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C) The teacher told me to go to the blackboard!

D) The teacher told me went to the blackboard!

E) The teacher told me will go to the blackboard!


4. Choose the right modal verb: If you want to pass your exam, you … work hard.


A) must

B) can’t

C) Can

D) needn’t

E) must not


5. Find the right variant: He asked if I … his telephone number.


A) to know

B) knew

C) knows

D) know

E) known


6. Choose the right answer: What parts is London divided into?


A) 3

B) 2

C) 1

D) 5

E) 4


7. Choose the English equivalent.



A) Applicant

B) Tutor

C) Dean

D) Graduate

E) Lecture


8. Choose the right modal verb: He … smoke so much.


A) Might

B) Need

C) should

D) shouldn’t

E) May


9. Choose the correct variant.

If I found a fly in my soup, I … to manager of the café.


A) Complained

B) would be complain

C) would complain

D) Complain

E) will complain


10. Choose the right variant: The academic year is divided into 2 ….


A) terms

B) Parts

C) lessons

D) works

E) lectures


11. Choose the correct answer: If the chairman... ill, the meeting wouldn't have been cancelled.

A) hadn't been

B) wouldn't be

C) won't be

D) wasn't

E) wouldn't have been


12. Fill in a suitable word: Now that he has become a graduate student he can go in for ____.


A) Subject

B) Research

C) Work

D) Holiday

E) Vacation


13. Choose the right antonym to the word expression: to work regularly-


A) to work easy

B) to work much

C) to work well

D) to work hard

E) to work by fits and starts


14. Choose the right answer in a possessive case: KairatNurtas is our _____ best singer.


A) Country

B) Country’s

C) Countrys’

D) Countries

E) Countrys


15. Choose the right tag question: Mark won’t be late,…he?


A) shall

B) were

C) Will

D) Was

E) Is


16. Choose the English equivalent:



A) Of advance

B) Un advance

C) on advance

D) In advance

E) Off advance


17. Translate:танғыастыішу– завтракать


A) to have a rest

B) to be breakfast

C) to have breakfast

D) to have dinner

E) to be hungry


18. Choose the correct variant:

I can’t stand modern music, Mary tells me.


A) Mary tells me she couldn’t stand modern music

B) Mary tells me she can’t stand modern music

C) Mary tells me she couldn’t stands modern music

D) Mary tells me she can’t standing modern music

E) Mary tells me she couldn’t stood modern music


19. Choose the right tense form: I____ busy at the moment.


A) Are

B) Is

C) were

D) shall

E) Am


20. Find the correct variant: This is a valuable book. You … look after it carefully.


A) Can

B) can’t

C) must

D) must not

E) needn’t



21. Which of the following is used with an:


A) Red apple

B) Large house

C) Long Poem

D) Interesting Book

E) Beautiful picture


22. Complete the sentence:… nearly 11 o’clock


A) There is

B) It is

C) They

D) This is

E) There are


23. What flower is the symbol of Scotland?


A) Rose

B) shamrock

C) Tulip

D) daffodil

E) thistle


24. Choose the the right auxiliary verb: What… you… every day?


A) do/do

B) do/doing

C) does/doing

D) does/do

E) do/does


25. The students … not miss classes.


A) cannot

B) Have

C) must

D) Shall

E) Might


26. Who offers the passengers some snacks and soft drinks on a plane?


A) The robot

B) The hostess

C) The pilot

D) The doctor

E) The writer


27. Change the sentence from affirmative into negative: My uncle built a new house last year.


A) My uncle hadn’t built a new house last year.

B) My uncle hasn’t built a new house last year.

C) My uncle didn’t build a new house last year.

D) My uncle doesn’t build a new house last year.

E) My uncle isn’t built a new house last year.


28. Choose the right variant: What is the national musical instrument of Scots?


A) bagpip

B) bagpepes

C) big pipe

D) bagpipe

E) bags pipe


29. Choose the right variant: People in Kazakhstan celebrate … on March 22.


A) Nauryz

B) Constitution Day

C) Longest day of the years

D) Independence Day

E) Republic Day


30. Which of the following is used with an:


A) Poem

B) Book

C) Desk

D) Radio

E) English



ТренировочныйтестАттестация №4 (90ч.) Вариант - 6


1. Define the right Tense form: The students always pass exams at the end of each term.


A) Present Continuous

B) Past Continuous

C) Past Simple

D) Future Continuous

E) Present Simple(Indefinite)


2. Complete the sentence:… nearly 11 o’clock


A) It is

B) They

C) There is

D) There are

E) This is


3. Change the following sentence from Direct into Indirect speech: I said «I shall come back next week»


A) I said I come back the following week.

B) I said I should come back the next week.

C) I said I shall come back the following week.

D) I said I came back the following week.

E) I said I should come back the following week.


4. Complete the sentence:

If you feel bad,you ….


A) Could help me

B) Should see a doctor

C) Must go to the work

D) Can go to the country

E) Will go for a walk


5. Choose the right variant: The students … prepare their home assignments regularly.

A) Needn’t

B) May

C) Mustn’t

D) Have to

E) Has to

6. Complete the sentence:

-What d…of the week is it today?

- Today is Monday.


A) Does

B) During

C) Down

D) Day

E) Date


7. Choose the correct word:Many well-known … teach at our University.


A) reporters

B) doctors

C) deputies

D) interpriters

E) professors


8. Choose the right variant: The University has two …: full time and extra-mural.


A) parts

B) branches

C) faculties

D) departments

E) terms


9. Choose the English equivalent.

Кітапхана – Библиотека


A) Classroom

B) Work

C) Study

D) Gym

E) Library


10. Choose the right variant: What flower is the symbol of Wales?


A) daffodil

B) thistle

C) shamrock

D) Rose

E) Tulip


11. Choose the correct answer: If the chairman... ill, the meeting wouldn't have been cancelled.

A) wouldn't have been

B) wasn't

C) wouldn't be

D) hadn't been

E) won't be


12. What is the national emblem of England?


A) violet

B) shamrock

C) rosе

D) maple leaf

E) tulip


13. Choose the right variant: What is the main industry in the Great Britain?


A) iron

B) shipbuilding

C) chemicals

D) steel

E) mashinery


14. Find the right variant: East or west home … best.


A) were

B) is

C) was

D) are

E) am


15. Choose the the right auxiliary verb: What… you… every day?


A) does/doing

B) do/do

C) does/do

D) do/does

E) do/doing


16. Choose the right variant: What flower is the symbol of Northern Ireland?


A) thistle

B) tulip

C) daffodil

D) shamrock

E) rose


17. Find the right variant: He asked if I … his telephone number.


A) know

B) to know

C) known

D) knew

E) knows


18. Choose the right form of the verb: The stamps … by Tom last summer.


A) were collected

B) are collected

C) collected

D) is collected

E) was collected


19. Choose the correct word: There are 18 faculties at our University which train students in many _____.


A) Objects

B) Philosophies

C) Theories

D) Subjects


20. If someone… into the store smile and say” May I help you?”


A) will come

B) could come

C) Comes

D) would come

E) Came


21. Change the following sentence from Direct into Indirect speech: He said «I don’t go to school today»


A) He said that he went to school that day.

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