Проступки включают мелкие кражи, нанесение телесных повреждений, незаконное хранение наркотических средств, нарушение общественного порядка и или опасное вождение
Exercise 7. Find definitions to these legal terms:
Упражнение 7. Найти определения этих юридических терминов:
-уголовное преступление
А felony is punished by death penalty or imprisonment in a state or federal penitentiary (prison for felons) for more than one year
A misdemeanor is punishable by a fine or imprisonment in the county jail (local jail for minor offenders) or both, depending upon state law.
Exercise 8. Answer the questions:
Упражнение 8. Ответьте на вопросы:
-Who makes the decision of how a crime should be classified in the USA?
-Кто принимает решение о том, как преступления следует классифицировать в США?
In the USA the decision of how a crime should be classified rests with the individual jurisdiction.
-What is the most common classification of offenses in the USA?
-Какой является самой распространенной классификацией преступления в США?
The most common classification is the division between felonies and misdemeanors.
-What crimes do the felonies include?
-Какие преступления означают тяжкие преступления?
felonies include serious crimes against the person such as homicide, robbery and rape or crimes against property, such as burglary or larceny
- What crimes do the misdemeanors include?
- Какие преступления означают проступки?
Misdemeanors include petty larceny, assault and battery, the unlawful possession of drugs, disturbing the peace and or reckless driving.
-What is the third category of offenses?
- Что такое третья категория правонарушений?
In addition to serious felony crimes and less serious offenses labeled misdemeanors, some jurisdictions also have a third category of least serious offenses called violations.
-What do violations include?
-Что нарушения включают?
Examples include health sanitary violations, unlawful assembly, public disturbances, and traffic violations.
-How can a felony be punished?
Как можно наказать за преступления?
А felony is punished by death penalty or imprisonment in a state or federal penitentiary (prison for felons) for more than one year.
-How can a misdemeanor be punished?
-Как можно наказать за проступок?
A misdemeanor is punishable by a fine or imprisonment in the county jail (local jail for minor offenders) or both, depending upon state law.
- How can a violation be punished?
- Как можно наказать за нарушения?
Violations are usually punished by a fine or a short jail term.
Exercise 9. Complete the sentences given below.
Упражнение 9. Дополните предложения, приведенные ниже.
- The most common classification is the division between felony and misdemeanor.
- A felony is punishable by death penalty or imprisonment
- A misdemeanor is punishable by a fine or imprisonment.
- A person convicted of a felony may be barred from certain fields of employment or from certain fields of employment.
- A court’s jurisdiction often depends on whether a crime is considered a felony or misdemeanor.
- Some states prosecute felonies only on indictment.
- Some jurisdictions have a third category of least serious offenses called violations.
- These violations, ordinarily of tow, city or county ordinances are regulatory offenses
Exercise 9. Find in the text the English equivalents for these Russian legal terms and expressions (use the paragraph given)
Упражнение 9. Найти в тексте английские эквиваленты для этих российских юридических терминов и выражений
- Совокупность уголовно-правовых норм (1 ) body of criminal law
- Быть запрещенным(4) be barred
- Занимать государственную должность (4) to hold public office
- Совокупность норм, регулирующих наложение ареста (5) a difference at the time of arrest.
- Произвести арест (5) make an arrest
- Необходимость присутствия (5 ) presence
- Веские основания (5 ) reasonable grounds
-Предварительное слушание (6 ) a preliminary hearing
- Обвинительный акт, составленный большим жюри (6) indictment of a grand jury
- Обвинительное заключение, составленное прокурором без участия большого жюри (6)
by indictment of information.
- Постановление муниципального органа (7) regulatory offenses
- Правонарушения, находящиеся в юрисдикции регулятивных органов(7)
violations, ordinarily of town, city or county ordinances