






IV. - ing.

I. , -. .

l. The rear section of a tractor-mounted cultivator consists, of three beams.

2. The trailed cultivators are usually attached to tractors.

3. Much hand lab our was used in animal husbandry twenty or even ten years ago.

4. Most processes in crop production have been mechanized.

5. Cost accounting will be widely used on our farm.


II. , .

l. To add organic matter to the soil is the function of a green manure crop.

2. In addition to cutting grass for hay, mowers are also used to cut weeds and harvest many crops other than hay.

3. The wheels provide power, though the gear mechanism, to operate the reciprocating knife.

4. We are to add organic matter to the soil.

5. The new system to be introduced on the farm is known as cost accounting.


III. , .

l. The moldboard plow is known to be the most common and generally used implement to turn the soil in the preparation of seedbeds.

2. Disk coulters are believed to be very suitable for our farm.

3. Farmers have found a single-row cultivator to suit this crop and this soil.

4. We know this plant to grow in good soil.


IV. - ing. .

1. Entering a tractor, duskish the principal cause of rapid wear.

2. The feeding of grain and hay to dairy cattle has been completely mechanized on some farms.

3. Better digestion of feeds may be achieved by grinding grain, mixing feed and cutting forage.

4. Having harrowed the soil thoroughly the farmers could prepare a good seedbed for wheat.


V. , .

l. Lack of lubrication causing- unnecessary wear and excessive draft all moving parts of the mower must be properly lubricated.

2. Planting machines being used, a smaller amount of seed is required.

3. The soil containing much plant food, the crop will produce high yields.

4. Most farms growing grain crops use combines for harvesting these crops.


VI. . , "The Agricultural Tractor".

Source -

to power -

power - ,

to replace -

lubrication -


to perform

to plow -



to sow -

sowing -

to cultivate - , ,

cultivating -

to fertilize


to harvest -

hharvesting -

traction - , ,

to pun -

furrow -

to harrow -

harrowing -

to combine

combining -

to thresh -


to plant -

planting - ,

tillage -

intertillage -

row crops -

to adapt - ()

tractor -

a wheeled tractor

a track-type tractor -

a general-purpose tractor -

a row-crop tractor -

to propel

implement -


The Agricultural Tractor

The importance of agricultural tractors today is great. They are a source of power which replaces the power of horses. A tractor can work without a rest. If proper attention is given to its lubrication and if it is supplied with fuel, it will work indefinitely.

A modern tractor is a very useful machine which is used to perform different farm operations such as plowing, sowing, cultivating, fertilizing and harvesting.

The type of the tractor depends on the type of work. Tractors are classified according to the method of traction; wheel tractors and track-type tractors "and according to their utility (general purpose tractors, row-crop type of tractors, orchard tractors, industrial tractors etc.)

A wheal tractor is "the predominant type of machine for agricultural purposes. There are heavy wheeled tractors which can pull 5 or 6-furrow plows.

General-purpose tractors are made to perform the usual tractor jobs, including all types of field work such as plowing, harrowing, combining, threshing.

A row-crop type of tractor was designed to perform all the field jobs, including the planting and intertillage of row crops. These tractors can be of several types and sizes to adapt them to many, kinds of crops and various field conditions.

The first tractors were large and were used for plowing and threshing. As time passed the tractor was developed for many purposes. Today an agricultural tractor is a complex machine used to propel and power different implements for agricultural production.


VII. :

l. What jobs can general-purpose tractors perform?

2. What were the first tractors used for?

3. What are the agricultural tractors of today?





The tractor-building industry produces some 600,000 tractors. The growth of lab our productivity in agriculture.particularly in crop farming, is secured by' increasing the capacity and speed of the tractors.

The production of the main types of modern tractors-K-701, T- 140, T-150 K, Belarus-611, MTZ-80/82-started in the early 1970s. They have highly efficient diesel engines-and multiple-speed gear boxes. The cabins have springs, and have ventilation, heating and air-conditioning systems. Maintenance of these tractors is easier and they run longer before a general overhaul is needed.

The modern tractors, for example, those made at the Kirov Plant in Leningrad, have a capacity of 270 hp, and designers are now working on models with capacities of up to 450-500 hp.

The new models to go into production soon include the 170 hp OT-75C caterpillar tractor (the Volgograd Tractor Plant), the 150hp T-150 tractor (the Kharkov Plant), and the 150 hp all-purpose model.

The design organizations are also busy developing small-size models. These compact, easy to operate tractors will help mechanize work on small plots of land.


1. How many tractors does the tractor-building industry 'produce?

2. When did the production of the main types of modern tractors start?

3. Have the cabins springs and ventilation?

100,000 Tractors.

A short time ago the 100,000th Belarus tractor, which is manufactured by the Minsk Tractor Plant, came off the factory's production lines.

This tractor is not only to be seen in the fields of our country, but in China, India, the u.a.r., Greece, and Bulgaria, which are among the 20 countries to which the Minsk Tractor Plant exports its engineering products.

A new tractor is to go into serial production at the works-the MTZ-M. It has a 10-speed gear-box and a more powerful and economical engine than the Belarus. It is known to be used to drive many types of small machines for it has a pulley to which they can be connected by a driving belt. Some 50 or 60 implements can be mounted on the MTZ-5M, which has a maximum working speed of 25 km, per hour.


1. What countries is the Belarus tractor exported?

2. What new tractor has a more powerful and economical engined than the Belarus?

3. What kind of implements can be mounted on the MTZ-5M?




Agricultural engineers will be working on satellites circling the earth, monitorins movements of water and air masses end directing them in areas of the world where they, are needed the moat.

Thousands of agricultural engineer's will be designing systems to grow crops and trees on saline soils and saline, waters. Many will be working onthe design of farming complexes in the deserts using nuclear plants to pump water miles away.

Thousands of agricultural engineers will continue to work an environmental pollution control and particularly a rinsing the polluted air, soil and water.

Hundreds of agricultural engineers will be among the first thousands to be sent off from the Eartn to establish food production complexes on Earth II.


to monitor .



The power tiller is a new agricultural machine for Indian agriculture. It is on ideal machine for a form of 2 to 10 hectares with capacity to till a hectare per day with multipurpose operations such as tilling, ploughing, etc.

The advantages of the power-tiller are the following:

a) The power tiller is more efficient as compared with a pair of bullocks while costing only a part. The power tiller can cultivate one hectare of land per day (which) is about the work of six pairs of bullocks) at half the cost. The power tiller can be purchased for the same initial payment as will be required for the purchase of a pair of bullocks.

b) For increasing food production through intensive cultivation, power tiller la the answer, especially for small farmewhich are so typical are India.

The power Tiller Committee of India worked out the following recommendations to make power tillers popular in India.

1) Demonstration and publicity by all concerned.

2) Introduction of power tillers In Governmental farms,, agricultural colleges, agro industry corporations, etc.

3) Reduction of local taxes.

4) Government help and the Import of spare parts for power tillers.


What in necessary is the realization of these recommendations?


by all concerned -



The combine is a single machine which performes all grain harvesting operations. The idea of such a machine is rather old. But practical production of combines began at the end of the last century.

The combine cuts, threshes any kind of seed or grain.

The grain is separated from the straw, by straw-rack agitation. After it passes over agitated sieves the clean grain is delivered to the container or to the bags.

It is necessary to do combine harvesting as quickly as possible while the weather is fine.

It is alco very important to prepare the combine for harvesting properly. The machine must be clean and its moving parts must run freely.

At the end of the season all the components of the machine must be and cleaned again. Any worn part must be replaced and the machine must be ready for next harvesting season.



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