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The Guell Park creates an atmosphere of spring and joy


There are 1.5 million citizens in Barcelona. On the two cen­tral squares of the city one can see people of all races and of all colours of skin. One of the most visited places in Barcelona is Ramblas Street, which resembles the Moscow Arbat: there are only pedestrians, who can have their portrait made by a local painter, buy parrots, fish, and even an ostrich! Nevertheless, there is a peculiarity that does not exist in Moscow: "live sculptures". The first time you pass nearby it is difficult to believe that they are people and not real sculptures in bronze. Normally, these "sculptures" do not move, but if you throw a coin to them, they start singing, telling stories and even allow a photo with them.

Barcelona is famous for a large number of houses in the Art Nouveau style and its leader is doubtlessly the archi­tect Antonio Gaudi. His most famous building is the cathe­dral Sagrada Familia which Gaudi was constructing all his life. But he did not manage to finish it. Thus, it is a new generation who charged themselves with the difficult task. It is said that the cathedral will be finished in 19 years, in June — the month of the birth and the death of Gaudi.

The Guell Park, built as a project of Gaudi as well, made me think about the house of Maxim Gorky in Moscow, built by the architect Shekhtel in the 20th century: the park, as well as the house, creates around us an undersea world where all the details lake the form of waves, water, algae...

Moscow Arbat looks like Ramblas Street in Barcelona.


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There are 1.5 million citizens in Barcelona. On the two cen­tral squares of the city one can see people of all races and of all colours of skin. One of the most visited places in Barcelona is Ramblas Street, which resembles the Moscow Arbat: there are only pedestrians, who can have their portrait made by a local painter, buy parrots, fish, and even an ostrich! Nevertheless, there is a peculiarity that does not exist in Moscow: "live sculptures". The first time you pass nearby it is difficult to believe that they are people and not real sculptures in bronze. Normally, these "sculptures" do not move, but if you throw a coin to them, they start singing, telling stories and even allow a photo with them.

Barcelona is famous for a large number of houses in the Art Nouveau style and its leader is doubtlessly the archi­tect Antonio Gaudi. His most famous building is the cathe­dral Sagrada Familia which Gaudi was constructing all his life. But he did not manage to finish it. Thus, it is a new generation who charged themselves with the difficult task. It is said that the cathedral will be finished in 19 years, in June — the month of the birth and the death of Gaudi.

The Guell Park, built as a project of Gaudi as well, made me think about the house of Maxim Gorky in Moscow, built by the architect Shekhtel in the 20th century: the park, as well as the house, creates around us an undersea world where all the details lake the form of waves, water, algae...

The first time you pass nearby you can see real sculptures made of bronze.



3. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание


There are 1.5 million citizens in Barcelona. On the two cen­tral squares of the city one can see people of all races and of all colours of skin. One of the most visited places in Barcelona is Ramblas Street, which resembles the Moscow Arbat: there are only pedestrians, who can have their portrait made by a local painter, buy parrots, fish, and even an ostrich! Nevertheless, there is a peculiarity that does not exist in Moscow: "live sculptures". The first time you pass nearby it is difficult to believe that they are people and not real sculptures in bronze. Normally, these "sculptures" do not move, but if you throw a coin to them, they start singing, telling stories and even allow a photo with them.

Barcelona is famous for a large number of houses in the Art Nouveau style and its leader is doubtlessly the archi­tect Antonio Gaudi. His most famous building is the cathe­dral Sagrada Familia which Gaudi was constructing all his life. But he did not manage to finish it. Thus, it is a new generation who charged themselves with the difficult task. It is said that the cathedral will be finished in 19 years, in June — the month of the birth and the death of Gaudi.

The Guell Park, built as a project of Gaudi as well, made me think about the house of Maxim Gorky in Moscow, built by the architect Shekhtel in the 20th century: the park, as well as the house, creates around us an undersea world where all the details lake the form of waves, water, algae...

The “sculptures” move, dance, sing and allow to take photos with only when people give them coins.


4. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание


There are 1.5 million citizens in Barcelona. On the two cen­tral squares of the city one can see people of all races and of all colours of skin. One of the most visited places in Barcelona is Ramblas Street, which resembles the Moscow Arbat: there are only pedestrians, who can have their portrait made by a local painter, buy parrots, fish, and even an ostrich! Nevertheless, there is a peculiarity that does not exist in Moscow: "live sculptures". The first time you pass nearby it is difficult to believe that they are people and not real sculptures in bronze. Normally, these "sculptures" do not move, but if you throw a coin to them, they start singing, telling stories and even allow a photo with them.

Barcelona is famous for a large number of houses in the Art Nouveau style and its leader is doubtlessly the archi­tect Antonio Gaudi. His most famous building is the cathe­dral Sagrada Familia which Gaudi was constructing all his life. But he did not manage to finish it. Thus, it is a new generation who charged themselves with the difficult task. It is said that the cathedral will be finished in 19 years, in June — the month of the birth and the death of Gaudi.

The Guell Park, built as a project of Gaudi as well, made me think about the house of Maxim Gorky in Moscow, built by the architect Shekhtel in the 20th century: the park, as well as the house, creates around us an undersea world where all the details lake the form of waves, water, algae...

The Guell Park creates an atmosphere of spring and joy.

5. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание


There are 1.5 million citizens in Barcelona. On the two cen­tral squares of the city one can see people of all races and of all colours of skin. One of the most visited places in Barcelona is Ramblas Street, which resembles the Moscow Arbat: there are only pedestrians, who can have their portrait made by a local painter, buy parrots, fish, and even an ostrich! Nevertheless, there is a peculiarity that does not exist in Moscow: "live sculptures". The first time you pass nearby it is difficult to believe that they are people and not real sculptures in bronze. Normally, these "sculptures" do not move, but if you throw a coin to them, they start singing, telling stories and even allow a photo with them.

Barcelona is famous for a large number of houses in the Art Nouveau style and its leader is doubtlessly the archi­tect Antonio Gaudi. His most famous building is the cathe­dral Sagrada Familia which Gaudi was constructing all his life. But he did not manage to finish it. Thus, it is a new generation who charged themselves with the difficult task. It is said that the cathedral will be finished in 19 years, in June — the month of the birth and the death of Gaudi.

The Guell Park, built as a project of Gaudi as well, made me think about the house of Maxim Gorky in Moscow, built by the architect Shekhtel in the 20th century: the park, as well as the house, creates around us an undersea world where all the details lake the form of waves, water, algae...

The cathe­dral Sagrada Familia was the most remarkable work of all Gaudi’s life.


6. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание


There are 1.5 million citizens in Barcelona. On the two cen­tral squares of the city one can see people of all races and of all colours of skin. One of the most visited places in Barcelona is Ramblas Street, which resembles the Moscow Arbat: there are only pedestrians, who can have their portrait made by a local painter, buy parrots, fish, and even an ostrich! Nevertheless, there is a peculiarity that does not exist in Moscow: "live sculptures". The first time you pass nearby it is difficult to believe that they are people and not real sculptures in bronze. Normally, these "sculptures" do not move, but if you throw a coin to them, they start singing, telling stories and even allow a photo with them.

Barcelona is famous for a large number of houses in the Art Nouveau style and its leader is doubtlessly the archi­tect Antonio Gaudi. His most famous building is the cathe­dral Sagrada Familia which Gaudi was constructing all his life. But he did not manage to finish it. Thus, it is a new generation who charged themselves with the difficult task. It is said that the cathedral will be finished in 19 years, in June — the month of the birth and the death of Gaudi.

The Guell Park, built as a project of Gaudi as well, made me think about the house of Maxim Gorky in Moscow, built by the architect Shekhtel in the 20th century: the park, as well as the house, creates around us an undersea world where all the details lake the form of waves, water, algae...

The majority of buildings belong to Modern Style.


7. Исключите неправильный вариант:I said that …(Он пойдет туда)



8. Исключите неправильный вариант:Sam told his friend that …(он – студент)

9. Jessie...(терять)her keys yesterday.

10. Выберите правильный вариант видо-временной формы глагола. He said that he would go to the disco.

11. Выберите сложное дополнение: They would have done this course if they had had enough money to for it.

12. Will you let …(взять) this book?

13. If I were her brother I …. (бы иглал)with her.

14. Нужен ли артикль, если нужен, о какойI watched the news on … television.

15. Исключите не правильный вариант: I said that …(я буду играть на гитаре)

16. Выберите правильный вариант:Jack noticed that…(его сестра сделала ошибку)

17. If they had decided to offer the job to me they … (бы позвонили) me long ago.

18. I asked Tom …(помочь)

19. I thought it …(не было) expensive.

20. This landscape cost a lot last month.

21. Present Perfect

22. Past Indefinite

23. Present Continuous

24. Past Perfect


25. Выберите правильный вариант видо-временной формы глагола They said that they would go.

26. Landscape park style …(появился) in the beginning of the XVIII century in England.

27. Like Regular Style, Landscape park… (отражает)the ideas which …(сущесвовали) in the society in that time, namely simple man in the organic nature.

28. Flowers … (выращивались)only near the manor in that times.

29. All the ponds, lakes and canals in Landscape Park…(должны) to look like natural, even artificial ones.

30. He asks …(какая погода)

31. Перевод слова: fluffy bed cover

32. Перевод слова: floor-to-ceiling mirroring

33. Перевод слова: spacious bedroom

34. Перевод слова: candlestick

35. Перевод слова: shiny surfaces

36. Перевод слова: eating area

37. Перевод слова: wallpaper

38. Перевод слова: pattern

39. This design …(показывает) the separation of the kitchen from the eating area

40. I knew they …(ждали) for me at the metro sta­tion and I decided to hurry.

41. Sandra un­derstood why Lanny … (не пришел) the previous evening.

42. Выберите слово, которое соединит главное предложение с косвенным вопросом:Tom asked the boys… their friend often came there.

43. Перевод слова: Surface

44. Перевод слова: convenience

45. Перевод слова: efficiency

46. Подберите синоним: urban

47. Children …(должны) help their parents.


48. I …(мог) swim when I was five.

49. He … just … to Rome.(уехал)

50. They …(играли) hockey while their parents were walking around the sports ground.

51. In the 1920s and 1930s, America (была)also home to the Modern Style

52. In 1920-1930 in Continental Europe, International Modernism …(принимал)shape in organizations such as the Bauhaus Workshops in Germany

53. Выберите правильный вариант ответа глагола to be: People … friends for animals.

54. The information …(буде собрана) by the end of the month.

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