Examination test
Basics of Law
Variant 2
- What is the name of the state explaining the priority of state power in the state and out of state independence?
a) law subjectivity;
b) state sovereignty;
c) law ability
d) validity;
e) law creation.
2. What function must be the main in the civilized country?
a) irrigation;
b) thriftiness and organizational;
c) taxation;
d) struggle with classes;
e) protection of man’s interests and rights.
3. What is the form of governing in the RK?
f) presidential parliamentary republic;
b) constitutional monarchy;
c) parliamentary republic;
d) absolute monarchy;
i. e) aristocratic republic.
4. Who leads local executive body?
a) mayor;
b) governor;
c) committee chairman;
d) parliament depute;
e) akim.
5 State sovereignty is –
a) independence of state power in solving internal and external policy;
b) presence of a special public and political organization in the society with the definite power;
c) territory and people;
d) flag, hymn, herb;
e) taxes and taxation.
Choose the internal function of the country.
a) social;
b) country defense;
c) peace providence and world order support;
d) integration into the world economy;
e) cooperation with other states in the solution of global problems.
7 What bodies are referred to the representative and legislative power?
a) parliament;
b) government;
c) ministries;
d) committees and departments;
f) courts.
8 What is the form of governing in the RK?
a) parliamentary-presidential republic;
b) constitutional monarchy;
c) parliamentary republic;
d) absolute monarchy;
e) aristocratic republic.
8 What spheres of man’s activity needs the governmental interference?
a) education;
b) health;
c) social provisions;
d) house building;
e) all enumerated activity together.
8 When was the acting Constitution adopted?
a) December 16, 1991;
b) January28, 1993;
c) October 25,1990;
d) August 30, 1995;
e) September 1, 1996.
11 Capability of a person starts at:
a) the age of 14;
b) the age of 16;
c) the age of 21;
d) the age of 25;
e) the age of 18.
12 Sources of Law in the RK:
a) moral norms;
b) corporative norms;
c) political parties programs, talks of state leaders;
d) customs and traditions;
e) norms of law
13 Labor contracts can be concluded:
a) orally;
b) fixed and non-fixed;
c) inaction (silence)
d) in a written form?
e) all enumerated activity together.
14 Labor treaties stipulate:
a) labor legal relations between an employer and an employee;
b) between members of the trade union;
c) between neighbors;
d) between students;
e) between relatives.
15 The only source of state power in the RK is:
a) President;
b) Parliament;
c) Government;
d) High Court;
e) People.
16 Form of State structure in the RK:
a) federal state;
b) unitary state;
c) autonomous state;
d) confederation;
17 Political (state) regime is:
a) order of forming and structure of high state bodies;
b) complex of methods of state power fulfillment;
c) unified state structure;
d) national-territorial and administrative-territorial structure of a state;
e) structure of local state power bodies
18 Commercial enterprise can be formed in the organizational and legal form:
a) enterprise;
b) productive cooperative;
c) public fund;
d) state enterprise;
e) religious unity.
19 Highest Constitutional control is fulfilled by:
a) Parliament of the RK;
b) President of the RK;
c) Prosecution Council;
d) Constitutional Council of the RK;
e) KNB.
20 Subjective side of a crime is:
a) action or inaction;
b) place, time of a committed crime;
c) guilty in one of the form;
d) reasonable connection between criminal action and its consequences;
e) dangerous consequences for the society.
21 Alimony for three and more children care is exacted in the size of:
a) 1/2;
b) 1/4;
c) 1/3;
d) 3/4;
e) 1/5;
22 Crime object is:
a) action or inaction;
b) secured public relations;
c) public dangerous consequences;
d) guilty in the form of intent and carelessness;
e) reason, aim of a crime.
23 Capability of a person starts at:
a) the age of14;
b) the age of 16;
c) the age of 21;
d) the age of 25;
e) the age of 18.
24 Right of legal initiative belongs to:
a) The members of the government; the members of High Court;
b) President; Maslikhat deputies;
c) Government; Parliament members;
d) President; Majilis deputies;
e) People.
25 What body can resist a person in his capability?
a) Registrar Office (ЗАГС);
b) Akimat;
c) Government;
d) Court;?
e) Prosecuting Council.
26 Difference between act and criminal action is in:
a) evidence of property harm;
b) carelessness of a deal;
c) guilty presence;?
d) straight intent;
e) level of a public danger
27 Power is conducted in the form of:
a) Parliament;
b) Maslikhat;
c) Constitution;
d) Referendum;
e) Court.
28 General prosecutor is appointed by:
a) Sate secretary;
b) President;
c) Government;
d) High Court;
e) Ministry of Justice.