


Другие языки
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Proposing a paper for a conference


1. A ‘Call for Papers’ is usually issued 6-9 months before a conference. This call is usually mailed to organization members and printed in PS. Often, calls are also mailed to department heads to be posted on bulletin boards; some are distributed through e-mail mailing lists such as PSRT-L.

2. Usually, the conference organizer designates 10-30 scholars to organize conference panels on particular topics. Sometimes it is difficult to tell which session is most appropriate. Imagine, you want to present a paper on the comparative trade policies of France and Germany at the 1996 APS meeting. The call for papers lists different sections for “Comparative Politics”, “Comparative Politics of Advanced Industrial Societies”, “Politics and Society in Western Europe”, “Political Economy”, and “Foreign Policy Analysis”.

Depending on the focus of your paper, more than one of these areas might be appropriate. In this case, you must select one or two areas. APS rules permit you to submit the same paper proposal to one or two sections. Some conferences allow you to submit the proposal only to one section. Read the call for papers carefully to determine procedures and rules.

3. In political science, the norm to submit a paper proposal is an abstract of about 1 page. If the research is nearly complete, the abstract should introduce the research question, discuss specific hypotheses, data and methods (if appropriate), and summarize the major conclusions. If the work is not yet complete, describe the types of conclusions which are possible and explain the methods in sufficient details that the organizer will get a good idea of your approach to the proposed question.

4. Sometimes you will submit your proposal by regular mail; other times you may be able to submit it by e-mail. More and more often, there is a web-based submission process. If submitting by mail, the proposal should be accompanied by a brief letter (in case the letter and proposal become separated, be sure to have your name, paper title, and affiliation on both). Again, read the call for papers
carefully to determine submission procedures and deadlines.

5. Notification of acceptance or rejection usually arrives 6-12 weeks after the submission deadline. Keep all correspondence because copies of the acceptance letter will be required as part of your application for travel funds.

Presenting the paper


1. If your paper is accepted, you may be required to become a member of the conference and pre-registered for it. Probably, you will be expected to mail a copy of the paper to the panel discussion and panel chair, 2-4 weeks before the conference. At some conferences, you may also be expected to bring 30-50 copies of the paper with you for distribution


2. Most panels last 1/2 to 2 hours. Three to five papers are presented with each panelist given about 15 minutes, sometimes less. One or two discussants will be given similar amounts of time to comment on the papers. Do not read your paper. At first, it’s only possible to read 5-8 pages in 20 minutes. Therefore, you may cover only the essentials. At second, the audience is more attentive to the speaker than to those who read their papers. For your first conference, time your presentation. If handouts are helpful, prepare 20-25 (bring more if somebody famous is present at your panel).

Note: If you are require an overhead projector or other equipment, you have to make a special request after your paper is accepted.


3. Upon arriving at the conference, locate the room where your panel will be held. Check out the room and remember how to get there. Beware: the elevators in the conference hotel become jammed as dozens of panels end; do not be late to your own panel! When you arrive, go to the table at the front of the room and introduce yourself to the other panelists.


4. There are three difficult tasks at the panel.

The first is looking as if you do not pay attention at the first panelist when you mentally rehears your own paper; try to relax and enjoy listening to the other papers.

The second challenge is presenting your paper in the allotted time. A good panel chair will pass you a note after 13 minutes which says “2 minutes left”. Here you may need to pause for a second and map out a strategy for summarizing your conclusions in less time than you have planned.

The third problem is carefully listening to the discussant —especially if you feel the discussant did not understand your paper or did not like it. Take careful notes and try not to over-react when you get a chance to respond. If the discussant has potentially valid criticisms, it is OK to agree. Some people seem naturally better at such presentations than others and some people are more comfortable interacting with other panelists. But everybody gets better with experience.




The Gerund



Герундій – це неособова форма дієслова, яка має властивості іменника і дієслова. Форми герундія утворюються за допомогою закінчення -ing, якедодається до основи дієслова.


Форми герундія: Active Passive
Simple She likes reading Nobody likes being punished
Perfect The bank denied having received money from criminal sources These event occurred without any influence having been made by her father.


Simple Gerund, активного і пасивного стану, означає дію, що відбувається одночасно з дією, вираженою дієсловом - присудком в теперішньому, минулому чи майбутньому часі.

Perfect Gerund, активного і пасивногостану, означає дію, що відбувається перед дією, вираженою дієсловом-присудком.

Герундій разом з іменником або присвійним займенником, що стоїть перед ним і вказує на виконавця дії, утворює герундіальний зворот і передає самостійну думку.


In the Sentences the Gerund may have the functions of:

- Subject: Learning the new bus schedule is easy. Making new friends can be difficult.

- Predicate Nominative: My studentjob this year is working in thelibrary

- Part of Compound Verbal Predicate: He can’t help laughing. He kepton insisting till they agreed.

- Attribute: We have no desire of seeing your friends again.

- Object: Some people are afraid of speaking in public. They didn’t apologize for being late.

- Adverbial modifier of: (attendant circumstances / manner): She interrupted her son by taking him by elbow.; (time): On hearing the bell, he went to open the door.


Exercise I. (a) Translate the word combinations starting with a gerund as a subject.

1. Punishing an offender is...

2.Solving the problem was...

3.Launching a new project has been...

4.Watching the parliamentary behaviour was...

5.Changing the method of punishment means...

(b) Translate, paying attention to the gerund following a noun + a preposition.

I. The way of charging a fine...

2. The means of detaining an offender...

3. The process of investigating the matter...

4. The possibility of speaking on behalf of...

5. The procedure of summoning the Commons...

(c) Translate the combinations with a gerund, paying attention to the meaning of the prepositions " by", "without", "besides", "before", "after", "in", "on", "upon".

1. By observing the law the offender proved...

By considering the case the judge arrived at the conclusion...

By using the data of the investigation the jury made a verdict

By improving the methods of interrogating...

2. Without making a protocol one cannot...

Without observing the norms it is impossible...

Without cross-examining one can't...

Without sentencing it is impossible...

3. Besides appointing the jury the Municipal Counsel decides...

Besides considering the evidence the policeman on duty performs...

Besides being persecuted for his beliefs he could not be found arty other fault with

4. Before adopting the Bill it was...

Before entering the police school young people are supposed to....

Before releasing an offender on probation he is supposed to (he must)...

5. After announcing the sentence the suspect was released...

After adopting a child the parents gave the girl...

After making a treaty the parties were obliged to...

6. In changing the jury the court passed a sentence...

In considering different versions the investigator arrived at the conclusion...

In bringing a suit against Mr X. the prosecutor made a decision....

7. On hearing the telephone call he didn't pick up the receiver because

On bringing a law-suit against the defendant the judge thought of...

On appealing to a higher court he hoped...

8. Upon contesting a claim he supposed...

Upon agreeing on probation he meant...

Upon canceling the agreement the parties might claim...


Exercise 2. C omplete the sentences with the infinitive or gerund form of the words in brackets.

1. There was no question of (to send) her to prison.

2. Every year Parliament passes about a hundred laws directly by (to make) Acts of Parliament.

3. Government departments are responsible for (to improve) Government policy.

4. The law prohibits men from (to sell) narcotics.

5. People's activity in (to prevent) the commission of the crimes as well as that of the police is appreciated by the public.

6. Negotiations among the states are quite necessary (to reach) an agreement.

7. A well educated lawyer should (to specialize) in a branch of law in which he is interested in.

Exercise 3. Insert necessary prepositions before gerunds.

1. Since the Privy Council has changed its profile it became the court which consists of the Law Lords instead... being an advising body.

2. Nobody can be found guilty... committing a crime, unless a sentence of the court is according to the law.

3.... receiving the Royal Assent the Bill becomes an Act of Parliament.

4. The solicitor normally gives his reason...defending someone in these circumstances.

5. Who is responsible... making laws in the US?

6. Can we settle the matter... going to law?

7. English judges are expert... summing up the evidence.


Exercise4. Use gerund of the verb in brackets (in the active or passive voice, perfect or non-perfect form).

1. We insist on (to send) him there at once.

2. I was annoyed at (to interrupt) every other moment.

3. You never mentioned of (to speak) to them on the subject.

4. I don't remember (to ask) this question.

5. In (to discuss) the problem they touched upon some important items.

6. He hated (to remind) people of their duties or (to remind) of his.

7. He was proud of (to award) the prize.

8. They accused the girl of (to mislead) them.

9. The officer on duty rebuked the policeman for the witnesses (not to ask) to give evidence.


Exercise5. Translate into English, using the gerund.


1. Нема чого робити перерви, нам усього на півгодини роботи.

2. Ми дуже вдячні Вам, що Ви позбавили нас від стількох турбот.

3. Коли Мейсон одержав можливість розібратися в справі Клайда, у нього були усі підстави зажадати для Клайда смертного вироку за обвинуваченням в убивстві Роберти.

4. Клайд не хотів визнавати, що вбив Роберту зі страху, що вона може перешкодити йому женитися на Сандрі Фінчлі, і намагався заперечувати, що він мав яке-небудь відношення до її загибелі.

5. Він дуже зрадів перспективі попрацювати кілька років під керівництвом такого відомого слідчого.

6. Хто мені може сказати, куди пішов Сергій, закінчивши роботу?

7. Мені дійсно соромно, що так давно Вам не писав.

8. Вона заперечувала, що обіцяла що-небудь подібне.

9. Перш ніж дійти якого-небудь висновку - подумай іще раз.

10. Ті, хто був присутній в залі, не могли не розсміятися.


Exercise6. Make sentences with the same meaning by using a gerund phrase as the subject.

Example: It's important to Having good friends

have good friends. is important.

1. It is interesting to learn about other cultures. 2. It's not easy to master a foreign language thoroughly. 3. Our aim is to master English in the shortest time possible. 4. Is it important to be polite to all clients? 5. My favorite pastime is to ride a bicycle. 6. It is fun to travel by boat. 7. Is it difficult to learn to drive a car? 8. It's hard work to ask him for help. 9. It's always been very dangerous to climb the western slope of Everest. 10. It's obligatory to officially confirm the company's profits at the end of the fiscal year. 11. It's easy to talk about having high moral standards but sometimes it's very difficult to stand by your principles. 12. In some countries it is traditional to pay people to facilitate the passage of a business deal. 13. Today's businessman frequently meets situations where it is difficult to square his business interests with his moral conscience.


Exercise 7. Answer the questions to compare the following.

Example: Which is easier: to speak English or to speak Hindi?

Speaking English is easier than speaking Hindi


1. Which is more important: to come to class in time or to get an extra hour of sleep in the morning? 2. Which is more fun: to visit people or to invite them to your house?

3. Which is more satisfying: to give gifts or to receive them? 4. Which is easier: to entertain other people or to be entertained? 5. Which is more fun: to operate a glider or to drive a car? 6. Which is more expensive: to travel by bus or to travel by air? 7. Which is more fun: to fret and fidget waiting in a bus queue in the boiling sun or to amuse yourself by watching the various expressions on the faces of the other people in the queue? 8. Which is easier: to earn money or to spend it? 9. Which is more difficult: to run a company or to run its department? 10. Which can bring better results: to negotiate with a business partner or to argue with him? 11. Which is more profitable for a European car-maker: to sell cars in home markets or to sell them in developing countries? 12. Which is more difficult: to set up a company or to develop it into a multinational?


Exercise 8. Read the politician's speech and write down his solutions to the problems. The first one has been done for you.


"Today we are faced with many problems, both social and economic. What are we, the Government, going to do about them? (1) First of all, we are going to create new jobs. This will reduce unemployment. (2) Then we must export more goods, which will help the economy. Of course, the future of the country is in the hands of the young, (3) so we intend to train more teachers, and this will raise the level of education. (4) We must also provide more entertainment for young people. This will keep them out of trouble. (5) In addition, we plan to cut taxation, and this will help the lower-paid workers. (6) Finally, we are going to employ more policemen, which will make our streets safer."


1/ Creating more jobs will reduce unemployment.







Exercise 9. Using the gerund as the subject speak about the ways of saving money. Invent your own ways of saving money.

Example: Invite people to tea Inviting people to tea or coffee instead or coffee instead of dinner. dinner is a way of saving money.


1. Exchange homes with a foreign family on holidays.

2. Learn to do your own simple plumbing and electrical repairs.

3. Drive smoothly, without sudden stops and starts it uses less petrol.

4. Put your telephone in an uncomfortable noisy place.

5. Borrow books from the public library instead of buying them.

6. Knit your own sweaters.

7. Don't drive when you can walk.

8. Buy fewer newspapers and magazines - you probably don't read them all anyway.

9. Don't use a dishwasher or a washing machine without a full load.

10. Take showers instead of baths.

11. Drink water instead of expensive soft drinks.

12. Be very careful about turning lights off when they are not needed.

13. If you have a garden, grow your own vegetables and fruit.

14. Make your own jam and marmalade.

15. Learn to do your own hair.


Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences into English using the gerund as the subject.

1. Гра в теніс займає у Сандри весь її вільний час. 2. Навіть і не намагайся списувати на іспиті - наш викладач обов'язково помітить! 3. Відкриття філії в одній із країн Південно-Східної Азії - ціль нашої кампанії на даному етапі. 4. Ви б поскаржилися власникові ресторану на брутальність офіціанта. Брутальність тут не прийнята. 5. Створення нових робочих місць у даному регіоні знизить рівень безробіття. 6. Збільшення обсягу продажу товарів на внутрішньому ринку дає фірмі більше прибутку, чим їхній експорт у сусідню Польщу.


Exercise 11. Read the sentences. Make a list of the verbs and expressions after which the gerund is used as an object. Translate given sentences into Ukrainian.

1. The Government was unable to make any promises about lifting restrictions in the nearest future. 2. There are many difficulties involved in following such a course of action. 3. You seem to be very fond of pointing out other people's fault. 4. Alison is not interested in looking for a new job. 5. The rain prevented us from completing the work. 6. I apologized to Mr. Underdown for making him wait for me. 7. The government was accused of playing down the potential hazards associated with the mining. 8. For many years, Swiss banks denied receiving deposits from criminal sources. 9. The manager didn't blame me for not fulfilling the clauses of the contract but he insisted on knowing the whole truth. 10. People should be asked to refrain from smoking in public places. 11. Would you mind my making a suggestion, boss? 12. I'll never forget arriving in Venice bу ship the first time. 13.1 always had an impression that Jamie would succeed in developing the markets in South Asia. 14. We are looking forward to seeing you again in Madrid.

Exercise 12. Complete the letter with the gerund of the verbs in brackets. Mind the form of the gerund.

Dear Carol,

Many apologies for not... (reply) to your letter earlier, but I've been awfully busy. Thanks very much for... (invite) me to stay with you over the bank holiday weekend. Of course, I'd love to come.

However, instead of... (drive) as I usually do, I've decided to come by train, as I don't fancy... (sit) in a traffic jam for hours. As you know, driving on a bank holiday is always murder. I'm planning to catch the 8.45 from Waterloo Station, which gets in about eleven o'clock. Please don't worry about... (meet) me at the station. It isn't far to your house, so I don't mind... (walk). In fact, after sitting for a couple of hours on a crowded train, I'll enjoy the fresh air.

By the way, I'd like to bring something for the children. I was thinking of... (get) them each a book. Do they still like to read, or would they prefer to have something else? I must say, I'm really looking forward to... (see) you again and to... (hear) all your news. I've got some interesting news I want to tell you, but it'll have to wait until I see you. Anyway, do remember to let me know about the children.

Love, Christine


Exercise 13. Translate these sentences into English.

1. Терпіти не можу стояти в черзі, особливо якщо вона довга! 2. Припини свистіти, будь ласка, я намагаюся зосередитися. 3. Не люблю, коли мені брешуть! 4. Ситуація була настільки комічна, що ніхто не міг утриматися від сміху. 5. Ти б зайнявся віндсерфінгом, якщо дійсно хочеш схуднути. 6. Тім збирається переїхати жити в село, тому що міське життя йому не подобається. 7. Продовжуйте, будь ласка, ми всі уважно вас слухаємо. 8. Мій друг любить (enjoy) подорожувати як пішки, так і на велосипеді. 9. Вона терпіти не може, коли їй указують на помилки. 10. Ти вже закінчив робити перерахунок?


Exercise 14. Answer these questions to explain why somebody did it.


Example: The movie was boring. Why did you wait till the end?

Well, my wife enjoyed the movie so she insisted on waiting till the end.

1. Why did you go on holiday when you were badly needed in the firm? 2. You forged a cheque to borrow $10,000 from the bank, didn't you? 3. You got costs up by at least 10 %, didn't you? 4. Mr. Chairman, your company diversified into the areas favored by the government, didn't it? 5. Why did you introduce the practice of promoting by seniority? 6. When the recession came, why did you maintain the work force intact? 7. The conditions became favorable for business, but your factory didn't stop sacking workers, did it? 8. The company had increased wages, but the workers went on strike. Why? 9. You signed the petition of the union acting against the company's interests, didn't you? 10. Yes, our company produced the machine. After buying the machine you tailored it to your needs that possibly caused your injury. The company was not liable for the rebuilt product now. Why did you demand the compensation?

Exercise 15. Insert the appropriate preposition before the gerund where required. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian

1. The others insisted... accompanying them. 2. She said: "Excuse me... coming in without knocking". 3. I am tired... being old and wise. 4. We'll look forward... seeing you again in Washington. 5. I was afraid... saying the wrong thing. 6. I don't think I'll succeed... being as sympathetic as you have the right to expect. 7. I've paid very heavily... being a traitor. 8. If you won't tell me what's wrong, what's the use... my being here? 9. I thought you had just been blaming me... being neutral. 10. I suppose nothing is gained... delaying. 11. ITT, the American conglomerate, was accused... interfering in the political affairs of Chile. 12. For many years, the banks denied... receiving deposits from criminal sources. 13. Furious with his employees... turning up late each morning, he decided to have a serious talk with them. 14. In many countries of the Middle East husbands prevent their wives... taking a job outside the home.


Exercise 16. Translate these sentences into English using the gerund as an object

1.Медицина встановила, що паління небезпечно для здоров'я. 2. Ти б краще допоміг зрушити шафу, замість того щоб стояти й давати поради! 3. Ви не заперечуєте, якщо пан Картер буде присутній при нашій розмові? 4. Макс звик запитувати колег про те, що йому незрозуміло. Це іноді дратує, але я не пам'ятаю, щоб йому відмовили в допомозі. 5. Вони не могли вибачити мені, що витратили стільки часу 6. Я не заперечую почекати Ніка ще півгодини, але Келлі пропонує почати операцію прямо зараз, без Ніка. 7.Дякую, Марта, що нагадали мені про зустріч із керівником банку. Ви прекрасно справляєтеся із обов'язками секретаря й заслуговуєте заохочення. 8. Робітники не були задоволені рішенням власника автозаводу, тому профспілка наполягла на проведенні страйку. 9. Форд не боявся робити помилки, але він і вчився на чужих помилках. Тому він досяг таких успіхів у керівництві компанії. 10. Джека звинуватили в одержанні грошей по фальшивому акредитиву. Спочатку він заперечував підробку фінансових документів, але після проведення експертизи змушений був визнати себе винним.


Exercise 17. Translate into Ukrainian the following sentences in which the gerund is used attributively.

1. She hates the idea of wasting her time. 2. If he refuses what's the use in asking him to come to the party? 3. It was not helped by Ray's habit of excluding him from the conversation. 4. She is like a child who understands the mechanism of striking matches to start a, fire, but has no conception of the roaring holocaust of flame. 5. I can't make out the reason for his rejecting the offer. 6. Is there any hope of getting tickets for the 10.25 train? 7. Sally advised you to take precautions against getting into trouble, didn't she? 8. When you telephoned Mr. Bush he was just on the point of leaving the office. 9. What are your grounds for including Phil in the list of internal applicants for the vacancy? 10. The mayor made another public statement for the purpose of clarifying the new tax proposal. 11. Among other conciliatory gestures the programme also includes investigating the possibility of setting up Japanese plants in Euroрe which would create employment. 12. Some people are envious of the North American standard of living. 13. The Germans have a reputation for making good beer and the French are famous for their wine. 14. The English take pleasure in talking about their bad weather. Indeed, they almost take pride in it.


Exercise 18. You are applying for the job of a personnel manager. There is a questionnaire provided by the firm to test your abilities, skills and knowledge. Answer its questions.

1. Do you have any experience:

a) in working with people?

b) in running personnel?

2. Do you possess the ability of organizing people?

3. What is the best method of motivating people?

4. Do you possess the ability of organizing non-human resources?

5. What techniques of forecasting, planning, coordinating and controlling do you know?

6. You consider the habit of interrupting people as irritating, don't you?

7. When you are angry, are you in the habit of:

a) raising your voice?

b) trying not to show it in any way?

c) trying to begin to work or to find something else that will help you forget you are angry?

8. When you dislike a person:

a) you try to avoid meeting him/her;

b) you don't change the way of being as polite to him/her as possible;

c) you tell him/her openly.

9. Are you in the habit of smiling very often, almost every time you see someone?

10. When you make a mistake:

a) you frankly admit it;

b) you try to find others to blame;

с) you try to find excuses for having made a mistake.

11. If there is a possibility of training more at Harvard University, will you snatch at it?

12. You are absorbed by the idea of reaching the top of managerial hierarchy, aren't you?

13. Suggest the best way of spending free time.


Exercise 19. Translate the dialogue using the gerund attributively.


- У мене мало надії на те, що я одержу цю посаду.

- Чому ти так уважаєш?

- У мене є всі підстави так думати. По-перше, я не можу зрозуміти причину, по якій мене не включили до списку кандидатів від фірми (internal candidates). Говорять, я спізнився з подачею заяви. Я не вигадую виправдання для несвоєчасної подачі, але в мене не було ніяких відомостей про відкриття вакансії. Крім того, я в цей час був у відпустці! А в тебе була б можливість подати заяву в строк, якби ти відпочивав десь на Мальдівських островах?

- Ну, а по-друге?

- Я працюю в аудиторській компанії вже 6 років, професійний досвід, а також досвід роботи з документами у мене досить значний, але в мене мало досвіду роботи з людьми. І потім, ти ж знаєш мою звичку говорити начальству правду в очі! А яке начальство буде заохочувати таку звичку в підлеглого? От і скажи зараз, чи є в мене причини для хвилювання чи ні?


Exercise 20. Read these sentences with the gerund used as an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances. Translate them into your native language.

1. "She cannot sleep without seeing and speaking to you once more," I said.

2. Without putting anything into words they bade each other farewell. 3. Sarah sat through her first lesson without saying a word and without paying much attention to the lecture and the examples on the blackboard. 4. But now a difficulty arose — hostile Indians could not break the bread of hospitality together without first making peace, and this was a simple impossibility without smoking a pipe of peace. 5. "You can't have a war "said Douglas, "without someone getting hurt. 6. We’ d had the window open all the way but it only had the effect of stirring the air like porridge without bringing any fresh oxygen in 7. Those minutes were the most extraordinary of my fife I cannot think back to them without writhing with some emotion, nostalgia perhaps, or pride that I went through them. 8. Then he asked me if I liked music, and without waiting for an answer put on some Wagner. 9. You are not in my company, are you? I can hardly have engaged an actress looking like you without having noticed it. 10. I wouldn't do a thing like that without telling you.



Exercise 21. Translate this dialogue into English using the gerund as an adverbial modifier.


- Після підписання контракту пройшло вже 10 місяців, а робота ще не починалася. Звичайно, можна відмовитися від послуг цієї компанії, але, намагаючись поміняти субпідрядника, ми не одержимо бажаних результатів - час минув.

- Так, вам дійсно не повезло. Але чому ви підписали контракт саме із цією компанією?

- О, це давня історія! Рік назад міська влада ухвалили рішення щодо будівництві кільцевої дороги й оголосили конкурс проектів. Вивчаючи представлені проекти, вони не змогли прийти до єдиної думки. Було відібрано кілька кращих проектів, і після таємного голосування переможцем була оголошена компанія "Браун і Сміт". При оголошенні результатів голосування серед бізнесменів виникло невдоволення.

- А в чому була причина невдоволення?

- Причина з'ясувалася зовсім недавно, після того як стало відомо про махінації цієї кампанії із кредитами. Зараз спеціальна комісія вивчає діяльність цієї кампанії. Вона почала роботу минулого місяця з перевірки усіх фінансових документів. Коли читаєш звіт комісії тільки про деякі афери з бухгалтерськими рахунками, не перестаєш дивуватися винахідливості її організаторів. Як з'ясувалося, перш ніж укласти контракт із нами, вони проробили щось подібне в ряді міст на півночі країни.


Exercise 22. Read through the news items and fill in the spaces with a suitable gerund. The first one has been done for you.

And here is a round-up of the news in brief.


Two men escaped from Durham jail this morning by climbing a wall. Both men were serving five years for..(2).. an elderly man. Police are looking for a hit-and-run
driver who drove off without (3)... after (4)... a young woman. Police are interested in (5)... anyone who saw the accident.

Pop star Scott Turner plans to retire after his next European tour. He said today he was tired of (6)... and wanted to spend more time with his family instead of (7) Boxing champion Steve Goddard appeared in court, today, accused of (8).... He was found not guilty. Goddard spoke to reporters before (9)... and said that he was now looking forward to (10)....

British racing driver Bob Nicolas flew home last night after (11)... the Brazilian Grand Prix. His car developed engine trouble during the race, and he had difficulty in (12)....

An Essex grandmother, Mrs. Maude Williams, celebrated her 100th birthday today by (13)... Concorde. She was nervous of (14)... before the flight, but, on (15)... Heathrow Airport, she said she'd had a wonderful time and thanked everyone for (16)....

And, finally, a young man who took his pet snake to a party ended up (17)... the night at the local police station. Paul Rimmer, 26, said, "I was worried about (18)... the snake at home because of the cold. So I put it in a box and left it in a bedroom. It was all right until someone insisted on (19)... the box and the snake escaped. That's when the police were called." Mr. Rimmer apologized for (20)... and was later allowed to go home.

Prompts: leave; go home, rob; stop; hit; knock down; attack; sing; go on tour; perform; start a fight; speed; drunken drive; train for his next fight; question; talk to; interview; lose; brake; steer; accelerate; fly on; travel on; take off; land at; return to; look after; be so kind; spend; keep; open; look in; take the top off; cause the trouble; frighten everyone; be a nuisance.





Before you read

Discuss these questions.

1. What forms / types of business do you know?

2. What is a partnership?

3. What is a brand?

Key vocabulary:

market economy, sole trader, sole proprietor, limited/ unlimited company, to be liable for, liability, business assets, commencing trade, statutory requirements, VAT (Value Added Tax), PAYE (pay-as-you-earn), income tax deducting, shareholders, sharing profits, entity, professional bodies, statutory and financial control, pension provision, financial flexibility, expansion.


Read and translate the text:

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