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Establish Relationships with Suppliers

As an interior designer, you will get up to a 50% discount on the materials you use when you purchase them directly from suppliers. You need to know the right people and have good relationships with them because their materials and services help to create your designs and will be utilized in the homes of your clients.

Get Clients

In order to get new clients you need to market yourself and your designs. The best way to do so is to network with professionals who can refer business to you. Word of mouth is one of the most effective selling strategies. Other effective marketing strategies include creating your own website with photos of your work and getting publicity in the ’homes’ section of your local newspaper. Keep in mind that you have a wide range of potential clients: home builders, new home buyers, wealthy homeowners, advertising agencies, art galleries, bed and breakfasts, hotels, law firms, restaurants, spas, and many other types of businesses.

Grow as a Professional

What is popular in the interior design industry is constantly changing. Trends ebb and flow with the tastes of professional designers and clients. It is important to stay on top of the current

industry events and fashions because your clients will. It is easy to do this by attending trade shows, reading design magazines, and joining professional organizations.


X Oral practice:


Exercise 22. Be ready to speak on the topic “My future speciality”. Use the following plan and key word-combinations to make up it.


The faculty you study at.

(For ideas: to be a second-year student; to study at the faculty of cybernetics)

The choice of your future profession.

(For ideas: my future speciality will be; to be going to be a designer; it is interesting to work as;)

Academic activity at the University.

(For ideas: to attendlectures; periods; in the first year of study; in the second year of study; general subjects; special subjects; drawing; painting; graphic design; form theory; composition; computer technology; history; English;)

Visiting art galleries, arrangement of exhibitions.

(For ideas: to see masterpieces of great painters; to investigate the style; artistic technique; bright (pale) colours;)

Skills necessary for a designer.

(For ideas: one should be creative, uncommon, ambitious, unpredictable, well-disciplined; communicative; curious; to have one’s own style; to work on a computer; to take pictures; to be a broad-minded person)

Possible fields of work being a designer.

(For ideas: to arrange exhibitions; to work in an advertising business; to work with graphic software; to make clothes; to develop a place for building’s user;)


XI Reading


Exercise 23. Translate the text C in writing. Give the title to it.

Text C

The word "design" is often considered ambiguous depending on the application.

Design is often viewed as a more rigorous form of art, or art with a clearly defined purpose. The distinction is usually made when someone other than the artist is defining the purpose. In graphic arts the distinction is often made between fine art and commercial art. In the realm of the arts, design is more relevant to the "applied" arts, such as architecture and industrial design. In fact

today the term design is widely associated to modern industrial product design as initiated by Raymond Loewy and teachings at the Bauhaus and Ulm School of Design (HfG Ulm) in Germany during the 20th Century. Design implies a conscious effort to create something that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. For example, a graphic artist may design an advertisement poster. This person's job is to communicate the advertisement message (functional aspect) and to make it look good (aesthetically pleasing). The distinction between pure and applied arts is not completely clear, but one may consider Jackson Pollock's paintings as an example of pure art. One may assume his art does not convey a message based on the obvious differences between an advertisement poster and the mere possibility of an abstract message of a Jackson Pollock painting. One may speculate that Pollock, when painting, worked more intuitively than would a graphic artist, when consciously designing a poster. However, Mark Getlein suggests the principles of design are "almost instinctive", "built-in", "natural", and part of "our sense of 'rightness'." Pollock, as a trained artist, may have utilized design whether conscious or not.



Table I

Painters and their craft Художники та їхня майстерність
portrait/landscape/seascape/ canvas/painting/ still life/fresco/ engraving/self-portrait портрет/пейзаж/ марина/полотно/картина/ натюрморт/ гравюра/ автопортрет/
to paint(to execute/ to portray)from nature/ imagination малювати з натури/уявлення
to paint mythological/historical subjects/ малювати міфологічні/історичні сюжети
to reveal the person's nature показувати сутність людини
to portray people/emotions with moving sincerity/with restraint зображати людей/емоції з зворушливою щирістю/ стриманістю
to develop one's own style of painting розробляти свій власний стиль живопису
to break with the tradition порвати з традицією (відійти від традиції)
Painting. Genres Живопис. Жанри
an oil painting, a water-colour/pen-and-ink drawing/pencil sketch/ pastel picture картина, написана олійними фарбами, акварель, малюнок зроблений олівцем та чорнилом, ескіз олівцем/пастель
a family group/ceremonial/intimate portrait сімейний /офіційний/ососбистий портрет
a shoulder/full-length/half-length/ portrait портрет по плечі/на весь зріст/по пояс
Composition and drawing Композиція та малюнок
in the foreground(middle ground)/background, in the top/bottom/left-hand corner на передньому плані/задньому, в верхньому/нижньому/лівому кутку
to indicate the sitter's profession вказувати професію натурника
to be posed/ silhouetted against an open sky позувати/ бути зображеним проти відкритого неба
Colouring. Light and shade effects Забарвлення. Світлові та тіньові ефекти
the colours may be cool and restful/hot /soft and delicate/dull/ oppressive/ harsh кольори можуть бути прохолодні та заспокійливі/ гарячі /м’які та витончені/ тьмяні/ гнітючі/ грубі
to combine form and colour into harmonious unity об’єднувати форму та колір в гармонійну єдність
Impression. Judgement Враження. Оцінка
the picture may be moving/ lyrical/ romantic/ original/ poetic in tone and atmosphere/ an exquisite piece of painting,/an unsurpassed -masterpiece картина може бути зворушлива/ лірична/ романтична/ своєрідна/ поетична за тоном та атмосферою/ вишукана картина живопису/ неперевершений шедевр
the picture may be dull/ crude/ chaotic/depressing/ disappointing/ heap and vulgar картина може бути безрадісна/ необроблена (сира)/ хаотична/ гнітюча/ невтішна/ дешева та вульгарна


Unit I Exercise 19.

A – 3 ( Starry Night, Vincent Van Gogh, Current Location :Museum of Modern Arts in New York City;B- 6 ( Henri Matisse, Green Stripe, 1905 );

C - 4 ( Diego Velazques; The Needlewoman)

D- 10 ( John Constable; The Hay Way );E-2 (Thomas Eakins, Baby at Play );F-7 (Gino Severini, Spherical Expansion of Light, 1913-14) ;G-8 (Dali, Sleep); H-1 ( Picasso, Maya Boat ).

Список рекомендованої літератури

1. Art movement. /Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. - Режим доступу: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art movement.

2. Contemporary art./Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. - Режим доступу: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contemporary art.

3. Bauhaus./Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.- Режим доступу: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bauhaus.

4. Design./Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.- Режим доступу: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design.


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