1. Safety is a major concern at the manufacturing company where I work. So I'm constantly preaching (проповідую) caution to the workers I supervise. 'Does anyone know,' I asked a few guys, 'what the speed limit is in our parking lot?'
The long silence that followed was interrupted when one of them piped up (присвиснув). 'That depends. Do you mean coming to work or leaving?'
2. Safety Managers: persons who write a 10,000 word document and call it a brief - Franz Kafka
3. A police protection officer was visiting a primary school in a particularly rough area of Manchester, England.
'Why shouldn't you touch the oven door or the kettle?' he asked the assembled class.
A young girls hand shot into the air. 'Because you might leave fingerprints,' she answered.
4. A crowd gathered around at a woodworking trade show held at Fort Purbrook, Portsmouth and were watching a sales demonstration. The demonstrator showed how machine might work when it hit an operator's finger.
For simulation purposes he used a sausage as a substitute. Intrigued, a curious spectator stepped up for a closer look and was struck in the eye by a flying piece of debris.
Unit 10
Computer influence on a man health
Vocabulary list
to avoid
to get tired of
To exceed
To conduct
Neurotic disorders
To decrease
Затьмарений, затуманений
нервові розлади
частота, частотність
Read the questions and answer.
1) Do you have a computer at home?
2) How often do you use a computer?
3) For what purpose do you use a computer?
4) What do you know about the computer influence on a man health?
5) What rules of computer safety work do you know?
2. To learn more about the c omputer influence on a human health
a) read and translate the text and find mistakes
Computer influence on a man health
The full computerization of a country is impossible to avoid.
The last researches showed that computers don’t make us healthier and with the wrong use can give an irreparable harm.
I n all computer countries it is common practice that the computer operator work is one of the most intensive and tiring. For example, in Germany operator work is included in the list of the 40 most harmful for the health works and in accordance with the prescribed rules the work at the monitor should not exceed 50% of the working time.
The last investigations conduct ed under the aegis of American optometrical association (which consists of 32 thousand ophthalmologists and opticians) pay attention to the obvious fact again: working at the computer is not natural for human eyesight. 70-75% of all users which routinely work at the monitor screen have problems with the eyesight. A lot of complaints come from the computer operators about sharp pain in the eyes, blearing, the common eyesight worsening.
We have to read, to type, to compare something more than once, when we are working at the monitor. But in result eyes have to re-form thousand times a day. It has a negative influence on the eyesight.
Man gets used to deal with the horizontally lied leaf of the paper, while the monitor screen is vertically placed. Permanent imitation of the “look into the distance” occurs. It relaxes muscle eye device.
Conducted in Massachusetts medical checkups found that employees, which is working at the PC over 7 hours a day, have greater for 72% case rate asthenopia (eyes get tired easily) and inflammation than employees, which spend a less time at the computer.