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Personal Computers. What are they?

Virtual world of Computers



к практическим занятиям по дисциплине

«Английский язык» для студентов II курса

факультета «Автоматики и вычислительной техники»

дневной формы обучения







УДК.629.123 + 656.61.052


Виртуальный мир компьютеров = Virtual world of Computers. Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов II курса факультета «Автоматики и вычислительной техники» дневной формы обучения/ Сост. Е.В. Никитина. – Севастополь: Изд-во СевНТУ, 2010. - 40 с.


Методические указания предназначены для практических занятий студентов 2 курса всех специальностей факультета «Автоматики и вычислительной техники» дневной формы обучения. В каждом уроке представлен текст, лексико-грамматические упражнения на закрепление материала урока и задания, развивающие и совершенствующие коммуникативные навыки.


Методические указания утверждены на заседании кафедры Практики романских и германских языков (протокол № 1 от 25.08.2010 г.).


Допущено учебно-методическим центром и научно-методическим Советом СевНТУ в качестве методических указаний.


Рецензент: Солодова Е.С., канд.филол.наук, доцент кафедры Практики романских и германских языков СевНТУ.







Введение …………………………………………………4

Lesson I. Personal Computers. What are they?……………5

Lesson II. Jobs in IT…………………….………………..13

Lesson III. Extra Lesson. Bloggers and companies..…….21

Lesson IV. Cyber crime………….. ……………………...26

Lesson V. Battle of the software giants…………………..34

Библиографический список ……………………………40





Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов 2-го курса всех специальностей факультета АВТ.

Основная цель методических указаний – совершенствовать приобретенные ранее знания студентов, расширить словарный запас и научить вести беседу по компьютерной тематике.

Целью данных методических указания является развитие навыков чтения и понимания литературы по специальности, обучения активному владению языковым материалом, ведению беседы на английском языке в пределах рассматриваемых тем и специальности студентов, которые являются основой для дальнейшего совершенствования навыков беседы на профессиональные темы.

Методические указания состоят из 5 уроков, каждый из которых содержит текст, упражнения для закрепления грамматики и лексики соответствующего урока, а также творческие задания коммуникативной направленности. Лексический материал содержит как компьютерную терминологию, так и слова и словосочетания из общей лексики, которые студенты смогут использовать в разговоре на различные темы.




Exercise 1. These words you should know.

prior – ранее; прежний acquisition - сбор, приобретение, получение

dedicated - назначенный, специализированный

law enforcement personnel – сотрудники полиции, пожарные, спасатели mostly – главным образом inner sole – стелька

to sync – синхронизировать price hike – скачок цен

to take a gander – посмотреть decent - приличный

whizz-bang - разг. граната, снаряд

to be stuck with = to have to do smth – быть вынужденным что-то делать

bells and whistles – модные приспособления

to spring for – раскошелиться grundy – отвратительный

Exercise 2. These terms you should learn.

customization - изготовление изделий по техническим условиям заказчика

AGP (accelerated graphics port) - ускоренный графический порт

tablet PC – планшетный компьютер

wearable computers - носимый микрокомпьютер (напр., встроенный в пряжку ремня)

kit – набор, комплект highlight – подсветка

matte-finished - матовый travel-friendly – портативный

it’s fitting ~ оптимальная подгонка, сборка

bloatware – приложения или программы, неимеющие большой ценности budding – многообещающий to burn = to write - записывать

to reside - находиться; постоянно храниться

to ship with = to be equipped with – быть оборудованным

Exercise 3. Don’t mix such words.

expansion bus - шина расширения expansion card - плата расширения

expansion slot - расширительное гнездо

upgrade – модернизировать, заменить аппаратные средства

update - обновлять (данные, версию программы…)

Exercise 4. Check your memory: upgradeable, end user, flash memory, user-replacable, top-of-the-line, remote resources, reliability, viewing angle, casing, trial subscription.


Personal Computers. What are they?

Personal computers can be categorized by size and portability:

· Desktop computers

· Laptop/notebooks and netbooks

· Personal digital assistants (PDAs)

· Tablet computers

· Wearable computers

Most of today's portable computers fall into the "laptop" class and “notebook”or even the smaller "netbook" class. Laptops/notebooks range from briefcase size to paperback size and many of them provide as much power as full-size computers. Netbook is the next step of getting computers smaller. People use netbooks mostly for displaying information than for any other purpose. Don’t forget that netbook has no DVD-drive, you can use only flash memory cards.

PDA is hand-held computer also called Personal Communicators and Personal Intelligent Communicators. Most PDAs can connect to other computers, either through telephone lines, radio waves, or a computer cable. Many have PC card slots for attaching modems and other auxiliary devices. Most PDAs are capable of at least limited handwriting recognition, allowing

users to enter notes into the computer with a special pen-like device, stylus, rather than with a keyboard.

A Tablet PC is a complete computer contained in a touch screen. Tablet computers can be specialized for only Internet use or be full-blown, general-purpose PCs with all the options of a desktop unit. The distinguishing characteristic is the use of the screen as an input device using a stylus or finger.

A wearable computer is a very personal computer. It should be worn like a piece of clothing. A user should interact with the computer based upon context. It could be a communications device (immediate or store and forward), a recorder (visual, audio, other sensors) or a reference device (local or remote resources).

Many mass-market IBM PC compatible and Apple Macintosh personal computers are standardized to the point that purchased software is expected to run with little or no customization for the particular computer. Often memory and peripherals such as video boards and disk storage are easily upgradeable, even by the end user. Even the motherboard and central processing unit can be designed to be user-replacable. This upgradeability is, however, not indefinite due to rapid changes in the personal computer industry. A PC that was considered top-of-the-line five or six years prior may be impractical to upgrade due to changes in industry standards. Such a computer usually must be totally replaced once it is no longer suitable for its purpose. This upgrade and replacement cycle is related to new releases of the primary mass-market operating system, which tends to drive the acquisition of new hardware.

The hardware capabilities of personal computers can sometimes be extended by the addition of expansion cards connected via an expansion bus. Some standard peripheral buses often used for adding expansion cards in personal computers are AGP (a high-speed PCI bus dedicated to graphics adapters). Most personal computers as of 2009 include an AGP bus and some expansion slots.

ASWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. Which of the mentioned personal comuters do you have? 2. What are the advantages/diadvantages of each type of computers. 3. PDAs are the most popular nowadays, is it right? 4. Which type of the mentioned computers is the least popular? Why? 5. Which type of these computers do you never see? 6. What other classifications of computers do you know? 7. What is the purpose of any wearable computer? 8. Could we use any Microsoft product on Apple computers? Why? 9. Why do you think most of our computers have OS of this comany? 10. Do you know any other computer companies, besides IBM, Microsoft and Apple? 11. What options should the best copmuter have from your point of view? 12. If you have a choice what type of the discussed computers you will choose. 13. Is it right that some computers could’t be upgraded at all? 14. Is it so easy to upgrade your computer? Why? 15. Try to describe each of the above-mentioned category of PCs.


Exercise 1. Give equivalents to the following English and Russian words and word combinations:

· u ltra-light, power consumption, screen, performance, fully-featured keyboard, upgradeability, bus, integrated modem, ‘portable’ solution, battery life, ‘business’ machine, slot, front panel, viewing angle, portability, specification;

· корпус, устройство типа «все в одном», надежность, производительность, подсветка, задняя панель, особенность, установленная ОС, углы обзора.

Exercise 2. Translate from English into Russian.

1. Anyone who relies on graphics or look for power for gaming is forced to go the desktop route to gain the specification they require. 2. Their processor usually runs at a reduced speed when on battery power. 3. Tablet PCs are personal computers where the owner is free to install any compatible application or operating system. 4. This PC is equipped with multi-touch screens and pen writing recognition capabilities. 5. PDAs are designed to be used as digital day planners, internet surfing devices, project planners, music players, and displays for video, live TV, and e-reading. 6. Wearable computers are especially useful for applications that require computational support while the user's hands, voice, eyes, arms or attention are actively engaged with the physical environment. 7. This type of wearable technology has been used in health monitoring systems, information technologies and media development.




Упражнение 1. Дайте эквиваленты следующих английских и русских слов и словосочетаний:

• ультра-легкие, потребляемая мощность, экран, производительность, полнофункциональная клавиатура, модернизации, автобус, встроенный модем, решение "портативный", срок службы батареи, машины «бизнес», слот на передней панели, угол обзора, мобильность, спецификации;

• корпус, устройство типа «все в одном», надежность, производительность, подсветка, задняя панель, особенность, установленная ОС, углы обзора.


Упражнение 2. Перевести с английского на русский.

1. Тот, кто опирается на графику или искать питания для игровых вынужден пойти на рабочем столе маршрут, чтобы получить спецификацию они требуют. 2. Их процессор обычно работает на пониженных оборотах при питании от аккумулятора. 3. Планшетные ПК персональных компьютеров, где владелец имеет право устанавливать любые совместимые приложения или операционной системы. 4. Этот компьютер оснащен мульти-сенсорным экраном и пером возможностями письменной признание. 5. КПК предназначены для использования в качестве цифрового планированию день, интернет-серфинга устройств, проектировщиков, музыкальных плееров, и дисплеи для видео, телепередачи, и электронного чтения. 6. Переносные компьютеры особенно полезна для приложений, которые требуют вычислительной поддержки, а руки пользователя, голос, глаза, руки или внимания активно взаимодействуют с физической средой. 7. Этот тип носимых технология была использована в медицинских системах мониторинга, информационных технологий и развитие средств массовой информации.

Exercise 3. Read the dialogue.

Fred: Hi, Jeff. I call you to ask for an advice. Do you have enough time to speak with me?

Jeff: Hello, Fred. Surely. What’s up?

F: I have to find something suitable for me instead of my old-old computer that passed on (~ приказал долго жить ), by the way. I can’t decide what to buy a laptop or a desktop PC.

J: First, you should think over the performance and capabilities of your future machine. Then you’ll have to decide whether its size, power and portability will be the main features of your computer.

F: Whatdo you mean speaking about the size, power and portability?

J: These three things are the most important features to be paid attention to when choosing between laptops and desktops.

F: I see.I need light, portable and advanced computer with as much as possible communication features and …

J: Wait a minute…

F: … with large screen and having enough power for gaming …

J: Fred,stop dreaming! Let’s discuss one more problem that can make you change your mind.

F: What do you mean?

J: Of course, the price! All you mentioned about concerns a laptop and it costs more than its desktop cousin. And there are also some other things you are to know before making any decision… Well, I’m pressed for time. Come to me this Friday we’ll talk about them.

F: All right. Bye.

J: Bye.

Exercise 4. Compose your own dialogue.

1. Your friend mixes up some things from computer language and asks you to tell the difference between laptops and netbook, if any.

2. You help your group-mate make a right choice buying a new computer.

3. Everyone talks about the disappearance of desktop PC.

Exercise 5. Choose the text. Read it and summarize key points.


Seiko Instruments Inc announced their first Bluetooth watch, the BT Watch. This hi-tech watch is packed into a very stylish casing. This watch is in fact an extension of your phone, and you'll be able (at first) to play around with the volume of the ringtone of your phone. It can also alert you when you have an SMS or e-mail, and it can display the number and the name of the person that is calling you. Finally, it will also alert you when the Bluetooth connection between the watch and phone is broken, so you won't forget your phone anymore.


The Zypad WL 1000, a new wrist-worn PC has been demonstrated to the military forces. This device, which can run Linux or Windows, is a hands-free computer which handles wireless networking and GPS tracking. It also comes with a 240 x 320 pixels touchscreen and has a battery which can last about 8 hours. It only weighs 300 grams — but it will be attached at the end of your arm, so it might feel heavier than this. It could be used by healthcare or law enforcement personnel.


iPod-compatible footwear that tracks runners' training routines is just the beginning of a collaboration between these brands. Their first jointly produced product: the Nike+iPod Sport kit, which involves an electronic sensor inserted under the inner sole of a new Nike running shoe. That sensor talks to a small wireless receiver that attaches to Apple's iPod nanomusic player. The components work together to give voice prompts, interjected while music is playing, that tell runners how far they've gone and at what pace. The iPod will also keep track of the duration, distance, and other information on each run. The data could then be uploaded to a Mac or PC.


The University of Buffalo's VR lab has developed a cap for your index finger that is exquisitely sensitive to movement–to the point that it can actually be used as a 3D digitizer. It has an accelerometer, a force sensor, and a motion tracker.


Japan's Scalar Corp. has recently introduced Teleglass T3-F Video Eyeglasses. Users enjoy the feeling of watching a 28" video screen from a distance of about 6 feet away. Video Eyeglasses solve that issue by only displaying the video to only one eye, leaving the other free to watch for the right subway stop.

Exercise 6. Translate from Russian into English.

О повышенной надежности и высокой производительности этого компьютера можно говорить долго. Хотя эта система лучше для офисной работы, чем для использования дома. Кроме хорошего внешнего вида самого корпуса, следует обратить внимание на очень важную и удобную особенность данной модели – подсветка разъемов на передней и задней панели. В комплект включены: удобная клавиатура, единственный недостаток которой – отсутствие кириллических (cyrillic) символов на кнопках, два коврика для мышки (один – для офисной работы, второй со специальным покрытием – для игр) и оптическая мышка. Этот компьютер идет уже с установленной ОС. Единственное, что вам останется выбрать – это монитор. Лучшим выбором станет монитор той же фирмы.

Exercise 7. Get ready to discuss the topic ‘Types of personal computers’


Exercise 1. Translate, paying attention to the words in italics.

For hikers, tourists or just about anyone who likes to travel with a light load while taking digital photos, Sony has come up with a wearable GPS tracking device that'll help you keep track of where you've been. It is small enough and attached to your belt with a carbine. It records your time and location every 15 seconds. By synching the GPS clock with the timestamp on a digital still camera, your journey is archived, step by step.

Exercise 2. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.


Sometimes you’re just not (to look) for a whiz-bang desktop. If merely capable is more your speed, then take a gander at the PowerSpec T470. This Vista Premium desktop system (to have) some nice components and its performance is decent. But it (not to have) the styling or bells and whistles of similar desktops from other manufacturers. The system (to load) an Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 processor, 2GB of memory, and a dual-layer DVD burner. You also (to get) a 300GB SATA hard drive that will hold a lot of photos or music files, and discrete graphics in a 256MB nVidia GeForce 7300 GT card. But one item that Micro Electronics should have sprung for is an optical mouse instead of a ball mouse. The system (to be) virtually free of preloaded “bloatware”—the ISP sign-ups and trial programs that you never use. But one software goody that we wish it did come with is an antivirus subscription longer than the free 90-day NOD32 antivirus/antispyware package. The PowerSpec T470 has some good hardware and (to provide) decent performance for a $1,000 multimedia system. Still, similar machines (to be) sturdier and less noisy.

Exercise 3. Correct the mistake. Each sentence has one grammar mistake.

There are no real comparison on performance between a laptop and a desktop computer. The laptop have a couple of fundamental problems to overcome which limit it. The first of these is size – the smaller the machine, the less room to puts components. The second is heat – the laptop is small and give less room to circulate air to cool components. Because manufacturers is constantly fighting against these problems the laptop will never truly ‘replace’ the desktop.


Exercise 1. Look through the statements and agree/disagree with each one. Prove your opinion using the following word expressions.

I think/I do not think; I believe/I don’t believe;

I agree that/ I don’t agree that; I guess; I suppose; I consider;

From my point of view; To my mind; In my opinion; To my way of thinking.

It’s true that; If you ask me; As I see it;

1. All netbooks are designed to present information not create it.

2. Tablet PCs may be used where notebooks are impractical or do not provide the needed functionality.

3. Many ‘notebook’ computers cannot actually be used on your ‘lap’, so they cannot really be described as a ‘laptop’ – this is because the main cooling air fan inlet is on the bottom.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text and get ready to discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

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