To tidy up
to do the dishes/ to wash up
To make things tidy
To dust
To beat the dust out of smth
To beat (a carpet)
To mop (up)
to wash/ to launder
To do the laundry
To dry the laundry
To iron the laundry
To dry-clean
To polish the furniture
To sweep the floor
to vacuum-clean/ to hoover carpets
To air the room
it takes me...... minutes/ hours to do the room
Everything is spick and span
To be in ship-shape order
To shine (like a new pin)
To be immaculately clean
“Cleanliness is next to godliness”
(F. Bacon)
Exercise 5
If you are busy cleaning your room you are sure to need some equipment. Think for a moment how some of these household gadgets and devices are important to us.
1. If you had to live without two of the following, which ones would you choose to leave behind?
a washing machine a hoover (vacuum cleaner) a dryer | a dishwasher (washing-up machine) a fridge a freezer |
2. And which three of these?
an iron a mixer a toaster a liquidizer(-iser) a mincer | a sewing machine an electric kettle a coffee grinder a hairdryer |
3. Which of these do you prefer to be electric? All of them or not?
a drill a saw a razor a toothbrush a typewriter | a screwdriver a sander a lawnmower a whisk curling tongs (or hair curlers/rollers) |
Exercise 6
Arrange the following household contents under three headings:
1. Furniture
2. Household appliances
3. Soft furnishings
Bedding, beds, bookshelves, carpets, chairs, cooker, curtains, cushions, freezer, refrigerator, rugs, sideboard, tables, tablecloths, telephone, television, dishwasher, wardrobe, vacuum cleaner.
Exercise 7
Your hall, living room and bedroom are in a mess. Where would you put these things to tidy your rooms up:
an umbrella; books; a dressing-gown; cushions; a coat; flower pots; a bedspread; a doormat; slippers; a comb; a lot of knick-knacks; an alarm-clock; a bottle of scent; gloves; a telephone; an ashtray; a vase; a key; an eiderdown.
Exercise 8
Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Як тобі вдається підтримувати чистоту в будинку? Це дуже легко коли робиш це регулярно і маєш багато електричних приладів таких як пральна машина, пилосос, машина для миття посуду, праска та інші.
2. Завтра я збираюсь робити генеральне прибирання. Я витрачаю близько 2-х годин, щоб прибрати у квартирі.
3. Спочатку я завжди поливаю квіти. Потім кладу речі на свої місця, а брудні речі я кладу в корзину для брудної білизни. Я завжди витираю пил та натираю меблі, підмітаю підлогу, а мій брат чистить пилососом килими та миє підлогу.
4. Я завжди намагаюсь підтримувати чистоту у квартирі. Кожного дня я мию посуд та витираю його рушником для посуду. Кожного вихідного дня моя мама займається пранням, а брат прасує.
5. Моя мама дуже любить чистоту. Кожного дня мій тато спорожняє відро для сміття, брат сам прибирає безлад у своїй кімнаті, а сестра завжди тримає свою кімнату в чистоті.
6. Перед тим як лягати спати, я завжди провітрюю свою кімнату, а кожного ранку застеляю своє ліжко.
Exercise 9
Part A. Match each of the following connectors with the correct number in the picture below.
…. Thread …. Screw …. Rope.… Pin
…. Rubber band …. Bolt …. Nail …. String
…. Chain …. Nut
…. Safety pin
Part B. Crossword puzzle.
1. _ C _ _ _ 1. We use a screwdriver to put it on or take it out (5)
2. _ O _ _ 2. Mountaineers use it to keep together and avoid falling (4)
3. _ _ N 3. It is used in dressmaking to hold pieces of cloth together (3)
4. N _ _ _ 4. We use a hammer to knock it into wood (4)
5. _ _ _ E _ _ 5. We use a needle to sew cloth with it (4)
6. C _ _ _ _ 6. It is made of iron and it is used to keep large ships in place
7. _ _ T in port (5)
8. _ O _ _ 7. It is made of metal and it is used with 8 to keep different
9. _ R _ _ _ _ _ parts of machines together (3)
10. S _ _ _ _ _ 8. Used with 7 to keep different parts of machines together(4)
9. To pin a notice to a notice board we use … pins (7)
10. We tie up a parcel with it (6)
Part C. Match each of the following tools with the correct picture below.
….. axe ….. saw ….. plane
….. hammer ….. drill ….. spanner
….. pliers ….. penknife ….. file
….. chisel ….. scissors ….. screwdriver
Part D. Complete each of the following sentences with the name of a tool.
Each dash (_) represents one letter.
1. We cut down trees with an _ _ _.
2. We cut paper or cloth with a pair of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
3. We knock nails into wood with a _ _ _ _ _ _.
4. We put it and take out screws with a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
5. We tighten or loosen nuts with a s _ _ _ _ _ _.
6. We saw wood with a _ _ _.
7. We bend and cut wire with p _ _ _ _ _.
8. We draw corks out of bottles with a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
PART E. How manywords can youmake out of the word TOOLS?
Can you find: a preposition, a word meaning ‘also’, a word meaning ‘implement', the capital of Norway, British slang for lavatory, goods taken away unlawfully, a plot of ground, very much, a word meaning ‘that cannot be found’, a song sung by one person, therefore, chimney dirt, a drunk, a small narrow opening, something to sit on.
Exercise 10
Look carefully at the pictures and decide what is what. Make sure you’ll remember them:
![]() |
Arranging the house
Listen to the dialogue between Barbara and Charles. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below and practise the conversation with a partner.
1. Give me a hand with this _____, Charles. I want it over there by the ____.
2. Don’t you think it would be better under that _____ by the _____?
3. No. The _____ isn’t staying there anyway. I only ____ it on the ____ because it was in the way on the ____. We can arrange the pictures when all the ____ is in place.
4. Where did I put my big ____? It’s not in the ___ ____ and I want to _____ __ these ____ ____ on the door ____.
5. You had it in your hand when you went into the ____.
6. Yes, I think I put it down on the ____ above the ____.
7. Pass me that ____ behind the ____ before you go; and take your ____ off that nice ____ ____.
8. You didn’t shut him ____ last night, did you? He’ll get lost.
9. No, he’s definitely ____ the house. He’s probably crept into a ____ somewhere and gone to sleep.
Exercise 11
Cover the right-hand column. On the left are listed the uses of some rectangular pieces of material that no household should be without. Guess what they are and then check your answers in the right-hand column.
1. something to clean and polish table tops 2. something to wash your face with 3. and to dry it with 4. something to blow your nose with 5. something to wash up with 6. and dry the dishes with 7. something to cover the table before laying it 8. something to put hot dinner plates on 9. something to clean the floor with 10. something to brush the clothes with 11. something to clean the carpets with 12. and to sweep the floor with 13. something to iron on Exercise 12 Answer the questions. Follow the example. What can you do to these items? 1. Floor ________ 6. Dirty dishes ____ 2. Mirror _______ 7. Wet dishes _____ 3. Bed _________ 8. Flowers _________ 4. Furniture______ 9. Carpets _________ 5. Bathtub_______ 10. Laundry ________ | a duster a flannel a towel a handkerchief (tissue, hanky/-ie) a dishcloth or scourer a tea towel or tea cloth a tablecloth a tablemat a floor-cloth/ a mop a clothes brush a vacuum cleaner a sweeper an ironing board |
Exercise 13
Render this text into English:
Техніка у нас вдома
Я - інженер і дуже люблю техніку. Моя дружина - вчителька, вона також любить техніку. Раніше дружина готувала смачні обіди та прала мої сорочки. Ввечері вона готувала на кухні обід, а я завжди читав газети або розповідав, як я провів день.
Коли ми купили холодильник, дружина сказала: “Тепер ти повинен навчитися мити його. Техніка – це твоя спеціальність“. Тепер я кожного місяця мию холодильник.
Потім ми купили пральну машину, і я навчився прати. Дружина сказала, що я непогано перу. Тепер, коли дружина готує на кухні обід, я мию холодильник або перу.
Я гадав, що техніка не прийде в кухню. Але дружина купила машину, яка чистить картоплю та інші овочі, готує коктейлі та каву. І тепер обід теж готую я.
У нас ще є телевізор та радіоприймач, котрі я повинен ремонтувати. Техніка допомогла мені зрозуміти, що домашня робота – це і чоловіча справа.
& Reading
Read the text and be ready to describe the way you do housework yourself. Do you have some special secrets to keep your apartment spick and span?
I. DARK ROOMS with small windows should be wall-papered in cream or yellow shades to look brighter. The pattern for curtains should also include yellow, orange or touches of bright red.
II. SUNNY ROOMS should use duller shades of upholstery and drapery if a cool effect is wanted. Greens and blues mixed with white are very cooling, but yellows, reds and oranges are not. Mauves and certain shades of pink and blue can look rather dark and depressing under artificial light.
III. MOVING HEAVY FURNITURE without scratching the floor can be done by slipping old socks over furniture legs.
IV. PROTECT WINDOW SILLS from dust by keeping them waxed with furniture polish. The polish will last longer and the sill will be easier to wipe clean.
V. WHEN BUYING A CARPET, buy the best that you can afford. It’s better to buy a smaller carpet of good quality than a bigger one of poor quality.
VI. A PLAIN CARPET shows foot marks and dirt more than a patterned or two-toned carpet. If you have small children it is better to avoid plain, light-coloured carpets.
VII. USE A FEW DROPS OF VINEGAR in the rinsing water for dishes occasionally. It gives the dishes a shine and keeps the hands soft.
VIII. YELLOW MARKS on washbasins and tubs, caused by dripping taps, can be cleaned by rubbing with a cut lemon or with vinegar.
IX. CLEAN BATHROOM MIRRORS with an old nylon sock. Very handy for polishing off splash marks and making the mirror shine.
X. THE PURPOSE OF DISHWASHING is not merely to clean, but also to disinfect. Pots and pans, plates, glasses and cutlery should always be washed in hot, soapy water so all bacteria are killed.
XI. CHINA IS BEST CLEANED with hot soapy water. Tea and coffee stains can be removed by rubbing with a mixture of salt and lime juice. For fine china use a cloth clipped in soda and rinse off immediately.
XII. TO KEEP THE REFRIGERATOR from smelling of various foods, keep a fresh lemon or lime inside. It absorbs all the odour.
XIII. SILVER will keep brighter if a little milk is added to the water in which it is washed.
XIV. TO ADD SPARKLE to glassware, add a little laundry blue to the washing water; then rinse with hot water.
Ask your neighbour:
· Which odd jobs around the house you enjoy and which you hate? Give your reasons!
· How your housework and people’s attitude to it have changed over the past thirty or forty years?
Exercise 14
Translate the following text into English.