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Mark the following sentences as true (T), false (F), not stated (NS). Correct the false statements

1) Julia promised Avice to put in a word for her in her talk with Michael as Michael always followed her advice.

2) Tom openly admitted that he had fallen in love with Avice and was engaged to her.

3) Julia considered Avice to be a hard mercenary little thing that was ready for everything in order to get a part.

4) Julia’s only consolation was Charles. In her letter to Charles she wrote about the awkward position she was in and asked for his advice.

5) Julia couldn’t keep from considering Jimmie Langton’s advice: “Don’t be natural … The stage is make-believe. But seem natural”.

6) Julia’s mother asked Julia to tell her friends that her husband was in business.

7) When Charles visited Julia in St Malo Julia realized that he still adored her.

8) When a man who looked like a clerk or a shop-walker recognized Julia in the Edgware Road she was taken aback..

4. Answer the following questions:

1) Why did Tom have to take money from Julia?

2) Was Tom in love with Avice? Was Avice in love with Tom?

3) How did Julia feel after Tom had left?

4) Was Julia going to keep her promise given to Tom?

5) Did Julia have a friend who could console her in her grief?

6) Why was theatre Julia’s only refuge?

7) Did Julia manage to play with her accustomed virtuosity again? What helped her?

8) Why did Julia decide to stay with her mother?

9) Did she manage to brighten the “drab and monotonous life” of Madame Falloux and Mrs Lambert?

10) How did Julia’s attitude to Charles change?

11) Why did Julia feel ill at ease?

12) Was Julia a good-looking woman?

13) What did she want to put to the test? What conclusion did she make?

14) What did the young man who “picked Julia up” in the Edgware Road look like?

15) What made him start speaking to Julia?

16) What conclusion did Julia make?


Working with the Vocabulary

1. Read Part VI, find the following words and word combinations in the text and give their Russian equivalents:

Chapter 21

nineteen to the dozen

can’t do smth for toffee

to beat about the bush

to take in

Chapter 22

to confide smth to smb

to make a clean breast of smth

to be hard on smb

that’s another pair of shoes

Chapter 23

to show smb/smth off

to be confined to smth

Chapter 24

seductive; seduction

Chapter 25

ill at ease

there is no denying it

to put on airs

Remember the contexts in which Word List VI items are used, say who or what they referred to.

3. Find the English equivalents for these:

Chapter 21

замолвить за кого-либо словечко


время от времени

Chapter 22

ее единственная утешение, отрада


отвлечь чье-либо внимание, отвлечь от мыслей

Chapter 24

внезапная острая боль

убегать, удирать

Chapter 25

впутываться (во что-либо неприятное)

4. Explain what it means:

Chapter 21

to be a sport

Chapter 22

to be in front

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

Chapter 23

a parish church

Chapter 24

to fall for smth

Chapter 25

to pick smb up

a blank face

5. Fill in prepositions where necessary:


1) “You ought to know me well enough … now to know that I would never let sentiment interfere … business. (Ch.21)

2) She spent a wretched day, unable to think … anything else, and angry … herself because she could not put Tom … … her mind. (Ch.22)

3) “Tom is very useful … us; if we want an extra man we can always call … him, and it’s convenient having him … the corner when I want someone to play golf … me. (Ch.22)

4) … One night when she came into her dressing-room … the end … the play, exhausted … all the emotions she had displayed she found Michael sitting there. (Ch.22)

5) They sat together … a little while … silence, and Julia grew calmer … spirit. Her heart was filled... a great love … Michael. (Ch.22)

6) She arrived … Paris … the afternoon, and when she was shown … her suite … the Ritz, she gave a sigh of satisfaction. (Ch. 23)

with (4), at (2), of (2), out of, to, into, upon, round, by (2), for (2), in (4)


1) I am all for speaking the truth but you were a bit hard … poor Ann.

2) With his elder brother Jack always felt ill … ease. He could confide his secrets only … his friends.

3) He can’t sing … toffee. There’s no denying … it.

4) I can't believe you have fallen … that old trick of his. Tough luck!

5) The headmaster was always prepared to put … a good word for his former pupils, but never showed their achievements …

6) Do you realize what you are letting yourself … …? So, don’t beat … the bush and make a clean breast … everything … your parents. They are sure to help you.

of, in, off,, about, in for, on, for (2),at, to (2)

6. Translate into Russian:

1) The public must be pretty naïve to be taken in so easily by the door-to door salesmen.

2) You’ll have to practice that trick a little more before you can show it off.

3) Tell me straight what you want me to do without beating about the bush.

4) The firm's plans were confided only to the chairman and the directors.

5) I don't want to be hard on the man but I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

6) Arthritis confined him to bed for a month, but he carried a stiff upper lip.

7) Ann is always putting on airs and pretending she’s posh speaking with her former classmates.

8) Stop beating about the bush and tell me why you are here.

9) Why not make a clean breast and tell them you took the money?

10) When he felt shy and ill at ease at parties his friends would say: “Stop being a wet blanket and come and dance!”

11) Running ten miles is hard on the knee joints.

7. Guess the word or word combination by its definition (revise the vocabulary of the previous parts):

to deceive, to fool;

very quickly, without stopping;

not relaxed;

spending a lot of money on things that are not necessary;

to be very bad at smth;

to tell smb you trust about personal things;

to be as strong (clever, etc.) as the opponent;

an undertaking that is risky;

sexually attractive;

to show smth/smb to a lot of people because you are proud of it;

to attract attention, to be clearly visible.

8. Match the synonyms:

To show smb/smth off, exhausted, to put on airs, uncomfortable, to make a clean breast of smth, tough luck, to confide smth to smb, to fool, to display smb/smth, dog-tired, from time to time, to take in, to say smth to smb confidentionally, to put on frills, ill at ease, to confess honestly, every now and then, bad luck.

9. Translate into English:

1) После спектакля Джулия решила, что Эвис совершенно не умела играть, хотя и была красива, как картинка. Этого никак нельзя было отрицать.

2) Не будь строг к нему. Его так легко обмануть! – Я не могу себе представить, как он мог попасться на эту старую уловку.

3) Джулия не могла доверить свои чувства ни Чарльзу, который преданно ее любил, ни Долли, которая ее боготворила. Она никому не могла чистосердечно признаться во всем. Театр был ее единственным утешением и убежищем.

4) Интересы двух леди были ограничены приходской церковью и домашними делами, они вовсе не собирались хвастаться Джулией перед своими друзьями, как ожидала Джулия.

5) Джулия старалась не напускать на себя важный вид, чтобы никто не чувствовал себя неловко.


Detailed Comprehension

1. Answer the questions:

1) Why did Tom and Julia have different opinions of Avice Crichton as an actress?

2) What qualities did Julia reveal before, during and after the visit to the theatre?

3) What do you think Julia was plotting against Avice?

4) What did Julia think of her performance? And Michael? Account for the difference in their opinions.

5) What qualities did Michael display in the conversation with Julia?

6) Did the house in St.Malo reveal the character of its owners? In what way?

7) Why did Mrs. Lambert and Madame Falloux prefer not to show Julia off?

8) What tricks did Julia devise to seduce Charles?

9) Did Julia find the scene in the bedroom mortifying or funny? And you?

10) How can you explain Charles’s behaviour?

11) Was Julia an adventure-seeker? What makes you think so?

2. Develop the situations checking your knowledge of the context:

1) By the time they got in the car he was in a state of cold fury…

2) It was like a knife in her heart. He had never spoken to her in that tone before.

3) She had acted, she had acted marvelously, and now she felt all in.

4) She knew exactly what had happened. She had let her emotions run away with her; she had been feeling, not acting.

5) They had achieved the aloofness from the common ties of men that Julia felt in herself when she stood at the footlights bowing to the applause of an enthusiastic audience.

6) I feel like a queen returning from exile.

7) She looked so deliciously yielding, a ripe peach waiting to be picked.

8) It was really beginning to look like an adventure.

9) Surely I can act sex appeal. I can act anything.

3. Discuss the following quotations in pairs:

1) I always think, if one has talent one can’t help showing it.

2) The theatrical profession’s terribly overcrowded … it seems almost hopeless unless you’ve got influence or something.

3) …I would never let sentiment interfere with business.

4) Her acting was more important than any love affair in the world.

5) Strange world we live in. Actors do their damnednest to look like gentlemen and gentlemen do all they can to look like actors.

6) Success isn’t everything…After all, love is the only thing that matters.

4. Look through Chapters 21-25 again and prove that:

1) Julia acted in real life;

2) theatre was Julia’s refuge;

3) theatre means different things for different people.

5. Describe:

1) Aunt Carrie’s house;

2) Charles’s house.

6. Speak about:

1) Avice Chrichton;

2) Julia’s new traits of character;

3) Tom’s new traits of character;

4) Julia’s mother and aunt.

7. Act out the conversations between:

1) Julia and Tom (after the Sunday night show);

2) Julia and Michhael (in Julia’s dressing room at the end of the play);

3) Julia and Charles (in the bedroom);

4) Julia and the stranger from the Edgware Road.

8. Make up the dialogue:

1) between Mrs Lambert and Madame Falloux (discussing their preparation for Julia’s visit);

2) between Tom and Avice Chrichton (discussing their plans for the future).

9. Speak your mind on Julia as if you were Tom/Avice Chrichton/Michael/Charles.


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