at the meeting of the Educational and Methodic Council Chairman
________________N. Duisengulova
Academic program: Bachelor
Specialty: 5В050500 Regional Studies
Form of study: daytime
on the course “Professional Foreign Language 4”
Year: 4
Term: 7
Number of credits: 2
Lecturer: Senior teacher G. Yersultanova
Phone: 293-75-93, room 202
Almaty, 2015
Compiled by: senior teacher ____________G. Yersultanova, Senior teacher _______D.Saari
The syllabus has been developed on the basis of the Working curriculum of the discipline “Foreign Language” for students of all the specialties.
The syllabus was considered at the meeting of the Foreign Languages Department.
Minutes № ____ of “____” ____________ 2015
Acting Head of the Foreign Languages Department ___________________M. Jandildinov
This discipline considers and examines
further developing of the English language and communication proficiency within a framework of European standards required by students to communicate effectively in their future professional careers.
Information technology has become a vital and integral part of every business. Specialists with profound professional knowledge of processing the data and operating information systems are in great demand nowadays. Companies need specialists who will be able to do services in good English, to participate in meetings held in joint companies together with native English speakers and to be able to survive in the English speaking environment.
Significant role in preparing these professionals belongs to higher education institutions of Kazakhstan and Almaty Management University is one of the leaders among them.
This course is designed as an elective one for the 3rd–year students of the Russian and Kazakh departments, specialty Regional studies at Almaty Management University. The course contains some theoretical material on the basics of regional studies, historical, geographical, cultural backgrounds, and general linguistic-cultural view of English speaking countries: the UK, the USA, political and social factors of the countries. The interaction between regional studies (focused on the region) and the study of globalization (which inevitably takes a broader perspective) promises to be one of the most fruitful intellectual exchanges in the field over the next few years.
Methodology of teaching this discipline provides for:
- Practical classes conduction;
- IWS;
The purpose of teaching this discipline is
to use business vocabulary in typical situations for the development of speaking skills; practice of writing business emails.
The objectives of teaching this discipline are:
- to develop intercultural communicative competence of students in the language specialties of foreign language education at a sufficient level;
- to provide an interactive approach in learning the English language.
Major skills (Speaking, Reading, Listening, Writing) in Business English (level –Intermediate and above)
Acquired skills are necessary for gaining further knowledge in professional English and working in English-speaking environment with foreign colleagues.
In the process of learning students are supposed to get acquainted with and learn:
· essential language and terminology of Regional Studies
· historical, geographical, cultural background.
· linguistic-cultural approach
In the process of learning, students must/are supposed to be able to do in:
· reading: finding out and understanding special information needed; reading and understanding articles on different legal matters in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet.
· listening: listening effectively to business conversations and documentaries, reproducing details orally or in written form, taking and sending messages on the phone.
· speaking: dealing with clients and colleagues, exchanging information and problem-solving on the phone, e-mailing,leading and influencing the outcome of cross-cultural meetings, team- presenting and giving effective individual presentations, negotiating, expressing informed views on professional topics, communicating as self-reliant speakers in both professional and social situations.
The following competencies within the general intercultural competence are to be acquired by the students of “Regional Studies” specialty:
- linguistic-cultural competence which forms the initial “conceptual picture of the world” on the basis of students’ own culture as linguistic and cultural reflection of the national linguistic consciousness and mentality;
- socio-cultural competence forming “secondary cognitive consciousness ” as a concept and image of a different society;
- cognitive competence providing language formation as an integral part of learning process and thinking formation as well;
- communicative competence as an ability and readiness of a student to realize his/her communicative objectives;
- profession oriented competence interpreted as knowledge of basic legal concepts, key words and essential expressions, so that they can communicate effectively and confidently in their future work and studies.
Upon completion of this discipline students must:
master the following competences according to the competence model of the bachelor
General competencies:
- to know basic rules of reading and pronouncing loanwords; possession of basic facilities in the emphatic intonation function;
- to be able to use simple phrases and sentences in a dialogue for communicating in social and socio-cultural, educational and professional spheres;
- cope with simple everyday situations in communication with the teacher, classmates, others;
- to have skills of dialogical and monologues, to express their thoughts and speak accordingly speech standards in English, asking questions and answering them on familiar topics;
- to be able to use a series of phrases and expressions to make more detailed description of their friends, living conditions, food preferences, their leisure time, the orientation in the city, the current family and national holidays, etc.
- to be able to write a short personal letter, CV and fill out the form with the requirements of registration, record your daily routine, describe their preferences, biography, current events, using simple phrases and grammar construction etc.
- to have skills in conveying briefly the contents of the text and reading with expression of its position at the elementary level;
Economic competencies:
- to have skills in obtaining the necessary business information;
- to provide students with the tools to participate in the global information, economic and cultural processes: the dialogue of cultures and economies;
- to be able to make a conversation in a volume of studies subjects adequately use communicative cues transmit content read, heard by the general economic, professional, cross-cultural topics (reports, presentations, speeches, debates, reports).