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Ex. 15-17 and 22 Use of English


127. private, privacy, privatize, privatization, in private, privately WF

128. silence is golden

129. to put up with sth

130. the hubbub of daily life

131. wilderness = a large area of land that has never been developed or used for growing crops because it is difficult to live there. E.g. The Antarctic is the world’s last great wilderness. DEF

132. to escape from (the noise of vehicles)

133. construction workers

134. to hammer away at sth = to work hard in order to finish or achieve sth; to keep repeating sth in order to get the result that you want.

135. lawn-mowers

136. hedge-trimmers

137. leaf-blowers

138. dish-washer

139. washing-machine

140. vacuum-cleaner

141. to add to the cacophony

142. man-made

143. to emit WF (emission, emitted etc)

144. the introduction of (e.g. solutions/laws) WF

145. local residents

146. to do/carry out research on sth

147. the bulk of the traffic sound

148. loud, loudly, loudness WF

149. complicate/complicated/complication etc WF

150. for good reason

151. acetic acid

152. toxic waste

153. to be injured/harmed/damaged etc

154. to sweep sth away = to get rid of sth completely

155. short-term (e.g. catastrophe)

156. catastrophe = disaster = holocaust

157. to predict = to foretell = to foresee

158. to detain sth = to prevent sth from doing sth

159. required standards

160. basin DEF. E.g. The Danube basin, the Thames basin

161. to be littered with sth

162. network of dams DEF

163. to stem (the waste)

164. to neutralize (the waste/pollution etc)

165. to give way PHR V E.g. A reservoir wall gave way at some plant…

166. to gush over PHR V.

167. to foul sth (e.g. waterways) = to pollute

168. to poison (the river)

169. in the making IDM

170. to reduce (e.g. the water’s PH level)

171. the water’s PH level

172. lax safety standards

173. to pose (huge/enormous) risks

174. to be extremely difficult

175. in comparison with sth

176. to take sth under (temporal) control

177. temporal VS permanent + WF

178. there were reasons to…

179. criminal negligence DEF

180. compensation to PREP + WF

181. the authorities’ oversight of sth

182. to implement laws/rules/regulations


Waste not

183. to generate rubbish

184. to run out of sth

185. from now on

186. to dump waste

187. to pass sth to sb = to give

188. to be environmentally better

189. to be environmentally friendly

190. to be environmentally conscious

191. to recycle DEF

192. to deal with sth

193. to be estimated at (25 million)

194. hazard, hazardous = risk, risky (hazard = risk, but hazard>risk)

195. to re-use, redistribute

196. to handle sth with care = to use sth carefully


Listening Waste Recycling (ex.32)

197. to cause problems

198. to be caused by sth

199. to introduce fines

200. heavy/light fines

201. to litter public places

202. to contribute to (keeping the cities clean)

203. to encourage people to do sth

204. to take measures

205. to bring on sth

206. to respect public places

207. to curb street littering

208. to inform sb about sth

209. financial motives behind sth

210. to assess the present-day environmental situation 40

211. recycling facilities

212. the controversial new measure to do sth (to limit the amount of litter)

213. to bring the issue to parliament

214. to propose sth (a 500 pound fine)

215. a rubbish bin DEF

216. to grossly overestimate sth (the consequences of sth)

217. but the truth is…

218. it really is a matter of sth/doing sth E.g. It really is a matter of making it very clear that there simply is no choice.

219. to be considerate of sth (E.g. to be considerate of our environment)

220. to suggest penalties

221. the penalties do not fit the crime

222. to have to do with = be connected with (E.g. These measures have to do with public cleanliness)

223. to convince sb (e.g. citizens) not to do sth (throw litter on streets)

224. to make sure that …

225. effective ways to…

226. to adopt a method

227. well-organized (about a campaign)

228. extensive (about a campaign)

229. this is a whole different story

230. to put sth at risk (e.g. lives)

231. to keep sth (the streets) clean

232. to be a life-or-death issue

233. to look upon sth as a life-or-death issue

234. the vast majority of people

235. irresponsible behaviour

236. I’m sorry to interrupt. Time flies COLLABORATION

Adapt or die (ex.26)

237. to concentrate on sth

238. to prevent climate change

239. to adapt to sth; adaptation; adaptable WF PREP

240. to subtract sth from sth

241. to change your mind. E.g I’ve changed my mind

242. efforts on

243. to be vulnerable to

244. a shift in sth (in the priorities)

245. to cope with (climate change)

246. to put out a fire

247. a desirable change WF

248. to change course

249. to set aside sth for sth = to save sth for sth. E.g. They set aside 20 million dollars for international adaptation efforts

250. to show willingness to

251. to put money into sth

252. to hammer out the details/compromise etc = to discuss until the decision is made

253. faster than expected

254. a think-tank = a group of experts

255. to avert dangerous consequences = to prevent

256. flood control

257. sophisticated public-health programmes

258. carbon footprints

259. to focus on sth; a focus on sth

260. a slew of = a number of

261. the amount of = quantity of

262. to guard against

263. an index=indices

264. to set up = to launch, to organize

265. to set up a global tax on carbon

266. tax; taxation WF

267. to advise on sth, doing sth

268. under a protocol

269. to sign accords

270. finance reductions

271. to be controlled by

272. exhortation to do sth = urge to do sth

273. to end up doing sth

274. a fight over sth; to fight over sth

275. to take precedence over sth

276. to go up (e.g. about sea levels)

277. to build sea walls

278. to rehouse people

279. infectious diseases

280. to rise (about the diseases)

281. to eradicate a problem = to get rid of it

282. to run a campaign/organization

283. philanthropic organizations

284. international arrangements

285. help do sth

286. to sort out sth (e.g. disputes)

287. to be shambles IDM

288. to be led by

289. to differ from

290. polluters; pollute; pollution; polluted

291. to participate effectively in climate-change tanks

292. an approach to

293. to depend on

294. to be excluded from

295. to the chagrin of sb (e.g of the poor)

296. former = ex (E.g. a former president, former Soviet Union)

297. under (international) law

298. to suffer the environmental costs

299. to alienate (rich countries)

300. in general vs in particular

301. to go on sth (about spending). E.g. most spending should go on the environmental issues

302. and so on and so forth

303. sth leaves plenty of room for disputes

304. to grow (about evidence)

305. disproportionately WF

306. the poorest of the poor

307. to see sth as sth (E.g to see global warming as a Western matter)

308. dry-land architecture DEF

309. tropical forests = jungle

310. subsistence fishing

311. water-bourne diseases

312. to produce weather patterns

313. erratic weather patterns

314. to loose out

315. to cut sth (emissions, spending)

316. to be rewarded with sth

317. to be a proper business

318. to encounter a host of problems

319. to begin with,…

320. to be a puff of smoke IDM

321. back-of-the envelope calculations IDM

322. to cope with (climate change)

323. to pledge to date

324. cumulatively WF + cumulating, cumulative

325. to allocate incomes

326. to fail to do sth = not to manage to do sth

327. aid = help

328. to fulfil promises

329. promises to do sth

330. for some reasons, for other reasons

331. a non-starter

332. to levy taxes

333. to use revenues for sth

334. global poverty-reduction

335. to impose a tax on sth

336. HIV, AIDS

337. to be HIV-positive/negative

338. to create adaptation funds

339. to auction rights

340. rights to do sth

341. cap-and-trade arrangements

342. as the scheme says

343. to make steps (towards sth)

344. to prevent damage from (climate change)

345. shore protection

346. beach nourishment

347. erosion, eroding (beaches, soils) WF

348. to worsen sth = to make worse (flooding)


What is Kyoto Protocol?

349. emissions trading DEF

350. to achieve targets (the targets haven’t been achieved)

351. to make difference

352. to back the treaty = to support VS pull out

353. alternatives = options = better variants

354. greenhouse gas = any of the gases thought to cause the greenhouse effect

355. the greenhouse effect = the problem of the gradual rise in temperatures of the Earth’s atmosphere caused by an increase of gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, etc

356. to be considered sth/to be sth

357. to be responsible for sth

358. to have catastrophic consequences on sth

359. to be agreed (about a protocol)

360. to commit to do sth (to cut the emissions)

361. to cut/reduce emissions VS to increase emissions

362. to sign the protocol

363. to waver over sth = to doubt (E.g. Russia wavered over signing the protocol)

364. to become a legally binding treaty

365. to come into force (about a protocol, a law)

366. to fulfill conditions WF +fulfillment of the conditions

367. to be ratified by

368. industrialized countries

369. developed countries

370. developing countries

371. the deciding factor

372. to have political benefits

373. to stand to do sth, to stand for sth/doing sth

374. to join (the convention/the campaign)

375. to badly affect sth

376. to make a lot of money doing sth

377. to sell credits

378. to get under way

379. to collapse = to be ruined (about the economy)

380. the output of greenhouse gases

381. overall emissions

382. a sharp increase/decrease in sth

383. an 8% rise/fall in sth

384. to meet the target

385. to reduce, reduction

386. to make progress

387. to implement a law/a protocol

388. fatally flawed

389. voluntary action/work

390. to fall into a category of..

391. to set the targets/aims etc

392. the consensus among sb/sth (e.g. industrialized countries)

393. to lead to sth (criticisms)

394. to be toothless (about the agreement)

395. to be virtually obsolete

396. to set out a framework for future negotiations

397. to take time/another decade etc to do sth (rebuild) - десятилетие

398. to acknowledge SP (about the agreement)

399. to contribute to sth (climate change)

400. mitigation programmes/campaigns

401. allowances of greenhouse gas emissions

402. tree planting

403. soil conservation

404. to boost the environment’s capacity to do sth (to absorb carbon)

405. to be based on sth

406. to gain increasing support (about an approach/method)

407. an equal quota of sth


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