1. A lot of witnesses saw the house being broken down. 2. I heard the news about the hostages being announced. 3. Where can I have my rights protected? 4. They had their rights restored. 5. The Senate consists of 2 members from each state, chosen for 6 years, one-third being re-elected every 2 years. 6. The trial being conducted properly, the lawyer couldn’t appeal against it. 7. The accused having been sentenced to imprisonment, his lawyer appealed against the severity of the sentence.
Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, учитывая разные возможности перевода герундия на русский язык.
1. He had to admit stealing the diamond. 2. Old Shark scraped up a gang and suggested robbing a bank. 3. Have you ever considered being a juror. 4. The jury found Mr. Brown guilty of taking money from the company he worked for and keeping it for himself. 5. The rain prevented us from completing the work.
Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, содержащие конструкции с причастиями, герундием и инфинитивом.
1. Because of being worried about their children’s life the parents didn’t want anybody to know about their children’s kidnapping. 2. It is difficult to describe in a few general words the part played by provincial police authorities in administering the police and to say what exactly are their functions and powers. 3. This problem needs to be resolved urgently it is a question that has been raised over many years without the educational authorities making any sign of giving way. 4. The man being charged of theft is not guilty. 5. Having retained the barrister, the solicitor described the situation. 6. Having found the revolver and loaded it he sat down facing the door. 7. The cross-examining attorney may ask leading questions for the purpose of inducing the witness to testify about matters which he may otherwise have chosen to ignore. 8. The Courts of Appeals were organized to relieve the Supreme Court of pressure resulting from the accumulation of appellate cases. 9. Laws must be clearly written to define the responsibility and immunities of the police officer who represents society. 10. To be declared criminally responsible a person must have reached a certain age.
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l. At the trial if the defendant is convicted, a date for sentence is set. 2. The plaintiff dropped the case if she accepted a six-figure settlement collected by civil rights. 3. If he'd seen the decree on the fifth, he'd have known it was a forgery. 4. The preference not to imprison if a fine or other punishment is sufficient is easily explainable: prisons are overcrowded. 5. Should he or she move outside the permitted area, the computer will activate an alarm and the police will arrest him or her.
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The US Supreme Court
The third branch of government is the federal judiciary. Its main instrument is the Supreme Court, which watches over the other two branches. It determines whether or not their laws and acts are in accordance with the Constitution. Congress has the power to fix the number of judges sitting on the Court, but it cannot change the powers given to the Supreme Courtly the Constitution itself. The Supreme Court consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices. They are nominated by the President but must be approved by the Senate. Once approved, they hold office as Supreme Court Justices for life. A decision of the Supreme Court cannot be appealed to any other court. Neither the President nor Congress can change their decisions. In addition to the Supreme Court, Congress has established 11 federal courts of appeal and, bellow them, 91 federal district courts.
The Supreme Court has direct jurisdiction in only two kinds of cases: those involving foreign diplomats and those in which a state is a party. All other cases which reach the Court are appeals from lower courts. The Supreme Court chooses which of these it will hear. Most of the cases involve the interpretation of the Constitution. The Supreme Court also has the “power of judicial review,” that is, it has the right to declare laws and actions of the federal, state, and local governments unconstitutional. While not stated in the Constitution, this power was established over time.
Для правильного выполнения Задания №4 необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка по любым учебникам:
1. Особенности перевода сослагательного наклонения после глагола to wish
2. Предлоги.
3. Бессоюзные дополнительные и определительные придаточные предложения.
4. Многозначность should / would.
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