1. For what purpose is a fundamental reform of whole system of higher education and training specialists needed?
2. What task stands before the Ministry of higher Education of Ukraine?
3. What specialists do our universities train?
4. Under what are all creative forces united?
5. What can you say about a scientific potential of Ukraine?
6. Why is science of Ukraine experiencing difficult time now?
7. What is it necessary to do in order to eliminate the disproportion of locations of scientific institutions?
8. What achievements does Ukraine have to its credit?
9. What obstacles should Ukraine overcome to reach the world level in some branch of science?
10. Why is it very important to solve all these problems?
Name the word- building elements (suffixes, prefixes) and the part of speech of each word. Translate them into Ukrainian.
Consequence – consequent – consequently
establish – established – establishment
possible – impossible – possibility
civil – civilian – civilize – civilized – civilization
organ – organize – organized – organization
value – valuable – invaluable – valueless – valuation
apply – applied – appliance – applicable – applicant – application
develop – development
know – knowledge
eliminate – elimination
power - powerful – powerless
broad – broaden – broadly
discover – discovery
end – endless
explain – explained – explanation
relate – related – unrelated – relation – relationship
Read the following word combinations and translate them.
Ceaseless decrease in the living standard, lack of consciousness, appliance for the treatment, a genuine democratic system, academicians and corresponding members, insurmountable obstacles, conduct postgraduate studies, occupy a leading place, recognize at the world level, a scientifically grounded plan, to have achievements to one’s credit, scientific establishments, consequences of the application of innovations, train specialists, the provision of conditions.
Give English equivalents of the following words and expressions.
Долати велику кількість перешкод; займати одне з передових місць; відсутність фінансування; наближати; робити все можливе; у нас є досягнення, котрими можна пишатися; природні загадки, котрі повинні бути вирішені; переживати складні часи; наукові установи; прилад для лікування; розлад сосудів головного мозку; не дивлячись на певні досягнення; світова громада; присвоювати ступені.
Complete the following sentences using the words and expressions from the text, translate them.
1. All these problems should be solved by the government as ….
2. All our universities train ….
3. The staff of the Academy ….
4. Ukrainian science has certain ….
5. Ukraine has to overcome ….
6. For the first time in the history of Ukraine ….
7. In times of former USSR the science ….
Match the following English words and word-combinations with the Ukrainian ones.
1. entirely changed the mode of people’s lives | а) наблизити рівень освіти місцевих та сільських жителів |
2. to grant degrees | b) неподолані завади |
3. branch research institution | с) переживати складні часи |
4. to experience difficult time | d) мати у своєму розпорядженні |
5. to eliminate the disproportion | e) науково-дослідні організації |
6. the negative consequences | f) присвоювати ступені |
7. to bring closer the educational level of urban and rural inhabitants | g) повністю змінений спосіб життя людей |
8. to have one’s disposal | h) негативні наслідки |
9. insurmountable obstacles | i) ліквідувати диспропорцію |
Give the definitions of the following words.
Education, knowledge, curriculum, graduate, skill, facility, technique, department, term.