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There are many problems in our very world. Maybe one of us know this problem by oneself. And now Ill try to show you my top-ten of most acute problems of the present days.
1The one of the important problems in our present days is corruption. In our country corruption reached its higher level. People get used to it. In our mentality it is something common. People trying to cheat other people in order to get some easy money. Im sure that there arent any politicians who dont steal money from the government, dont oil someones palm or dont use ones official position.
Something must to be done with this. We need to be clear and honest with each other.
2The other acute issue which is caused by the previous problem is bad standards of living and this is why I put it straight after the corruption problem. Our government is very corrupted and I think this is the main cause of bad standards of living. Our government cant provide many things which are required for better life of common people. For example: housing conditions, the possibilities for education, conditions of work and employment, opportunities for recreation, welfare services and many other things that should be done. I believe that someday we will have normal living standards.
3One of most important problems nowadays is consumption. Consumption of peak oil and energy. Role of the petroleum in human civilization cannot be overestimated without it modern life would be impossible. Oil powers 96% of the transportation on the planet and is the main ingredient in plastics and other things we use every day. The developing world is modernizing at a rash pace, and the appetite for oil is driving up demand all over the globe. At the same time, production is declining in all but a few countries.
4And now I want to talk about global warming. Many people believe global warming is a big danger to human civilization today. It is believed that the rising global temperature will cause catastrophic weather systems, disease outbreaks, crop failures and water shortages worldwide. Gases like carbon dioxide and methane are trapping heat within the atmosphere, slowly increasing the overall temperature. This increasing of temperature is caused by our uncountable usage of patrol, fuel, oil, gas etc. And if we dont take action against the global warming we will be suffering soon, because life on Earth survived within very specific conditions over hundreds of millions of years, and any change in those conditions will breed a myriad of disasters.
5And now lets talk about youth and not only youth. In our developing world, when the information and answers to almost every question are near you somehow we get stupid. I think this is because of superfluous information around us. Nowadays it is difficult for us to find what we need through all that junk of information. So usually young boys and girls, who are dont understand which information is important or not, get stupid and think about something that they shouldnt at that age.
6The other one acute problem is drugs. People start using drugs just for fun and then get addicted to them. They cant control themselves and become violent if they cant get a doze. And the most amusing thing is that children can easily get the drug.
7There was a time when kids enjoyed being kids. Today children are partaking in adult activities with serious consequences. In fact, there are entire TV series marketed directly to kids dealing with sex; and songs have always had sexual hints, but at least you had to be old enough to understand them. Today, its all about How low can you go and baby let me sex you up. Kids are having sex as early as 10 and 11, with teen pregnancies increasingly on the rise. The concept of childhood is literally being wiped out.
8910And now lets discuss poverty, hunger and luck of drinking water. This three problems are also very important. Several issues like hunger, illness and thirst are both causes and effects - for instance: not having water means you're poor, but being poor also means you can't afford water or food. The share of children affected by poverty has only got bigger and bigger. Children are those who have the least choice and ability to change what happens to them. And the strangest thing that we can easily drink water and have an hour bath while children in Africa are only dreaming about drinking a drop of coffee. Something must to be done to help poor people to stand firmly on their two legs. I know that some people give some of their money for the charity. And I think this is really great, that people can somehow help the people in need.
So this is 10 acute problems which I think are the most valuable. I think we should draw attention to these problems. Im sure if our government changes the situation for the better we will live happier.