1) 'I'd like to ask you some questions about your childhood, if I may.' 'Fire ….'
2) I know their address is here somewhere, but I can't lay my hands … it right now.
3) Have you ever thought of taking … acting?
4) You'll have to smarten … if you want to work in television.
5) I saw something move … the corner of my eye.
6) They made seven co-productions and have swept … Moscow in dance.
7) She went … her preparations in a quiet businesslike way.
8) The headteacher takes her duties … in August.
9) He has all the latest statistics … his fingertips.
10) How should I go … finding a job?
11) Injury has effectively put Woods … the picture as far as international matches are concerned.
12) Keep on hammering … at achieving your goals.
6. Paraphrase the words and word combinations in italics, using your Active Vocabulary
1) I want to find somewhere a brand new phone.
2) He is such a fashion follower.
3) It is a common deception that women are worse drivers than men.
4) Her first novel has all the qualities of a classic.
5) She was clever and quick enough to realize that what Jack wanted was her money.
6) The latest fitness fashion is sweeping the country.
7) By the late seventies the band's popularity was beginning to decline.
8) I think she is a charming girl.
9) Without turning her head she noticed him coming closer.
10) The leaflet tells you how to start making a will.
11) They've got interested in golf.
12) She keeps discussing the same point for three whole pages.
13) ‘I've got a few questions.’ ‘OK then, go on. ’
14) She's really turned into a stylish woman since she left university.
15) She would fight tenaciously for her rights as the children's mother.
16) Withers with a leg injury is not playing today, so Jackson is in goal today.
17) We have all the facts and figures available at our disposal.
18) Dan was greatly impressed by the performance.
19) She's rubbing shoulders with show-biz people, so she definitely knows what's going on there.
20) I think they've been going out for a year already.
7. Translate into Russian:
1) Do you know where I can get my hands on a second-hand television?
2) The villagers were going about their business as usual.
3) Peter will take up the management of the finance department.
4) I keep hammering away at this point because it's important.
5) He has the makings of a world-class footballer.
6) It was an astute move to sell the shares then.
7) A lot of people who picked up the first Harry Potter book just to see what the craze is about, ended up buying the other 6 books.
8) With his perfect college-boy looks, he's the latest teenage pin-up.
9) Her enthusiasm for the whole idea was waning rapidly.
10) She had wisely smartened herself up.
11) Hetty went out a great deal. She was young, sure of herself and in the swim.
12) Although the men fought doggedly on, a sense of hopeless despair engulfed them.
13) He did not particularly want to take up a competitive sport.
14) "I want to clear up some questions that have been puzzling me." "Fire away."
15) Don't be a food faddist! Always be careful in all your health endeavors, never take any one aspect of your health program to an extreme position.
8. Translate into English:
1) Давай выкладывай, что у тебя там," - сказала я ему. - "Да все в полном порядке" - Но краем глаза я заметила, как он быстро отвернулся и тяжело вздохнул. И на все мои последующие вопросы он упорно повторял, что ничего не случилось и беспокоиться не о чем.
2) Все выходные мне пришлось много работать над составлением нового проекта.
3) Слава со временем тускнеет, и многие лидеры сходят с политической арены.
4) Увлечение здоровым образом жизни приводит к тому, что все больше людей решают заняться каким-нибудь видом спорта.
5) У вас есть все качества, чтобы стать хорошим лидером.
6) А ты никогда не мечтала заняться чем-нибудь творческим? - Мечтала всю сознательную жизнь. Мечтала книги писать. Но не знаю, с чего начать.
7) Я решила взять с собой ноутбук, поэтому вся информация была под рукой.
8) Питер - настоящий чудак. Как только появляется новая модель телефона, он непременно покупает ее. Он просто помешан на современных технических устройствах.
9) Влияние политической партии стало ослабевать после волны забастовок в стране.
10) Каковы причины столь повального увлечения интернетом? Почему все больше времени пользователи предпочитают проводить за компьютером? - Думаю, для многих это прекрасная возможность быть в центре событий.
11) У Лизы были все данные, чтобы стать известной пианисткой.
12) В этой сложной ситуации он вновь проявил себя как талантливый и дальновидный политик.
13) Ее красота поразила всех собравшихся гостей.
14) Ты не знаешь где можно достать эту книгу?
15) Шубы из енота считаются одними из самых теплых.
16) У был небогат, но имел много друзей, которые часто приглашали его на светские мероприятия, поэтому так или иначе он всегда находился в гуще событий.
17) Она увлекла слушателей своим рассказом о жизни на острове.
18) Краешком глаза я увидела, как она вошла в зал и села на самый последний ряд.
19) Всю ночь она, не смыкая глаз, работала в кабинете, и к утру новая книга была дописана.
20) Во время повального увлечения тюльпанами в Европе луковицы тюльпанов ценились на вес золота.
21) Это было время повального увлечения книгами о магах и волшебниках.
22) Немного подумав, я решила найти себе хобби и заняться вышивкой.
23) После недели упорной работы весь мой энтузиазм начал понемногу испаряться.
Detailed Comprehension
1. Answer the questions:
1) What was the narrator's opinion of himself? How does it characterize him?
2) Why does Petey crave for a raccoon coat?
3) Why does the narrator fancy Polly Espy?
4) How does the narrator plan to get Polly's mind up to his standards? What makes him choose logic for that?
5) What fallacies does the narrator explain and teach to Polly?
6) Was teaching Polly a challenging task? Why? Why does the narrator never give up?
7) Does the narrator really love Polly? Does she love him in return?
8) Was Polly in love with the narrator?
9) Is the ending ironic? Can you comment on it?
10) How can you comment on the title?
2. Speak about:
1) Petey Bellows
- Why do you think the author calls his character "Petey" and not "Peter"?
- How does the narrator characterize his roommate?
- How important is it for Peter to be in the swim?
- Why does he agree to choose the coat over his girlfriend? How does his characterize him?
2) Polly Espy
- What qualities made Polly the right kind of wife in a lawyer's career?
- Comment on the language used by Polly. Pick up the words that make up her active vocabulary. What effect does the language create?
- Can we consider Polly a humorous character? Why/ why not?
3) The narrator of the story
- Find proof that the author is satirizing an arrogant, self-satisfying young man. Pay attention to the adjectives the narrator picks up to describe himself.
- The narrator trades a raccoon coat for a real person. What does it say about him? What's your opinion of the very idea of exchanging an object for a person?
- Why does the narrator refer to Pygmalion and Frankenstein? Are these allusions expressive and suitable?
- Do you think the narrator gets what he deserves in the end, when his plot backfires on him? Why/ why not?
- Can you trade feelings, calculate or plan them?