









The concept of a material stream.

The concept of a material stream is key element in logistics. Material streams are formed in the result of transportation, warehousing and performance of other material operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished goods beginning from a primary source of raw materials up to the end user.

In relation to logistical system the material stream can be: external, internal, input and output.

The external material stream proceeds in external environment for the enterprise. This category consists of not any cargoes, moving out of the enterprise, but only those which organization concerns the enterprise.

The internal material stream is formed as a result of realization of logistical operations with cargo in logistical system.

The input material stream comesto the logistical system from the environment. In our example it is the sum of the quantities of material streams in unloading operations, t/y.

The output material stream comes from the logistical system into the environment. For wholesalers, it can be determined by addition of material streams, which occur during the loading operations of various types of vehicles. In our example, the value of the output material stream is determined as following

If the company stock is saved on the same level input material stream will be equal to the output.

On natural-material composition material streams are divided into mono assortmentand multiassortment. Such separation is necessary because the assortment composition of the stream is essentially reflected in its use. For example, the logistical process in the wholesale food market which sells meat, fish, vegetables, fruit and groceries, will be materially different from the logistical process of potato storage.

On quantity indication material streams can be massive, large, medium and small.

Massive is considered a stream arising in the course of transportation of cargoes not by one vehicle, but by their group, for example, the train or some tens of cars, a column of motor vehicles, a caravan of courts etc.

Large streams are some cars, motor vehicles.

Small streams form quantities of cargoes not allowing completely usingload-carrying of a vehicle and demanding by transportation combination with other way cargoes.

Medium streams occupy an interval between large and small.They are cargoes which arrive by single carriages or cars.

On relative density of cargoes forming a stream material streams classify on heavy and light-weight.

Heavy streams provide full use of load-carrying capacity of vehicles and demand for storage smaller warehouse. Heavy streams form cargoes where weight of one place exceeds 1 (at transportations by a sailing charter) and 05 (at transportations by railway transport). Metals during the transportation process can be considered as an example of a heavy stream.

Lightweight streams are cargoes that do not allow full use of transport capacity. One ton of lightweight cargo stream is over 2m3 for example, tobacco products in the process of transportation form lightweight streams.

On the compatibility of a stream of goods are isolated compatible and incompatible material streams. This characteristic is taken into account mainly at transportation, storage and load carrying of food products.

There are poured, bulk, piece and liquid material streams according to consistency of cargoes.

Poured cargoes (for example, grain) are transported without container. Their main property is flowability. They can be transported in specialized vehicles: cars of the bunker type, open wagons, on platforms, in containers, in motor vehicles.

Bulk cargoes (salt, coal, ore, sand, etc.) are as a rule of a mineral origin. They are transported without container, some can freeze together, conglomerate. As the previous group, they possess flowability.

Piece cargoes have the most various physical and chemical properties, relative density, and volume. It can be cargoes in containers, boxes, bags, cargoes without container, lengthy and bulky goods.

The liquid cargoes are transported in tanks and tankers. Logistical operations by liquid cargoes are carried out with the help of special means.


2.Organizational structure of logistics at the enterprise

Successful management of material streams at the separate enterprise is possible only in case of allocation of the corresponding function. Dynamically changing situation creates objective requirement at a number of the enterprises in creation of service of the logistics which absence results in unsystematic character and inconsistency in purchases, storage, the prices, stocks, duration of a production cycle, the sale organization, to confusion in warehouse economy.

Absence of structures of logistics at the enterprises of Russia it is rather a result of historically developed control systems and inability to present logistics service, than the expressed unwillingness.

The basic lack of structures existing at the enterprise is that logistic operations are connected in materialoprovodyashchy function on classical, but not on a system method.

Logistic approach provides management of all operations as uniform activity. For this purpose at the enterprise it is necessary to allocate special logistic service which will operate a material stream, beginning from formation of the contractual relations with the supplier and finishing delivery to the buyer of finished goods. Thus there are two options of creation of service of logistics: as one of the structural divisions cooperating with other services and deprived of the right of a direct control of material streams at all enterprise (an example, logistic department in purchase and realization service). However more effective is creation of separate service of logistics in direct submission of the director and having the right of influence on activity of those services which carry out work with the materialopotoky.

3. One of typical problems which the organizations a choice of a good place of placement face. Placement is connected with search of the best geographical points of a site of the LTs elements (plants, warehouses, shops, restaurants, offices, etc.). Decisions on placement of the LTs elements are extremely important as they influence indicators of activity of the organization for many years, i.e. have long-term character. If the organization makes a mistake and will open a construction in an unsuccessful place, having enclosed in it considerable means, to correct a situation, having moved to a new place it won't be so simple, it will demand big financial, labor, time expenditure, will lead to loss of time, clients, to freezing of the capitals, decrease in competitiveness. If, for example, the plant is constructed on an unsuccessful place, it can have problems with suppliers, with quality and distribution of production, expenses increase in comparison with work in more successful place. The successful site in itself yet doesn't guarantee success in business, but is its necessary condition.


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