


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Organized; based; disappointed; delighted; mistaken; bored;

1. Swedish employment practices have become widely copied in other countries. 2. We are utterly _________ to discrimination against women. 3. The Swedish progress towards equal rights have become widely _______ by other nations. 4. Anyone who thinks women in Britain have equal rights with men is entirely ____________ 5. Feminist associations in the US remain highly ____________. 6. The movement for greater women's equality is broadly__________ in our country. 7. I've got utterly _____________ by the whole subject of women's lib. 8. They seemed highly __________ when they lost their court action. 9. The government is firmly ___________ the pilot schemes have been successful. 10. The number of persons permitted to take part in the scheme will be strictly __________. 11. Companies in this country have become totally ____________ by the new law. 12. He seemed fully ____________ against all risks. 13. They look highly __________ with the success of their campaign.

Exercise 3. Answer these questions using Participle II as a predicative.

1. You're a second-year student at the Economic University. When will you become qualified as an economist? 2. Do your group mates seem interested in working for a foreign company? 3. Are men in your country used to women holding positions of power in many sectors of the economy? 4. Does your temper become frayed when you have an unpleasant talk with your mother? the Dean? an employee from the Employment Office? 5. Is the lecturer right by saying that, when relations between customers and companies become dehumanized, there is a lack of human contact between the two? 6. Nobody argues the EC has become dedicated to the ideal of free competition among member countries. Do you? 7. Do you share the opinion that the Swiss seem too money-minded and excessively serious? 8. Many people are prejudiced against minority groups in their country. Are you?

Exercise4. Replace the construction with Participle II by a clause.

A. By an attributive clause

1. Legislation comprises Acts of Parliament, often called statutes, together with various rules, regulations which are made by others with the authority of Parliament delegated to them by Act of Parliament.

2.The alleged right must be consistent with other recognized customs in the area.

3.The civil/criminal classification is the one most used.

4. Courts might be "inferior" and "superior". This shows how some are limited both in the cases they can try and the geographical area over which they have jurisdiction, whereas others have no such limits placed upon them.

5. All matrimonial causes must begin in a divorce court, though defended cases will be transferred to the High Court.

6. The clerks have assistants legally qualified.

7. The court can order the parents to pay any fine imposed.

B. By an adverbial clause

1.The Law Lords usually sit in groups of three or five, or sometimes seven.
They do so unrobed in the Palace of Westminster, in a committee room.

2. Charged with a number of road traffic matters the defendant intends to plead not guilty.

3. Born of British parents a child abroad is British at birth if either parent
is British.

4. Most people live in the country of which they are citizens. If domiciled
abroad, the laws of that country apply to a person then.

5. If appealed, the process will start this week.

6. When asked whether the witness intended to swear an oath he refused to
give evidence.

7. Acquitted because of his insanity the person was committed to hospital.


Exercise 5. Make one sentence from the two sentences given, using Participle II.


Example: There was a tree on the road leading to the farm. It fell down in the storm last night. - There was a tree fallen down in the storm last night.

1. When I arrived, there was a big red car there. Somebody had parked it outside the cottage. 2. In the car there were some people. The police found them injured in the accident. 3. There is a book on economics on the table. Somebody left it in the classroom. 4. There's a new diving board in the swimming pool. The workmen installed it last week. 5. There are many high quality leather goods on sale. Our firm delivered them from India. 6. There was only one guest at the party I knew about: Sir Henry personally invited him. 7. There was the money in the box. Shorty had stolen it in the bank robbery. 8. There was a balcony along the second floor. Some columns held it up.

Exercise 6. Complete these sentences with Participle II used attributively.


1. He took a ...(fold) strip of paper from his vest and cave it to the reporter. 2. We walked down the hall and down the wide thickly... (carpet) stairs. 3. For over 96 years, the formula for making coca cola has been a closely... (guard) secret. 4. The job security... (guarantee) by the system of lifetime employment influences the way employees approach their work. 5. We employ... (experience) personnel. We do not care which sex they are. 6. The Credit Suisse managed to cover its losses from... (hide) reserves. 7. There is a... (spread widely) belief that employees are entitled to a share in a company's profits. 8. The government was accused of playing down the potential hazards... (associate) with the mining, 9. Goods... (damage) in transit should be returned to the manufacturer. 10. Clothes... (buy) in the sale cannot be changed. 11. During the... (protract) negotiations, the company offered to increase its exports. 12. A legislative decree or 1979 to establish an Investment Code lays down the rights and duties... (attach) to investments in agriculture and industry.

Exercise7. Translate the Russian participles in brackets by the English Participle II where possible.

1. Taken off the list of (що розслідуються) cases a few ones dealt with minor

2. (Розслідувані) cases deprived investigator Petrov of his free time.

3. Investigator Petrov could be proud of a number of (розслідуваних справ).

4. The investigators (що розслідували) the case of murder committed it to court.

5. Policeman Steven Bruckstein detained/arrested two teenagers (що підозрюються) of trafficking drugs.

6. (Підозрюваних) teenagers were sent to a remand home (a centre for young offenders).

7. (Підозрювані) of trafficking drugs the teenagers made a sincere confession.

8. The witnesses of the traffic accident, (що підозрювали), the driver wasdrunk, were right.


Exercise8. Translate the sentences with Participle II used with an auxiliary verb to form complex active and passive tense forms.

1. According to the witness's testimony, you were present when the crime was committed.

2. The case will be heard in court next week.

3. Have you claimed the insurance yet?

4. A certain sum of money must be paid as punishment for breaking law or order. Peter Rowny was fined £500 for dangerous driving.

5. It is required (of me) that I give evidence.

6. The management have considered Mr Blaire's application carefully, but
couldn't offer him the job.

7. He testified under oath that he had not been at the scene of the crime
8. I think, the judgment will be given in favor of the accused.

9. Andrew Brown had a distinct impression that he was being followed.

10. The new law will have come into force by the future elections to Parliament

Exercise 9. Replace the attributive clauses by phrases with Participle II in the function of an attribute.

Example: An island is a piece of land which is surrounded by water. -

An island is a piece of land surrounded by water.

1. The results which were obtained by the research group are promising. 2. The machine which has been designed by our colleagues will help scientists greatly. 3. The device which is used in our work is up-to-date. 4. The suggestion which was made by the Chairman was accepted unanimously. 5. The agreement which was signed by the ITT and TeleCom in December has already been ratified by both sides. 6. The article on joint ventures which was published in the Time arose great interest among future managers. 7. The specialists have visited the training centre for construction workers which was set up several years ago. 8. Fees which are paid in advance are not refundable. 9. Cars which are parked in a no-parking zone will be removed. 10. Another principle which is used by any Japanese company is promotion by seniority. 11. On the next afternoon Horace went out to his sister's, again in a car which was hired. 12. Fancy a married woman who is doomed to live on from day to day without one single quarrel with her husband.

Exercise 10. Match the following idioms with the defintions given at the end. Translate them into your own language.

1 ) forbidden fruit; 2) a broken reed; 3) a stuffed shirt; 4) injured innocence; 5) the finished product; 6) an unwritten law; 7) a closed shop; 8)frozen, music; 9) a closed/ sealed book/wonder (to smb); 10) a confirmed bachelor.


a) a man who from principle or long-established habits is not likely to marry; b) a long-established custom that is difficult to break or disobey;

c) the practice under which only people belonging to a recognized trade union are employed in a factory or trade; d) architecture, statuary; e) sb/smth finally completed or evolved; f) a person whose intentions, abilities etc. are unknown, especially when these may influence a situation; g) smth that is desired by a person and that is made even more attractive by the fact that the person is unable or forbidden to obtain it; h) attitude of smb wrongfully attacked or blamed;

i) a person who believes himself to be better or more important than he really is;

j) smb or smth likely to fail when his or its strength is tested usually because of some prior stress or experience.


Exercise 11. Translate these sentences into English using Participle II attributively.

1.Передбачуваного краху банківської системи наприкінці 70-х років вдалося уникнути. 2. Цей автозавод завжди був. підприємством, що бере на роботу тільки членів своєї профспілки. 3. Виписка із банківського рахунку - це повідомлення про те, скільки клієнт поклав на свій рахунок, а також про відсоток, виплаченому йому. 4. Мій бос - закоренілий холостяк. 5.Голова зборів довго говорив про проблеми, які виникли у робітників текстильної промисловості. 6. Передбачається, що в недалекому майбутньому на європейських ринках буде менше автомобілів, зроблених у країнах ЄС. 7. Більшість товарів, вироблених на даній фабриці експортується в країни Азії. 8. Проекти по розробці нафтових родовищ є потенційно вигідними для компаній, обраних для здійснення цих проектів. 9. Гроші, накопичені фондом, будуть спрямовані на підвищення пенсій усіх працівників підприємства. 10. Проект закону про перерозподіл доходів компаній, запропонований урядом Голландії, викликав гарячі суперечки в країні і за кордоном..

Exercise 12. Complete the following sentences with Participle II used as part of a complex object.

1. You can get your things... (unpack). 2. For their New Year's Eve party she had all the furniture... (move) out of the parlor and sitting-room. 3. King Charles I had his head... (cut off). 4. They found the house... (desert). 5. Can we have the program... (tailor) to our requirements? 6. You should make your views... (know). 7. The boss wants the work... (do) by Friday. 8. I'llget the matter... (see) to. 9. They wanted the Committee ...(convene) over the weekend. 10. The Risings have scarcely any money... (save) for their old age. 11. I'd like the starter of my car... (repair). 12. Have you ever heard this tune... (play)! 13. She liked changes and recently she had the drawing-room... (redecorate). 14. The darkness found Jane... (occupy) with these thoughts.


Exercise 13. Answer these questions using Participle II after the verbs of sense perception.

1. Your friend invited you to a party. You came to your friend's and found the door locked. Did it ever happen to you? 2. Have you ever heard the opera "Carmen" sung in Chinese? 3. Have you ever heard a pop song sung in Dutch? 4. I'm sure you've heard "Breakthrough" played by the Queen several times. 5. Have you seen President Kennedy killed? 6. I've heard they found the treasure hidden in a cellar, didn't they? 7. Have you ever visited Scotland and seen the mountains there covered with snow? 8. Have you ever seen a luxury car painted in many colors? 9. Has anybody seen Mohammed Ali, a well-known boxer, knocked down? 10. Why didn't you arrive yesterday? Did you find all the flights booked up? 11. Do you always like to hear your name spoken in public? 12. Do you consider your best friend badly organized? He's failed in all the exams.

Exercise 14. Fill in the blanks with Participle II or Past Simple. Define the function of the words ending in -ed. Point out whether the word with the suffix -ed is a verb in the Past Simple, Participle II in the function of an attribute, or an adverbial modifier, or part of the predicate in the passive form. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.


1.English law in any overall sense dates back to the Norman Conquest. Before then no (to unify) system of law (to exist) over the country.

2. A writ was the document necessary to start an action in a royal court. Il
was a (to seal) letter, (to send) in the name of the King, containing instructions for the recipient.

3. (to dissatisfy) claimants (to petition) the King in person.

4. According to the law of trusts, a supplementary system of law (to call) equity, the standards (to require) by the Chancellor (to include), for example, that the petitioner must have (to come) "with clean hands". This means that a petition (to base) on unfairness and injustice by the defendant could not be (to bring) by a plaintiff who himself had (to act) unfairly or unjustly.

5. The law (to make) by means of (to delegate) authority is (to call) (to delegate) legislation.

6. In the Court of Justice of the European Communities it shall be the duly
of the Advocate-General, acting with complete impartiality and independence, to make, in open court, (to reason) submissions on cases (to bring) (before the Court of Justice), in order to assist the Court.

7. Once the committee has (to finish) with the Bill it goes back to the House for the report stage at which the committee chairman produce» the (to refine) product for the scrutinity of the House.

8. It is not possible for a newly (to admit) solicitor to practice alone straight way since for the first three years he must have an (to experience) supervising solicitor to oversee and vouch for his accounts.

9. Summary trial procedure is the one (to use) by the magistrates when dealing with the trial of summary offences and of those "triable either way" when summary trial has been (to select), with the prosecution normally being (to bring) within six months of the commission of the offence.

10.In criminal trials the Director of Public Prosecutions is often (to involve in the prosecution of really serious crimes.


Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences into English using the past participle as part of a complex object.

1. Батько щораз нервував, коли чув, як його ім'я згадують у зв'язку з нещасним випадком. 2. Я хочу, щоб відремонтували стартер у моєї

машини. 3. Він змусив себе поважати. 4. Я думаю, ви багато разів чули цю пісню у виконанні Фредди Меркьюри. 5. Чи можна змінити цю програму відповідно до наших вимог? 6. Ви повинні внести реєстраційний внесок не пізніше 20 червня. 7. Ми б хотіли, щоб витрати вашої компанії були офіційно підтверджені. 8. Закінчивши термінову роботу пізно ввечері, Мартін уже зібрався йти додому, але виявив, що зовнішні двері замкнені на ключ. 9. Вам варто було б зберегти ці гроші на чорний день. 10. Коли фінансове становище компанії перевірялося зовнішніми аудиторами в останній раз?


Exercise 16. Change the sentences using Participle II in the subordinate adverbial clauses.

Example: When Tom was asked about the accident, he began to cry. -

When asked about the accident, Tom began to cry.

1. When they were told how much the trip would cost, they decided to stay at home. 2. For a moment the trio stood as if they were turned to stone. 3. Though Miss Marple was surprised by his arrival, she didn't show it. 4. If I were left to myself, I should infallibly let this chance slip. 5. He spoke when he was spoken to politely and without much relevance. 6. Miss Brodrick, though she was not personally well known in the county, had been spoken well of by all men. 7. As I was directed, I took the lead, almost happily. 8. If water is distilled, it will become quite tasteless. 9. Though she was respected, she felt a stranger among these people. 10. He bowed low when he was presented to Donald. 11. If she is given a chance, she will become a brilliant actress. 12. Though this textbook is de signed for beginners, it may be used for intermediate students as well. 13. The letter was illegible as if it was written in a hurry.

Exercise 17. Translate these sentences into English using the past participle as an adverbial modifier.


1.Він говорив тільки тоді, коли до нього зверталися. 2.Хоча її й поважали, вона почувала себе ніяково серед цих людей. 3. Якщо вашій дитині дати шанс, вона стане таким же знаменитим шахістом, як Каспаров! 4. Марта довго сиділа нерухомо, начебто перетворившись у камінь. 5. Лист був нерозбірливий, начебто написаний в поспіху. 6. Коли мені назвали вартість навчання в Гарварді, я вирішив вступити в школу бізнесу при нашому університеті. 7. Вона раптово зупинилася, начебто уражена новиною. 8. Хоч ми й здивувалися появі нашого боса на роботі в таку ранню годину, ми не показали цього.


Exerciser18. Insert an appropriate participle of the verb in brackets. Mind the forms of Participle I.

1. She cut her foot on a piece of (break) glass, half... (hide) inthe sand. 2. I found it difficult to follow the serial, (miss) the first episode. 3... (annoy) by the constant interruptions, the Minister refused to continue,.. (demand) that the trouble-makers leave. 4. The river,.. (swell) by the heavy rains, burst its banks and flooded the... (surround) countryside. 5.... (lie) in bed,... (worry) and... (depress), Sarah started to think once again about the problem. 6. Students... (will) to take the exam should give their names to the Principal by Friday.7. Anyone ...(travel) without a ticket may be fined up to $100. 8. She didn't want to hear the story again,... (hear) it all before. 9.... (hit) by a huge wave, the boat turned over. 10.... (take) the machine into pieces, Alan found he couldn't put it together again. 11. And... (say) this in her official and impersonal tone of voice, the chambermaid then grinned, winked and vanished. 12. There was a long line of... (abandon) trucks and carts on the road... (lead) up to the bridge. 13. Mary could feel Elizabeth... (review) their hopes and dreams, their relationship as sisters. 14. She averted her eyes each time she found herself... (stare) at.

Exercise 19. Translate the sentences into English using either Participle I or Participle II.


1. Ми не бачили Теда багато років, але чули, як у будинку його батьків часто згадували його ім'я. 2. Вони йшли, не доторкаючись друг до друга й не дивлячись один на одного, зв'язані ниткою розмови й двадцятьма роками спільного життя. 3. Безквиткові пасажири можуть бути оштрафовані на суму до ста доларів. 4. Джейк така людина, що краще, працює, якщо йому висувають тверді вимоги. 5. Увійшовши в приймальню президента корпорації, Сайкс привітався з Тобі, що вже чекав його. Тобі, роздратований довгим очікуванням, тільки холодно кивнув у відповідь. Секретарка, посміхнувшись обом, запросила Сайкса і Тобі пройти до кабінету. 6. Найважливіші рішення, які приймаються органами, що визначають політику МЗФ, вимагають переважної більшості голосів. 7. Я не бажаю, щоб ви підписували контракт без згоди підприємства-виробника.


Exercise 20. Translate the sentences into English, using Participle II where possible and constructions with it.


1. Рішення, прийняте монархом про розпуск парламенту, було опубліковано в урядовій газеті. 2. Вибори в палату громад, проведені на основі загального виборчого права, були визнані дійсними виборчою комісією. 3. Обвинува-чення, пред'явлене злочинцеві в ході судового процесу, всебічно досліджується сторонами, що беруть участь у процесі. 4. Мирові судді, призначені монархом за порадою Лорда-Канцлера, можуть розглядати карні злочини. 5.Посадові особи кабінету, призначені президентом США, служать протягом його стро-ку повноважень.6.Справжня судова система Великобританії, заснована на законі судоустрою 1873 року, зберегла свої основні риси до наших днів. 7. Я бачив, як містера Кларка виправдали за браком або відсутністю доказів (to acquit for lack of evidence). 8. Я бачив, як виписали ордер на арешт. 9. Я спо-стерігав, як провадилося вилучення предметів, що мають доказову чинність (removal of items of evidential value). 10. Я чув, як суд виніс виправдувальний вирок містеру Кларку (to pass a verdict of non-guilty). 11. Як правило, юридич-на допомога, що надається громадянам і організаціям, здійснюється через колегію адвокатів. 12. Щиросердне зізнання, зроблене злочинцем, допомогло слідству.





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