Task 2.Indentify the main points of the text and discuss them with your fellow-students.
Task 3.Work with partner and make up a dialog on the text.
Text Study: The Work of Logistics.
Additional text: Transport planning
Grammar: Gerund
Text Study
Pre-reading exercises.
Exercise 1.Practice connected reading. Translate the following word-combinations.
Supply chain management, to support ownership transfer, possession benefits, integrated logistical management, logistical work, material handling and packaging,order processing,current information technology, managing customer requirements, to achieve desired customer service, financial investment in inventory, logistical system viewpoint, a logistics operating solution, geographical relationship, to perform logistical operations,
network design.
Exercise 2. Memories the essential vocabulary and translate the sentences containing it.
1. logistics – логістика, матеріально-технічне забезпечення. Logistics, in contract to supply chain management, is the work required to move and position inventory throughout a supply chain.
2. inventory -- товарно-матеріальні запаси, наявні товари.Logistics is the process that creates value by timing and positioning inventory.
3.transportation -- перевезення, транспортування. Transportation is a very visible element of logistics.
4. warehousing -- зберігання на складах, складування. Economic benefits of warehousing occur when overall logistics costs are reduced.
5.supply – постачання, поставки.What managers are experiencing today can be described as supply chaine revolution and a related logistical renaissance.
6.packaging -- пакування, укладання. Logistics is a combination of a firm’s order management, inventory, transportation, warehousing, materialshandling and packaging as integrated throughout a facility network.
7.in practice – на практиці, фактично. In practice each firm engaged in a supply chain is involved in performing logistics.
8.primary -- первинний, основний. Logistics is the primary conduit of product and service flow within a supply chain arrangement.
9.profitability – прибутковість, рентабельність.Supply chain integration is a means to increased profitability and growth and not an end in itself.
10. to review -- переглядати, перевіряти, розглядати. As may be reviewed shortly, dramatic change continues to evolve in supply chaine practice.
Exercise 3. Read the following international words and give their all possible Ukrainian equivalents.
Material, associate, military, process, information, firm, container, person, pallet, effective, activity, texture, logistical management.
The Work of Logistics.
In the context of supply chain management, logistics exists to move and position inventory to achieve desired time, place and possession benefits at the lowest total cost. Inventory has limited value until it is positioned at the right time and at the right location to support ownership transfer or value-added creation. If a firm doesn't consistently satisfy time and place requirements, it has nothing to sell. For a supply chain to realize the maximum strategic benefit of logistics, the full range of functional work must be integrated. Decisions in the functional area will impact cost of all others. This іntegration of functions challenges the successful implementation of integrated logistical management.
We can trade a visual representation of the interrelated nature of the five areas of logistical work: order processing; inventory; transportation; warehousing, material handling and packaging; facility network. Work related to these functional areas combines to create the capabilities needed to achieve logistical value.
Order processing. Current information technology is capable of handling the most demanding customer requirements. The benefit of fast information flow is directly related to work balancing. In most supply chains, customers' requirements are transmitted in the form of orders. The processing of these orders involves all aspects of managing customer requirements from initial order receipt, delivery, invoicing and collection. The logistics capabilities of a firm can only be as good as its order processing competency.
Inventory. The inventory requirements of a firm are directly linked to the facility network and the desired level of customer service. The objective in inventory strategy is to achieve desired customer service with the minimum inventory commitment. And the logistical strategy should be designed to maintain the lowest possible financial investment in inventory.
Transportation. Transportation is the operational area of logistics that geographically moves and positions inventory. Because of its fundamental importance and visible cost, transportation has traditionally received considerable managerial attention. Almost all enterprises, big and small, have managers responsible for transportation. From the logistical system viewpoint, three factors are fundamental to transportation performance: cost, speed and consistency.
Warehousing. The fourth functionality of logistics - warehousing, materials handling and packaging - also represents an integral part of a logistics operating solution. When effectively integrated into an enterprise's logistical operations, they facilitate the speed and overall ease of product flow throughout the logistical system.
Facility Network. In business, operations the number, size and geographical relationship of facilities used to perform logistical operations directly impact customer service capabilities and cost. Network design is a primary responsibility of logistical management since a firm's facility structure is used to ship products and materials to customers.