щая пользователю искать и считывать информацию с глобальной электронной сети Internet)

General understanding

1. What is software?

2. In what two basic groups software (programs) could be divided?

3. What is system software for?

4. What is an operating system — a system software or application software?

5. What is a «driver»?

6. What is application software?

7. What is application software used for?

8. What is the tendency in application software mar­ket in the recent years?

9. What is the application of the communication soft­ware?

Exercise 8.10. Which of the following is Software:

1. Program

2. Mouse

3. CPU

4. Word processor

5. Modem

6. Web-browser

7. Operating system

8. Scanner

9. Printer

10. Display

Exercise 8.11. Which of the listed below statements are true/false. Specify your answer using the text:

1) Computer programs only instruct hardware how to handle data storage.

2) System software controls internal computer activi­ties.

3) System software is very dependable on the type of application software being used.

4) The information about memory capacity, the model of the processor and disk drives are unavailable for sys­tem software.

5) The driver is a special device usually used by car drivers for Floppy-disk driving.

6) It is very reasonable to ask for a driver when you buy a new piece of hardware.

7) Software developers tend to make their products very small and with poor interface to save computer re­sources.

8) Communication software is in great demand now because of the new advances in communication technolo­gies.

9) Application software is merely a general-purpose instrument.

10) Web-browsers is the class of software for electronic communication through the network.

Exercise 8.12. Find English equivalents in the text:

1) Программное обеспечение определяет порядок выполнения операций.

2) Прикладные программы выполняют поставлен­ную вами конкретную задачу (удовлетворяют вашу потребность).

3) Этот класс программ — самый многочисленный и перспективный с точки зрения маркетинга.

4) Системные программы предназначены для кон­кретных устройств компьютерной системы.

5) Устанавливая драйвер, вы <учите» систему «по­нимать» вновь присоединенное устройство.

6) Когда компьютер впервые включается, одна из системных программ должна быть загружена в его па­мять.

7) Развитие систем электронной коммуникации за последние пять лет стимулировало производство со­ответствующих программных продуктов возрастаю­щим числом компаний-разработчиков.

Exercise 8.13. Give definitions to the following using the vocabulary:

1) Software

2) Driver

3) Application software

4) Operating system

5) Communication software

6) Computer

7) Peripheral device

8) Operating system

Questions for group discussion:

1) What do you think is more expensive — hardware or software?

2) Has anyone in your group ever purchased software? Why do you think piracy (audio, video, computer soft­ware) still exists?

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