






) , ( ) 1


  A.D. . Anno Domini
  a.m. . ante meridiem ;
  B.C. Before Christ
  Cf. . confer
  e.g. . example gratia
  etc. . et cetera
  ft. Foot
  gr. Gram
  i.e. . id est
  in. Inch
  kg. Kilogram
  km. Kilometer
  lb. . libra (453,6 .)
  rn. Metre
  mi. Mile
  mm. Millimeter
  No. Number
  p.m. . post meridiem ;
  sec. Second
  viz. . videlicet


) , ( )


  A-bomb Atomic bomb
  A-test Atomic test
  G.B. Great Britain
  H-bomb Hydrogen bomb
  HMS Her majestys ship -
  H-test Hydrogen test
  M.P. Member of Parliament
  Mr. Mister
  Mrs. Mistress
  m/v Motor vessel
  NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization -
  N.Y. New York -
  Pent. Pentagon
  s/s Steamship
  TUC Trades Union Council -
  U.K. United Kingdom
  UNO United Nations Organization
  U.S. United States
  USA United States of America
  USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


) , - ( )

  a.c. Alternating current
  a.f. Audio frequency
  amp. Ampere
  at.wt. Atomic weight
  b.p. Boiling point
  C. Centigrade
  Cal. Calorie
  c.c. Cubic centimeter
  d.c. Direct current
  EMF Electromotive force
  F. Frequency
  fig. Figure ,
  f.p.m. Feet per minute
  H.P. Horse power
  CWt. Hundredweight ( = 50,8 , = 45,4
  I.H.P. Indicated horse power
  l. Litre
  M Metal
  MM Minor metals
  mol.wt. Molecular weight
  m.p. Melting point
  N. Normal
  o.d. Outer diameter
  oz. Ounce
  pres. Pressure
  psi Pounds per square inch
  R.F. Radio frequency
  RPM Revolutions per minute
  sp.gr. Specific gravity
  sq. Square
  temp. temperature



. , , .




1) , , , and or:


The vapours commonly used in engineering practice are carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and ammonia. : , .


2) .

, :

) :


We know that at present all roads lead to Communism.

, .


) , , , .. :


The historic changes that have occurred in Asia are of cardinal significance. , , .


, :


Tsiolkovsky studied many branches of knowledge, which enabled him to become a prominent scientist. , ( ).


) , ( ):


If you added less acid, the reaction would not be so violent. , .


3) :


The voltage has been changed, the frequency remaining the same. , .


4) , , , :


Having purified the substance, we determined its specific gravity. , .

In 1945, nazi Germany was crushed by the Soviet Army. 1945 .


5) , :


The detailed theoretical and practical program of the Communist Party stated by K.Marx and F.Engels, is known as the Manifesto of the Communist Party. , . ., .


6) ( ):


He said, We shall do it : .


7) , .



1) , , :


He said: We have been at sea for a long time I think, for 3 or 4 days. : 3 4 .


2) , , , , .. :

They said, The ship has just arrived.


3) :


In their Manifesto of the Communist Party K.Marx and F.Engels wrote: A spectre is haunting Europe the spectre of Communism. . . : - .



.. . ., 1959

.., .., .. . . ., 1969

.. . ., 1985

., . . ., 1980

.. . (Specific English) ., 1977

.., .., .., .. - - . ., 1969

.. : . ., 1975

.., .., .. . . . ., 1990

,., . . ., 1947

. . ., 1978

.., .., .., .., , ., 1955

.., .. . ., 1985

.. - . (A Guide to Translation from English to Russian) . 1982

.., .., .. - ( ). ., 1973

.., .., .., , ., 1956

.. .., , ., 1952

.., .. . ., 1964

.. ( ). ., 1973

.. . : . ., 1979

.. . (Translating Russian Idiom) ., 1977

.., .., .. . 1. - . ., 1960

.., .., .. . 2. - . ., 1965

.., .. . ., 1990

.. ( ). 1990

.. , . ., . 1955

.. : . ., 1981

.., .. (.). ., 1976

.. . ., 1970

- .. . . ., 1969

- .. . ., 1996

- .. . ., 1980

. ., 1971

. 10. ., 1975

.., .., .. . . ., 1972

.., .., .. . . . ., 1984

.., .., .. . . . . ., 1984

.. . ., . 6, . 1954

.. . ., 1981

.. . ., 1965

.. , . ., 1988

.. . ., 1974

.. . ., 1982

.., .. ( ). ., 1974

.. - . ., 1989

.. . ., 1983

.. , . 1953

.., .. - - . ., 1991

.. . ., 1978

.. . . 1987

.. . ., 1976

.., , . 1953

.. . (- - ) ., 1973

.. . , , . ., 1988

.. . ., 1979

.. , . , , . 1931

.. . (Improve Interpreting Skills) ., 1976

Carey O.V., American into English, L. 1953

Chemical Engineer, 1964

Daily Worker, 1957

Electrical Engineering, 1975

Electronics, 1985

Halliburton W.D. and Me Do wall R.J. Handbook of Physiology and Biochemistry, L. 1937

Hough IN., Scientific Terminology, N.Y. 1953

Journal of Applied Physics, 1986

Manchester Guardian, 1989.

Nucleonics, 1975

Sears F.W., Electricity and Magnetism, Cambridge, 1946

Smith A., A Text-book of Elementary Chemistry, N.Y. 1924

The Times, 1995 1997

Physics news, Bulletin of Physics News, 1998 1999



Practice section



(see answers below)



Exercise 1

Complete the following sentences with one word, when necessary


1) We live _________ London.

2) I work ___________ the afternoon.

3) Do you work ________ night?

4) I start school __________eight oclock.

5) We dont have school ________ Saturday.

6) I do my homework ________ five oclock to seven oclock.

7) Tom plays ________ the drums.

8) I listen _______ the radio every day.

9) When _______ you have dinner on weekdays?

10) I go ________ home at six oclock.

11) _______ Mary get up at five oclock every day?

12) Joe arrives ________ the bank at eight oclock.


Exercise 2

Change the following sentences into negative.


Example: We live in a house We dont live in a house.


1) You have lunch at half past one.

2) We play tennis on Wednesdays.

3) Jane goes to work at quarter to seven.

4) They do their homework in the kitchen.

5) My brother collects stamps.

6) I bought a new car yesterday.

7) Fred can swim fast.

8) Jack had dinner at eight on Sunday.


Exercise 3

Complete the following sentence with one word, when necessary.


1) The films _________ not good yesterday.

2) Were you _________ school last week?

3) I _______ a dog when I was a little boy.

4) I didnt like the film, _______ it was bad.

5) Yesterday I worked ________ twelve hours.

6) His brother fell _________ a house last year.

7) Tom was in bed __________ last month.

8) I met __________ Jane on Monday.

9) My father worked in Africa six years _________.

10) Did they ________ the dog to the vet?


Exercise 4

Complete the following story with the words given at the end.


When Mr. Jones went to a restaurant one day, he left his coat 1) ______ the door. 2) ________ was nothing in the pockets of the coat when he left 3) _________, so he was very surprised 4) _______ he took his coat after his meal and found the pockets full 5) _________ jewellery! There was a waiter near the door, so Mr. Jones said to him, Somebody has made a mistake. He 6) ________ put some jewellery in my coat. Take it, and when he comes back, give it to him. The waiter took it and went 7) ________. Suddenly another man came in 8) ______ a coat just like Mr. Jones. I am sorry, said this man. I 9) ________ a mistake. I took your coat 10) ________ you have got mine. Please give me my coat and jewellery. Mr. Jones answered, I gave the jewellery to the waiter. He 11) _______ give it to you. Mr. Jones called the manager of the restaurant; 12) _______ the manager said, We have no waiters here. We 13) _______ have waitresses. You gave the jewellery to a thief! shouted the other man. Ill call the police! Mr. Jones was frightened and 14) _______ the man a lot of money 15) ________ the jewellery.


Made and of it for

With away near but has

Only paid there will when


Exercise 5

Complete the following story with the words given at the end.


Nasreddin put two big baskets 1) _______ grapes on his donkey and went to market. At midday 2) _______ was very hot, 3) __________ he stopped in the shade of a big tree. There were several other men 4) _________, and all of them had donkeys and baskets of grapes 5) __________. 6) _________ their lunch they went to sleep. After 7) _________ time, Nasreddin began to take grapes out of the up other mens baskets and to put them in his. Suddenly one 8) ________ the men woke up and saw him. What 9) __________ you doing? he said angrily. Oh, said Nasreddin, dont worry about 10) ________. I am half mad, 11) ______ I do a lot of strange things. Oh, really? said the other man. Then why dont you 12) _________ take grapes 13) _________ of your baskets and put 14) ________ in somebody elses baskets? You did not understand me, said Nasreddin. I said 15) _______ I was half mad, not quite mad.


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Too of of are out


Exercise 6

Complete the following sentences with one word, when necessary.


1) I _________ got two brothers.

2) __________ old is your mother?

3) I havent got Maths ___________ Tuesday.

4) _________ is a cinema in our street.

5) Where is your father _________ from?

6) Our house is next _________ the river.

7) Can I buy postcards _________ the bookshop?

8) They have got a house ___________ our village.

9) ________ Mandy got a pet?

10) I must go ________ the toilet.

11) Mandy and Tom are __________ France today.

12) Are _________ museums in your town?


Exercise 7

Complete the following sentences with one word, when necessary.


1) Mr. Jones is ________ dentist.

2) Jane gets up ________ six oclock.

3) We are at school __________ the morning.

4) They dont live ________ Liverpool.

5) Do you listen _________ the radio?

6) They work __________ the evening.

7) What do you do in your ________ time?

8) I do my homework _______ five oclock to six oclock.

9) When do they ______ lunch?

10) Jane watches TV _______ Saturday.

11) You can buy pens _________ the bookshop.

12) _________ is a swimming pool between the café and the cinema.

13) The museum is _______ to our house.

14) Jane ________ got Science on Monday.


Exercise 8

Complete the following story with the words given at the end.


There was a big garden near Nasreddins house, and it 1) __________ a lot of fruit trees in it. One day Nasreddin saw 2) _________ beautiful apples on one 3) _______ them. He went home and 4) ________ a ladder, put it against the high wall of the garden and climbed 5) _________. Then he pulled the ladder up, put it down on the 6) _________ side, and climbed down into the garden. Just 7) ________ a gardener came round a corner and saw 8) ________. What are you doing here? he shouted. Nasreddin thought 9) _______ and then said, I am selling my ladder, Selling your ladder? In 10) ______ elses garden? Do you think I believe 11) __________ a stupid story? said the gardener and came towards Nasreddin 12) _________ a stick. It is my ladder, said Nasreddin, and I can sell 13) _________ where I like. You neednt buy it 14) __________ you dont want to. And he took his ladder 15) _________ climbed over the wall again.


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Exercise 9

Complete the following story with the words given at the end.


Nasreddin woke up in the 1) _________ of the night and saw 2) __________ white in his garden. It seemed to be moving 3) _______ the house. That is a thief! he 4) _________, and he took his gun and shot at him. 5) _________ he went back to bed, 6) ________ he was too frightened to go out 7) __________ the house in the dark. The next morning Nasreddin 8) _______ out and saw one of his white shirts hanging 9) __________ the clothes-line in the garden. His wife 10) _______ washed it the day before and hung it out to dry. Now it had a bullet-hole right 11) ______ the middle of it. My God, said Nareddin, I was lucky 12) _______ night. If I had been wearing 13) _________ shirt, the bullet would have killed me! And he called 14) _________ neighbors together and asked 15) _________ to thank God for saving him.


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Went thought middle on them

Towards that had his something


Exercise 10

Put the verbs in the following story into the correct tense: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous.

Yesterday I (meet) my friend, Tom in the street. First he (not see) me because he (look) at a shop window, but when I (stand) in front of him, he (be) very happy.

What you (do) here? I (ask) him.

I (visit) my cousin. You (know), he (work) at the post office. He (answer).

And how is your wife?

Thanks, shes OK now. She (find) a new job last month, and now she (earn) more than I (do).

Oh, really? But why she (need) a new job? She (not like) the office?

Two months ago her boss (leave) the company, and they (not like) each other with her new boss. While she (look) for a new job, she (meet) one of her old school friends, who (want) a new secretary. He (give) her the job immediately! Her only problem is that she (have to) travel three quarters of an hour every day to get to work. But why she (not go) to work by car? You (not have) two cars when we (meet) last time?

Yes, we (do). But three weeks ago I (have) an accident. I (drive) home from work when another car (crash) into me. I (be) lucky that I (not have to) go to hospital, because he (drive) at 70 mph.

You (be) really very lucky then, I (have to) go back to work now. It (be) nice to meet you.

Yes, and (not forget) to give us a ring when youre in Brixton. You (must come) and (visit) us.

OK, thanks. Bye.



Exercise 11

In some of the following sentences, the tenses Present Simple and Present Continuous are used incorrectly. Find which sentences are grammatically wrong and correct them.


1) Im wanting a new car now.

2) Do you read fantasy books?

3) This cheese is smelling very bad.

4) Is your mother sleeping?

5) They dont stay at the Hilton.


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