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What are the leading principles of orthography in English?



1. What is phonetics? What does it study?

2. How is phonetics connected with other sciences, both linguistic and non-linguistic?

3. What brunches of phonetics do you know? What do they study?

4. What speech mechanisms do you know? What are the functions of these speech mechanisms?

5. What organs of speech take part in the formation of speech sounds?

6. What principles is the classification of English consonants based on?

7. What principles is the classification of English vowels based on?

8. What is assimilation? What types of assimilation do you know?

9. What do you know about the mechanism of aspiration?

10.What is palatalization? Is the process of palatalization similar in English and in Russian from the functional point of view?

11.What is the difference between labialization in English and in Russian?

12.How does assimilation affect the manner of noise production? What is lateral plosion? What is nasal plosion? What is loss of plosion?

13.How does assimilation affect the work of the vocal cords in English and in Russian?

14.What is reduction? What types of reduction do you know?

15.What parts of speech are as a rule stressed in English?

16.What is the main difference between the English and Russian unstressed vocalism?

17.What is a phoneme?

18.Who is the founder of the phoneme theory?

19.What is Shcherba’s view on speech sounds?

20.What is the difference between phonemes and allophones?

21.What is the classification of allophones?

22.What phonological schools, both home and foreign, do you know?

23.What are major differences between them?

24.What are the three aspects of the phoneme?

25.What functions does the phoneme perform?

26.How are phonemes connected with letters?

What is a grapheme?

28.What are single-valued graphemes? What is a monograph?

29.What are multi-valued graphemes? What is a digraph, trigraph, polygraph?

30.How are graphemes connected with phonology and morphology?

31.What principles of orthography do you know?

What are the leading principles of orthography in English?

33.What are the leading principles of orthography in Russian?

34.What is the difference between transcription and transliteration?

35.How are syllables formed? –What is a syllable?

36.What are the standard types of syllables?

37.What basic theories of syllable formation and syllable division do you know?

38.What does the vowel-forming theory state? What are its drawbacks?

39.What is the expiratory theory? What are its drawbacks?

40.What is the sonority theory? What are its drawbacks?

41.What does Shcherba’ theory deal with?

42.What are the functions of the English syllabic structure?

43.What are the principal differences between syllable formation and syllable division in English and in Russian?

44.How is accent defined by different scientists?

45.What main types of word accent do you know? How are languages characterized according to the most important feature of their word accent?

46.How is accent classified according to its place in the words of a language?

47.What is the classification of stress according to its degree?

48.What are the factors that determine the place and different degree of word stress in English?

49.What are the functions of word accent? How are they performed?

50.What is prosody?

51.How is intonation defined by different scientists?

52.What are the five components of intonation?

53.What is speech melody? Why is it important?

54.What nuclear tones in English do you know?

55.What communicative types of sentences do you know? -What communicative types are pronounced with falling/rising tone?

56.What is the structure of an intonation pattern?

57.How does the stress component manifest itself in a sentence?

58.What are the rules of accent in a sense group?

59.What is rhythm?

60.What do you know about the temporal component of intonation?

61.What is tamber?

62.How is intonation manifests itself in written speech?

63.How is intonation indicated graphically: a) inside the text? b) outside the text?

64.What variants of the English language do you know?

65.What are the regional types of the English language and of the American variant of the English language?

66.What are the reasons to choose one type of pronunciation as the teaching norm?

67.What are the principal differences between RP and GA within the vocalic system?

68.What are the principal differences between RP and GA within the consonant system?

69.How are the variations of the literary language reflected in pronunciation?

70.Why is the knowledge of language variations important for mastering a foreign language?

71.What do you know about modifications within the English pronunciation system?


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