Academic | rigorously | Тщательно продумывать |
lead and breed | leaders | Лидеры изменяющегося мира |
think | at one's fingertips | Непосредственная близость |
grow | excellence | Успехи в учебе, успеваемость |
world-changing | of centuries | Выдающийся исследовательский университет |
have smth | connections | Современный и динамичный |
preeminent | education | Транспортная сеть |
long legacy | intellectually | Направлять и определять образование |
close | and vibrant | Интеллектуально развиваться (расти) |
modern | proximity | Наследие веков |
transport | research university | Знать что-то как свои пять пальцев, иметь под рукой |
Complete the sentences with the collocations from ex. 2
a) It is always important to develop and _________ _____________________ during your lifetime.
b) Although there are several buildings in our University, everything is situated in _________ _____________.
c) University graduates can boast high _________________ ________________ as well as scientific achievements.
d) Every year hundreds of students enter our University so life there is always _________ __ ______.
e) I like the way everything is organised in our lab and we have all necessary ____________ at our __________________.
21. Watch the clip again. Answer the questions?
1) What kind of University is Oxford?
2) What can you do at Oxford to develop yourself?
3) What world-changing leaders have graduated from Oxford?
4) What kind of resources does Oxford provide you with to study successfully?
5) What is Stephan Chambers?
6) According to the point of view of Stephan Chambers what kind of problems do scientists from Oxford try to solve?
7) What kind of spirit in the air can you feel when you are at Oxford?
8) How many colleges are there at the University of Oxford?
9) What does each of colleges have?
10) What areas of academic study does Oxford teach in?
11) Is Oxford more ancient or modern city?
12) How long will it take you to get from London to Oxford?
Speaking 1
22. Play “Boaster”. Work in micro-groups. Write down as many sentences as you can about YOUR University in 5 minutes. The task is to show how good it is (and why). Use the words and collocations from the unit. Take turns to boast. The group with the fullest list wins.
e.g. There are a lot students who will become world-changing leaders.
Writing 2
23. Write an essay (about 120-170 words) on one of the following topics:
1. Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master.
(Leonardo da Vinci).
2. Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which way do you prefer? Use specific details and examples to support your point of view.
3. What are some important qualities of a good supervisor? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.
4. How strict should a teacher be? How must teachers influence their students?
5. It is generally agreed that society benefits from the works of its members. Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of the scientists. Which type is valued more by your society in your opinion?
6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: High schools should allow their students to study only the subjects they want to study.
7. It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose the plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Look at the picture carefully. Answer the questions after it:
1. How many students are involved into higher education?
2. How is the amount of teachers in private schools different from that of public schools?
3. Which percentage of the US students fails to graduate on time?
4. How many women engineers are there in the USA?
5. What will happen with the jobs requiring some technology skills?
Reading 1
Before reading