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Formation and development of quality management. The factors influencing quality of production

In the history of development of quality systems it is possible to allocate the following main stages:

Quality management began with output control of finished goods. Frederik Winslow Taylor's system dated 1905 gave the harmonous mechanism of quality management of each separate product. This system established requirements to quality of production in the form of templates (intervals of the admissions) called calibers. Control was exercised by experts (inspectors). Taylor's system entered division of production on qualitative and defective (marriage). It is well-known that the school of scientific management of Taylor taken for a reference point in quality management existence is a basis and for the general management. Taylor's system includes laws and rules, "which replace personal judgment of the worker and which can only be applied with advantage after the systematic account, measurement of their action is made". Thus, the first stage of system approach to management organizationally assumed management of technical and production norms of experts and engineers, and workers were only obliged to carry out them. For ensuring successful functioning of system the first professionals in the field of quality - inspectors were entered. The system of motivation provided penalties for defect and marriage, up to dismissal. The system of training was reduced to a vocational education and training to work with the measuring and control equipment. Relationship with suppliers and consumers was under construction on the basis of the requirements established in specifications which performance was checked at acceptance control (entrance and output). Approach to ensuring quality only from a position of control demanded (at absolute control of parameters of each detail or product) a lot of the qualified controllers which number became commensurable on number with the production personnel. Taylor's system gave the effective mechanism of quality management of a concrete product but as production is result of implementation of productions there was a problem of management of these processes.

The following stage in development of quality systems became development in 1924 of bases of statistical quality management by group of experts of "Bell Telephone Laboratories" on the management of R. L. Johnson, the control cards executed by V. Shukhart and the first concepts and tables of selective quality control developed by G. Dodge and G. Roming. Methods of mathematical statistics allowed with the set probability to estimate quality of products with application of a selective method. Application of statistical control methods promoted reduction of expenses of time for control operations with increase of their efficiency. E. Deming developed and in practice of work of the Japanese enterprises showed efficiency of statistical methods of management of quality, and also a role of the personnel in management and ensuring quality. AA. The Deming puts forward idea about cancellation of an assessment of knowledge and results of performance of work as they create the atmosphere of fear, promote a short-term contribution to work, ignoring long-term tasks, and destroy work in teams. D. Dzhuran developing the point of view of Deminga, indicated the need compliances of quality to requirements of the consumer and responsibility of management for chronic consequences of discrepancies, having added statistical methods of quality control with systematic methods of the solution of problems of quality. He was the supporter of approach who provides an involvement of all personnel of the organization into the procedures providing improvement of quality and the solution of production problems. Thus there is a complication of quality systems - the services using statistical methods join, the tasks in the field of quality decided by designers, technologists and workers, understanding become complicated that such variations and variability, and also the knowing what methods it is possible to reach them reduction, there was a specialty the quality engineer who has to analyze quality and the reasons of defects of products, to build control cards, to a t.a the accent from inspection and detection of defects was postponed for their prevention by definition of the reasons of defects and their elimination on the basis of studying of processes and management by them. The motivation of work because of the accounting of accuracy of a mood of process, the analysis of these or those control cards, cards of regulation and control became more difficult. Training in statistical methods of the analysis was added to a vocational education. Became more difficult and the relations the supplier - the consumer. At this stage the attention to organizational issues of ensuring quality amplifies, having placed emphasis on a role of the top management in the solution of problems of quality. In the well-known 14 principles of Deminga it is already difficult to separate engineering methods of ensuring quality from organizational problems of management. The word "management" was not present at a lexicon yet, but at these experts it already was "on a feather tip"].

In 1950 the American scientist A. Feygenbaum put forward the concept of total (general) quality control - TQC to which main tasks belong the predicted elimination of potential discrepancies in production at a stage of design development, quality check of the delivered production, accessories and materials, and also production management, development of service of service and supervision of observance of compliance to the set requirements to quality. As quality is influenced by a set of factors, the idea of this approach consists in allocation of the main of them, the accounting of interrelation of factors, at impact on one of them, to expect reaction of others. The control system of quality offered by A. Feygenbaum made considerable changes to intra firm management. Organizational structures changed: there were central departments "quality management" and the corresponding cells (elements of complex control systems of quality) in scientific, design the design, production, providing and marketing divisions. The status of works on ensuring quality raised. The managing director of the highest rank - the vice-president on quality began to head a control system.

In full this system received practical realization in Japan within system Kanbang - system of comprehensive quality management on cycles U.E. The Deming - planning, production, control, improvement of production, a t.a all cycle of life cycle of a product. Ideas of TQC gained development and in works of Japanese professor K. Isikava who considered quality as a problem of management, participation of all employees in actions for their improvement and entered the term "the relation the consumer-the supplier" and in difference from the American concepts spoke about quality management on the scale of the company. The concept of quality management and the practician of its realization allowed on new to estimate a role of direct performers in providing with quality, distribution of responsibility for quality, revealed quantitative ratios of responsibility for marriage of performers and the management. With 50 - x years quality circles as one of practical forms of realization of administrative approaches and the concept of increase of efficiency began to function actively. Main objectives which there were three main components:

1 - to make a contribution to improvement of production and development of the enterprise;

2-on the basis of respect for the person to create a worthy situation on workplaces;

3-to create a favorable situation for manifestation of abilities of the person and identification of its boundless opportunities.

At this stage there were documentary quality systems establishing responsibility and powers, and also interaction in the field of quality of all management of the enterprise, and not just specialists of services of quality. The system of motivation began to be displaced towards a human factor. Material stimulation decreased, and moral increased. Recognition of positions by colleagues and the management, care of the enterprise of the future of the worker, his insurance and a family support, and, above all training of the worker became the main motives of high-quality work in collective.

In Western Europe one of the most famous adherents of the general concept of quality is Philipp B. Crosby (Germany) who offered the "zero defects" program which cornerstone certain actions with use of material and moral incentive, the conditions promoting creation are in order that all personnel performed the work qualitatively, free of defects and alterations.

It should be noted that the stage of development of system, integrated management of quality did not pass by the Soviet Union - a number of domestic systems were developed. Among them the Saratov system of the faultless production of production (FPP), the Yaroslavl scientific organization of works on increase in motor potentials (NORMS) created in the Yaroslavl association "Avtodiesel", the Rybinsk scientific organization of work, production and management (NOTPU) developed on Rybinsk motor-construction plant, Gorky system "quality, reliability, a resource from the first products" (KANARSPI) [34]. Thus at this stage the historical movement towards each other of the general management and quality management began. This movement objectively and historically coincided, on the one hand, with expansion of ideas of quality of production and ways of impact on it, and with another, - with development of system of intra firm management. The solution of problems of quality demanded creation of adequate organizational structure. This structure has to include all divisions, moreover - each employee of the company, and at all stages of life cycle of production or a loop of quality. From these reasonings logically there is a concept of TQM.

The fourth stage of development of control systems of quality begins the 80th years in the beginning. During this period transition from total quality control to total quality management (TQM) begins. At this time there was a series of new international standards on quality systems:

the ISO 9000 standards (1987) which had very essential impact on management and ensuring quality. In 1994 there was a new version of these standards which expanded generally the MS standard 9004-1,2,3,4, the bigger attention was paid in it to questions of ensuring quality of software products, the processed materials, services.

If TQC is a quality management for the purpose of implementation of the established requirements, TQM is also management of the purposes and requirements. Joins in TQM as well ensuring quality which is treated as the system of measures providing confidence at the consumer as production. It illustrates figure 1.




Drawing 1 Main components of TQM

TQC - General quality management;

QA - Ensuring quality;

QPolicy - Policy of quality;

QPIanning - quality Planning;

QI - Quality improvement.

The TQM system is the complex system focused on continuous improvement of quality, minimization of production expenses and delivery precisely in time. The main philosophy of TQM is based on the principle - improvement does not have a limit. In relation to quality the purpose - aspiration to 0 defects, to expenses - 0 unproductive expenses, to deliveries - precisely works in time. Thus it is realized, what it is impossible to reach these limits, but to it it is necessary to aspire and not to stop constantly on the reached results. This philosophy has the special term - "continuous improvement of quality" (quality improvement) [24].

In TQM system methods of management of quality adequate to the purposes are used. One of key features of system is use of collective forms and methods of search, the analysis and solution of problems, continuous participation in improvement of quality of all collective.

The role of the person and training of the personnel significantly increases in TQM.

The motivation reaches a state when people are so keen on work that refuse part of holiday, are late at work, continue to work and at home. There was a new type of workers - workaholics.

Training becomes total and continuous, accompanying workers during all their work. Significantly forms of education change, becoming more and more active. So, business games, special tests, computer methods are used.

Training turns and into part of motivation. Because well trained person feels in collective more surely, is capable of a role of the leader, has advantages in career. Special methods of development of creative abilities of workers are developed and used.

Relationship of suppliers and consumers very thoroughly joined certification of quality systems on compliance to the ISO 9000 standards. The main purpose of the quality systems constructed on the basis of the ISO standards of a series 9000 - ensuring the quality of production demanded by the customer and providing proofs to it in ability of the enterprise to make it. Respectively the mechanism of system, the applied methods and means are focused on this purpose. At the same time the purpose on economic efficiency is expressed in the ISO standards of a series 9000 very poorly, and on timeliness of deliveries - simply is absent.

But in spite of the fact that the system does not solve all problems necessary for ensuring competitiveness, popularity of system as avalanche grows, and today it holds a firm place in a market mechanism. The quality system according to the ISO standards of a series 9000 is available an external sign of, whether at the enterprise, the certificate on system is. As a result in many cases existence at the enterprise of the certificate on the quality system became one of the main conditions of its admission to tenders for participation in various projects. The certificate on the quality system found broad application in insurance business: as the certificate on the quality system testifies to reliability of the enterprise, often preferential terms of insurance are provided to it.

The general dynamics of certification of quality systems on compliance to their requirements testifies to popularity of the ISO standards of a series 9000. So, in 1993 in the world about 50 thousand quality systems were certified. In 1995 their number increased to 100 thousand. It is possible to assume that now the certified systems about 150 thousand. For successful work of the enterprises in the modern market existence at them of the quality system conforming to the ISO standards of a series 9000 and the certificate on it is can be not absolutely sufficient, but necessary condition. Therefore and in Kazakhstan already ­ there are tens enterprises which introduced the ISO standards of a series 9000 and having certificates on the quality systems.

The fifth stage of development of control systems of quality is characterized by strengthening of influence of society on the enterprises, and the enterprises became more increasing to consider interests of society. It led to emergence of the IS0 14000 standards establishing requirements to systems of management from the point of view of environment protection and safety of production. Certification of quality systems on compliance to the ISO 14000 standards becomes not less popular, than on compliance to the ISO 9000 standards.

Significantly influence of a humanistic component of quality increased. The attention of heads ­ of the enterprises to satisfaction of requirements of the personnel amplifies­. So in automotive industry the important step towards strengthening of industry requirements was taken. Introduction of the ISO 14000 and OS-9000 standards, and also self-assessment methods on models of the European award on quality is the main achievement of the fifth stage.

In modern conditions as the dominating concept of quality management process approach acts. It is known that initial use of process approach contacts a name of A. Fayol - the founder of school of administrative management. Already then (the beginning of the XX century) process approach meant large turn in administrative thought]. Such gurus of quality management as E. Deming, J. Dzhuran, K. Isikava, T. Conti pointed to importance of process approach. However this approach was widely adopted only at the end of the XX century when the functional approach dominating till this time completely lost the progressive value.

Process approach gained distribution in world practice, since 60th of last century, in connection with emergence of matrix organizational structure of management at design of military and space equipment, computer modeling of the automated productions and the concept of reengineering of business processes (Business Process Reengineering - BPR). Broad implementation of the concept of process approach in quality management received after an exit of the latest version of the ISO standards of a series 9000 in 2000. In this regard it is possible to speak about a new stage of evolution of quality management.

The generalized characteristic and features of stages of world evolution of quality management for the XX century is provided in table 3.


Table 3 World evolution of quality management

Name of a stage Essence of a stage Characteristics of a stage
1. Individual quality control Responsibility for production of all product lies on the direct performer Independence of the certain worker for the solution of all questions of production of production of the demanded quality (such form of works is characteristic for craft production, it is used in some types of modern individual work)
2. Shop quality control Division of function and responsibility for quality between certain workers and the shop head or the master The general requirements to quality of production and responsibility for quality of the work performed by shop are born by the foreman. Responsibility for quality of performance of concrete operation lies on the worker of shop.
3. Acceptance quality control of production Isolation of technical control from production operations, its organizational registration in an independent professional kind of activity Formation of independent services of technical control with regular controllers headed by the chief who, as a rule, submitted to the director
4. Statistical quality control The accent from tolerable approach to quality management is postponed for the approach aimed at providing stability of processes and reduction of their variations Transition from continuous quality control to selective at which in the course of production control data for their processing by method of mathematical statistics are systematically selected according to in advance made plan
5. Integrated management of quality Quality management taking into account technical, economic, right and social and psychological aspects of activity of the enterprise The service of quality becomes independent, independent of other divisions and submits directly to the boss of the enterprise. Work of all divisions of the enterprise is integrated and coordinated, beginning from departments of marketing and finishing with work on quality control at acceptance of production from suppliers. Earlier used statistical instruments of quality control are added with methods of metrology, collection of information about quality, motivation of quality, standardization, certification, etc.
6. TQM: Total quality management Application of approaches of quality at all levels of the company and to all its functions The main criterion of an assessment of activity of the organization - quality. The most important principles of TQM: orientation to consumers, an involvement of the personnel into works on quality, continuous improvement, a priority of the warning actions before correcting, the complex solution of problems of ensuring quality at all stages of life cycle of production, reliability of data on quality.
7. Quality management system, the series 9000 meeting the requirements of the ISO standard Creation at the enterprise of the highly effective and productive quality systems answering to provisions of the international standards is a guarantee on granting production meeting the requirements of consumers The ISO standards are directed on settlement of the relations between the producer and the consumer. Application of standards has universal character: on the one hand, they are rather universal for the enterprises of various branches, with another - they are universal for various countries.  
8. Process approach Ensuring continuity of quality management between separate processes, divisions and officials Emphasis of management on horizontal communications in organizational structure. Simplification of multilevel hierarchical structures of the organization that provides their big orientation to consumers and other interested parties. Expansion of opportunities of the organization in development of its business due to consideration of processes from a position of the added value.



Detailed studying of stages of world evolution of quality management allows to draw the following conclusions:

1. Historical stage-by-stage development of quality management was not casual: evolution of development happened under the influence of productive forces of society and progressive scientific ideas. Noticeable impact on development of management was had and continued
to render many areas of scientific knowledge is both management, and the general theory of systems, both cybernetics, and sociology, both psychology, and pedagogics, both a Qualimetry, and standardization, and mathematical statistics, etc. At the same time, along with science, the big contribution to evolution was made also by concrete world practice of the organizations.

2. At the first four stages of evolution it is focused on quality of production of production and its control. However already at the fourth stage formation of scientific approaches to quality management in the field of statistical control methods and regulation of quality begins. The fifth stage became transitional - from quality control to management. And already at the last stages there is a shift towards quality management.

3. In change of approaches to quality management a certain frequency is traced. Thus it is found out that, since 80th of the XX century there is an acceleration of change of stages.

4. At all stages of evolution the continuity of earlier used methods takes place. Each subsequent stage does not reject the previous experience, and incorporates it, on its basis developing new scientific approaches to quality management.

5. Change of historical stages is connected with emergence of essentially new ideas in the field of quality management reflecting the objective socio-historical phenomena.

On the basis of the carried-out analysis it is possible to claim with bigger definiteness that historical development of quality management does not come to the end with the present stage. It is obvious that in the future search of new theoretical approaches and methods of ensuring quality to what the forecast for 2020 of Institute of ensuring quality of Great Britain testifies will proceed. At the same time it is possible to assume that the subsequent development will be defined by transition from quality management to quality of management of the organization.

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