Настоящее простое время (Present Indefinite)
Do you speak English?
Does he/ she speak English?
Do they speak English?
What foreign language do you speak?
What foreign language does he/ she speak?
What foreign language do they speak?
Настоящее продолженное время (Present Continuous)
Are you stay ing in London long?
Is he/ she stay ing in London long?
Are they stay ing in London long?
Where are you stay ing in London?
Where is he/ she stay ing in London?
Where are they stay ing in London?
Вопросительные слова
what — что, какой
how long — как долго, сколько времени
when — когда
where — где, куда
who — кто
why — почему
8. Say how the following questions are formed:
What's the reason for your visit to the United Kingdom?
Where are you staying?
Are you staying in London?
When are you leaving?
What company is inviting you?
Who is inviting you?
Are you with the Group?
Is there a leader of the Group?
Where is your Group Leader?
Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones?
— Good morning
— Good morning, sir. May I see.. card, please?
— Certainly. Here.
— Thank you. What's the reason...?
— I'm on a business.. programme.
— And how long are..?
— A week...
— Have you got...?
— Yes, certainly. Here...
— May I see... receive.?
— Just a minute, I'll.. Group Leader... Here is...
— Thank you. Everything is... Here is...
Unit fifteen
Luggage and customs
After undergoing formalities at Immigration the group goes to the Luggage Reclaim point. They find the monitor showing their Flight Number and see their suitcases and bags on the belt. But one of the participants of the group does not see his suitcase and asks Andrew Lvov, the Group Leader, for help. Andrew comes up to an official:
Andrew: Excuse me, one of our suitcases is missing. Where can it be?
Official: What's your flight number, sir?
Andrew: It's SU 241 from Moscow.
Official: Some luggage is over there. I hope you'll find yours there. There wasn't enough space on the belt. We had to remove some and put it on the floor.
Andrew: Thank you.
Andrew and the gentleman who did not find his suitcase go to the place shown by the official and see the suitcase. The gentleman picks up the suitcase, puts it on the trolley and joins the group. So all the participants have collected their luggage.
Now they are moving to the Customs point. By the way, it is not necessary to fill in any declaration forms. They see the sign "Nothing to declare" and the green walls of the passage. They all have nothing to declare and pass through this corridor. They see a few Customs officials standing behind the rack. The officials say nothing to them and they safely pass.
Some other passengers pass through the red wall corridor since they have something to declare and probably they have to fill in some forms and pay customs duty. Usually every country has a list of the things liable to duty " in addition to the duty free allowance".
In a second or two our group gets out into the hall of the airport and sees the crowd of people meeting passengers who have just arrived.
Words and expressions
fifteen | пятнадцать (числ.) | |
luggage | ['lögI³] | багаж |
reclaim | получение (обратно), востребование | |
to reclaim | получать (обратно), востребовать | |
to undergo formalities | пройти формальности | |
belt | транспортер | |
to miss | обнаружить отсутствие | |
One suitcase is missing. | Не хватает одного чемо | |
дана | ||
over there | вон там | |
yours | ваш | |
зд = your suitcase | ||
space | место, пространство | |
to remove | убрать, переставить, пе | |
реложить | ||
We had to remove it | Мы вынуждены были убрать его | |
to put | класть, ставить | |
floor | пол | |
to put it on the floor | поставить на пол | |
place | место | |
place shown by | место, указанное | |
trolley | ['trolI] | тележка |
to collect | получать, забирать | |
They have collected their luggage | Они получили багаж | |
to move | двигать (ся) | |
Customs | Таможенный контроль, Таможенная служба | |
sign | вывеска, знак | |
nothing | ничего | |
to declare | заявлять, декларировать | |
green | зеленый | |
wall | стена | |
official | официальное лицо | |
behind | за, сзади | |
rack | стойка (для багажа) | |
red | красный | |
They have something to declare. | Они имеют какие-то вещи, которые нужно дек ларировать. | |
They have to fill in some forms. | Они должны заполнить формы | |
customs duty | ['köst@mz 'djütI] | таможенная пошлина |
in addition to... | дополнительно к | |
duty free | беспошлинно | |
allowance | [@'lau@ns] | разрешенное количество |
hall | холл | |
crowd | [kraud] | толпа |
just | [³öst] | только что |
They have just arrived | Они только что прибыли |
1. Underline the sentences true to the text:
• The group undergoes formalities at Immigration and then goes to leclaim their luggage.
The group reclaims the luggage and then undergoes formalities at Immigration.
• Some participants had difficulties at Immigration.
Some participants had difficulties at the Luggage reclaim point.
One participant had a difficulty in finding his suitcase.
• The difficulty was eliminated with the help of an Immigration officer.
The difficulty was eliminated with the help of a Customs officer.
The difficulty was eliminated with the help of an official responsible for luggage.
ü to eliminate — устранять
• All the participants of the group have a few things to declare for Customs.
All the participants have nothing to declare.
A few participants have something to declare.
• They all pass through the led wall corridor.
They all pass through the green wall corridor.
Most of them pass through the red wall corridor.
• Some other passengers pass through the red wall corridor.
All the passengers pass through the green wall corridor.
The text does not speak about this detail.
• All the countries have the same list of things liable to duty.
Every country has a different list of things liable to duty.
All the countries have similar lists of things liable to duty.
2. Match English and Russian equivalents:
Luggage Reclaim point | Таможенный контроль |
Immigration point | Выдача багажа |
Customs | востребовать (получить) багаж |
"Nothing to declare" | багажная лента-транспортер |
things liable to duty | паспортный контроль |
customs duty | чиновник |
belt | работник (официальное лицо) |
to leclaim luggage | "Не имею предметов, подлежащих декларированию" |
to collect luggage | предметы, за ввоз которых необходимо заплатить пошлину |
an officer | таможенный сбор |
an official | получить багаж |
3. Insert the verbs as in the text and say in what forms they are used:
After undergoing formalities at Immigration the group... to the Luggage Reclaim point. They... the monitor showing their Flight Number and... their suitcases and bags on the belt. But one of the participants of the group... his suitcase and... Andrew Lvov for help.
Настоящее законченное время (Present Perfect)
Present Perfect образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола have/has + 3-я форма глагола (причастия настоящего времени):
I have collected the luggage.
He/ She has collected the luggage.
We have collected the luggage.
They have collected the luggage.
Вопросительные предложения образуются изменением порядка слов:
Have/has + подлежащее + 3-я форма глагола
— Have you collected the luggage?
— Yes, we have. / Л/о, we have not.
— Has he/she collected the luggage?
— Yes, he/ she has. / No, he/ she hasn 't.
— Have they collected the luggage?
— Yes, they have. / No, they haven't.
Отрицательная форма образуется добавлением частицы nor: have not (haven's/has not (hasn't)
I haven't collected the luggage.
He/ She hasn't collected the luggage.
We haven't collected the luggage.
They haven't collected the luggage.
Present Perfect выражает действие, законченное или выполненное к настоящему моменту. Например:
So, all of them have collected the luggage.
There is a crowd meeting passengers who have just arrived.
Have you been to the Heathrow airport?
Have you been to Britain?
При перечислении нескольких последовательных действий, законченных к данному моменту, Present Perfect не употребляется. В таких случаях употребляется Настоящее простое время (Present Indefinite). Например:
They соте to the Luggage Reclaim point and collect their luggage.
4. Translate into Russian:
Have you ever been to London, Nick?
Have you been to London?
1 have made a hotel reservation for you.
We have received your fax message.
I am sorry I have not spoken to him yet.
We have discussed all the details.
5. Make short dialogues:
• Example | — Have you ever been to London? — Yes, I have. I was there last October. (or: No, I haven't. But I hope one day I'll see London.) |
Britain | January |
France | February |
Paris | March |
New York | April |
May | |
June | |
July | |
August | |
September | |
November | |
December |
• Example | — I know that the group has arrived, but l haven't seen them yet. — I haven't seen them either. But I hope we shall meet one of these days. |
Mr. Lvov
the participants
the bankers
the foreign trade executives
our businessmen
6. Insert articles:
Andrew Lvov and... gentleman who did not find his suitcase go to... place shown by... official and see... suitcase.... gentleman picks up... suitcase, puts it on... trolley and joins... group. So all... participants have collected their luggage.
7. Insert prepositions:
Now they are moving... the Customs point... the way, it is not necessary to fill in any declaration forms. They see the sign "Nothing to declare" and the green walls... the passage. They all have nothing to declare and pass... this corridor. They see a few Customs officials standing... the rack. The officials say nothing... them and they safely pass.
8. Insert words as in the text:
Some passengers pass through the red wall corridor since they have something... and probably they have to... some forms and pay... Usually every country has a list of the things..., in addition to "the duty free" allowance.
9. Translate into Russian:
Excuse me, one of our suitcases is missing.
Where can it be?
What's your flight number?
Some luggage is over there.
There wasn't enough space on the belt.
We had to remove some.
We had to put it on the floor.
10. Read the following:
One of our cases is missing.
Some luggage is over there.
We had to remove some suitcases.
Where can it be?
What's your night number?
There wasn't enough space.
11. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:
— Excuse me, one of our suitcases... Where...
— What's.
— It's SU..
— Some.. over there. I hope you'll find yours.. There wasn't enough... We had to.. and floor.
— Thank...
12. Sum up the text. The following plan may be of help:
• the group undergoes formalities at the Immigration point
• they go to the Luggage Reclaim point
• one suitcase is missing
• the official helps them to find the missing suitcase
• the group has nothing to declare and they safely pass through the green corridor
• they get out into the hall where passengers are usually met
Unit sixteen
Andrew sees David Hill in the crowd of people meeting different passengers.
David: Andrew, welcome to London. I'm very glad to see you.
Good morning, all of you (addressing the group).
Andrew: Good morning, David. I'm happy to see you too. It is
such a good thing to be in London again. David: I hope you have had a nice trip and you all feel well.
Andrew: Yes, the flight was OK. Should I now introduce the participants? They know your name but I'm afraid you don't know who is who.
David: Let's make all the introductions later at lunch time.
Andrew: It's quite reasonable.
David: Now let's go to the coach. It's waiting for us outside.
Ask your people to keep the lugguage on the trolleys.
Andrew: Yes, certainly. It's a rather long way.
David: Follow me please... Take care... Here we are...
The group comes up to the coach and the driver helps them to put the luggage into the luggage compartment. And a few minutes later when everybody is aboard the coach starts its way to London. The motorway is very busy and the traffic is rather heavy. Some parts of the road are under construction.
David: Oil, well, you see, we shall have to move slowly for some time. Because of this construction work. This motorway, between London and Heathrow, is often under construction.
Andrew: By the way, is there only one international airport near London?
David: Oh, no, there are three, actually. Heathrow, Gatwick and Stanstead.
Andrew: And is Gatwick far away?
David: If I'm not mistaken it's about fifty kilometres from the centre. It's much smaller than Heathrow. And Stanstead is quite new. Sometimes Moscow flights come and leave there. But not very often.
Words and expressions
sixteen | шестнадцать (числ.) | |
to address somebody | обращаться к кому-либо | |
such | такой | |
such a good thing | такая хорошая вещь | |
trip | поездка | |
to have a nice trip | хорошо съездить | |
to feel well | чувствовать себя хорошо | |
Should I introduce you? | Вас представить? | |
let's | давайте | |
Let's make all the intro | Давайте проведем офици | |
ductions' | альные представления | |
to wait | ждать | |
to wait for some | ждать кого-либо/что-либо | |
body/something | ||
outside | [,aut'saId] | вне |
people | [pÖpl] | люди |
There are many people | Снаружи много (немного) | |
outside. | народа. | |
There are few people | Снаружи мало народа. | |
outside. | ||
rather | довольно | |
to take care | заботиться | |
Take care! | Осторожно! | |
driver | водитель | |
into | в | |
to put the luggage into | положить багаж в багаж | |
the luggage compartment | ное отделение | |
everybody | все, каждый | |
to be aboard | быть в автобусе (на борту | |
самолета, судна) | ||
way | путь, дорога | |
The coach starts its way | Автобус отправляется в | |
to London. | Лондон. | |
motorway | шоссе | |
busy | ['bIzI] | оживленный |
The motorway is very | На шоссе большое дви | |
busy. | жение. | |
traffic | движение, транспорт; пробки | |
heavy | ['hevI] | оживленное |
The traffic is heavy. | Движение транспорта здесь | |
очень сильное. | ||
road | дорога | |
under | под | |
construction | строительство | |
The road is under con | Идет строительство до- | |
struction. | роги. | |
Oh, well, you see... | Да, видите ли... | |
slowly | медленно | |
We shall have to move | Нам придется двигаться | |
slowly. | медленно. | |
for some time | какое-то время | |
because | [bI'koz] | потому, что |
because of something | из-за чего-либо | |
work | работа, работы | |
construction work | строительные работы | |
near | около | |
near London | около Лондона | |
actually | фактически | |
to be far away... | находиться далеко от... | |
to be mistaken | ошибаться | |
if I'm not mistaken... | если я не ошибаюсь... | |
fifty | пятьдесят (числ.) | |
from | от | |
It's 50 km from central | Это в 50 км от Лондона. | |
London | ||
smaller | меньше | |
much smaller | намного меньше | |
than | чем | |
It's smaller than Heath- | Он меньше, чем Хитроу. | |
row. | ||
new | новый | |
sometimes | иногда |
1. Read the following:
• welcome, way, motorway, well, work, waiting
meeting, morning, thing
there are three
is the only one
far away for us
• I hope you have had a nice trip.
I hope you feel well.
It's waiting for us outside.
Is there only one airport?
2. Underline the sentences true to the text:
• David and Andrew seem to know each other very well.
David and Andrew have never met before.
ü each other — друг друга
• Andrew introduces every participant to David at the airport.
Andrew offers to make introductions but David says it can be done later.
David introduces himself and says the participants may introduce themselves later.
• David and the group go to taxis to get to London.
They go to the coach.
They go to the bus.
• The motorway is very busy.
The motorway is not busy at all.
• There is only one international airport in London.
There are two international airports there.
There are three international airports in this city.
• Moscow flights usually come to Heathrow.
They usually come to Stanstead.
They usually come to Gatwick.
3. Insert verbs as in the dialogue and act out a similar one:
— Andrew, welcome to London. I... very glad to see you. Good morning, all of you.
— Good morning, David. I... happy to see you too. It... such a good thing to be in London again.
— I hope you... a nice trip and you all... well.
4. Insert articles as in the dialogue and act out a similar one:
— Should 1 now introduce... participants? They know your name, but I'm afraid you don't know who is who.
— Let's make all... introductions later at lunch time.
— It's quite reasonable.
5. Insert prepositions as in the dialogue and act out a similar one:
— Now, let's go... the coach. It's waiting... us out side. Ask your people to keep the luggage... the trolleys.
— Yes, certainly it's a rather long way.
— Follow me, please. Take care... Here we are.
6. Insert the missing words and translate the text into Russian:
ü missing — недостающий
The group comes up to... and... helps them to put the luggage into... And a few minutes later when everybody... the... starts its way to London. The... is very busy and... is rather heavy. Some parts of the road are under...
7. Match English and Russian equivalents:
We shall have to move slowly. | В Лондоне только один международный аэропорт? |
This motorway is often under construction. | Фактически здесь три аэропорта. |
By the way... | Стэнстед совсем новый аэропорт. |
If I'm not mistaken... | Иногда скэда прилетают и отсюда самолеты улетают на Москву. |
Is there only one international airport in London? | А Гатвик далеко? |
There are three, actually. | Он находится примерно в 50 километрах от центра. |
Is Gatwick far away? | Он намного меньше, чем Хитроу. |
It's about fifty kilometres from the centre. | Нам придется ехать очень медленно. |
It's much smaller than Heathrow. | На шоссе часто идут дорожные работы. |
Stanstead is quite new. | Между прочим... |
Sometimes Moscow flights come and leave there. | Если я не ошибаюсь... |
8. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:
— Well, you see, we shall have to... Because of this... work. This motorway... is often...
— By the..., is there only...?
— Oh, no, there are...
— And is... away?
— If I'm..., it's about... It's much smaller... And Stanstead... Sometimes Moscow flights... But not very...
Unit seventeen
Hotel in London
In an hour or so the coach brings the group to the hotel. It's the Sherlock Holmes Hotel in the very heart of London, near Oxford Street. The participants get out of the coach, pick up their suitcases and go inside. Mr. Hill comes up to the Receptionist.
David: Good morning. There is a reservation for a group from Russia.
Receptionist: Good morning, sir. In whose name was the reservation made?
David: It is International Management Group. Mr Lvov and nine more people.
Receptionist: Just a moment, sir... Yes, here it is. Four singles and three twin rooms. Is that correct?
David: Absolutely.
Receptionist: Are they all staying for seven nights?
David: Yes, that's right.
Receptionist: Will you ask the guests to fill in these forms, please?
David: Andrew, can the participants fill in the forms in English?
Andrew: Almost all of them speak English and there is no problem. As for the others I'll naturally help them.
Andrew returns all the forms filled in to the receptionist and gets the electronic keys to the rooms with the room number and the name of the guest written on the key. Andrew distributes the keys and turns to the receptionist again.
Andrew: May I have the Rooming List, please. It will be easier for me to deal with my people, especially if they have some problems. Sometimes such things occur.
Receptionist: Here is the List for you, sir.
Andrew: Thank you. Receptionist: You are welcome. Enjoy your stay here.
David: Andrew, will you ask everybody to be here downstairs in an hour, or at twelve o'clock. We shall have lunch at the restaurant. Then let's all meet in the conference room for introductions and some announcements.
Words and expressions
seventeen | семнадцать (числ.) | |
to check into a hotel | зарегистрироваться в гостинице | |
to check in | зарегистрироваться | |
in an hour or so | примерно через час | |
to bring | приносить | |
to bring somebody to. | привезти кого-либо в.. | |
very | очень | |
heart | [h¸t] | сердце |
in the very heart of.. | в самом центре.. | |
to go inside | идти внутрь | |
ant. to go outside | идти наружу, выходить | |
whose | [hüz] | чьё |
in whose name | на чьё имя | |
more | более | |
and nine more people | и ещё девять человек | |
Just a moment. | Одну минуту | |
twin | двойной | |
twin room | номер на 2 человека | |
correct | правильный | |
Is that correct? | Правильно? | |
That's right. | Да, правильно. | |
guest | [gest] | гость |
Will you ask them to...? | Пожалуйста, попросите их | |
almost | ['þlmoust] | почти |
almost all of them | почти все они | |
naturally | естественно | |
the forms filled in | заполненные формы | |
key to the room | ключ от квартиры | |
with | с | |
with the name written | с написанной фамилией | |
to distribute | раздать | |
to turn | повернуть (ся) | |
to turn to somebody | обратиться к кому-либо | |
easy | легкий | |
easier | легче | |
to deal (dealt, dealt) | иметь дело | |
to deal with somebody | иметь дело с кем-либо | |
to deal in something | заниматься чем-либо | |
especially | [I'speS@lI] | особенно |
such | такой | |
such a thing | такая вещь | |
such things | такие вещи | |
to occur | [@'ký] | случаться |
downstairs | [,daun'ste@z] | внизу, вниз |
announcement | объявление |
1. Underline the answers true to the text:
• When does the group come from the Heathrow airport to the hotel? | In an hour. In two hours. In three hours or so. |
• Where is Sherlock Holmes located? | In the centre of London. Near London. Near Gatwick |
• Who speaks with the Receptionist about the reservation? | It's Andrew Lvov. It's David. It's the Group Leader. |
• In whose name was the reservation made? | In the name of Economtraining. In Mr. Lvov's name. In the name of IMD. |
• Were there any problems with checking in? | Yes, there were some. No, there were not. |
• Who helps the participants to fill in the forms? | David does. Andrew does. The Receptionist does. |
• What list does the Receptionist give Andrew? | The list of participants. The list of rooms. The rooming list. |
• When does David offer to meet in the conference room? | In ten minutes. After lunch After dinner |
2. Underline the correct form:
In an hour or so the coach (bring, brings) the group to the hotel.
The participants (get, gets) out of the coach, (pick, picks) up their luggage and (go, goes) inside.
Mr. Hill (come, comes) up to the receptionist.
Andrew (return, returns) all the forms to the receptionist and (get, gets) the electronic keys.
Andrew (distribute, distributes) the keys and (turn, turns) to the receptionist again.
3. Translate into Russian:
• There is a reservation for a group from Russia.
There is a serious problem.
There are no problems.
There are a few announcements to make.
• checking into the hotel
filling in the forms
distributing keys
asking for a Rooming List
• the forms filled in
the name of the guest written on the key
4. Read the following:
morning, good morning, rooming list, thing
Sometimes such things occur.
The coach brings the group to the hotel.
In whose name was the reservation made?
Is that correct?
Here is the list for you.
Andrew distributes the keys.
5. Insert articles:
There is... reservation for... group from Russia.
In whose name was... reservation made?
Just... moment, sir.
Will you ask... guests lo fill in these forms, please?
Can... participants fill in.. forms in English?
For almost all of them there is no problem. As to... others I'll naturally help them.
6. Insert prepositions:
May I have the rooming list, please? It will be easier... me to deal... my people.
Here is the List. you, sir.
Will you ask everybody to be here an hour?
Let's meet... twelve o'clock.
We shall have lunch... the restaurant.
Let's meet... the conference room... introductions and some announcements.
7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:
— Good morning. There is a reservation...
— Good morning, sir. In whose...?
— It is... group Mr. Lvov and..
— Just a... Yes, here.. Four singles and.. Is that...?
— Absolutely.
— Are they. 7 nights?
— Yes, that's...
— Will you... fill in..
— Andrew, can in English?
— Almost all of them... problem. As for the others...
— May I have the Rooming...? It will be easier for me to deal... especially.. problems. Sometimes... occur.
— Here is.
— Thank you.
— You... Enjoy...
8. Complete David's words and then change his words a little:
ü a little — немного
Andrew, will you ask everybody to be here... We shall have lunch...
Then let's all meet... announcements.
Unit eighteen
Training programme
After the Group had lunch Mr. Hill invited everybody to one of the conference rooms on the first floor of the hotel.
David: Ladies and gentlemen First let me say a few words about myself and the company who is the organiser of this Programme.
My name is David Hill. I'm Doctor of Economics. In the recent past I worked for a foreign trade company and then for a bank. Now I specialise in business management and in training businessmen from East European countries. For some time I worked in Poland and Hungary. Now I'm closely cooperating with Russia.
I'm working for international Management Ltd. It's a well established English company specialising in business and computer skills training. The Company also provides financial consulting and business development. Here before you there are booklets on the history and scope of activities of our company. You may certainly keep these booklets.
Now I'll be greatful to you if you could introduce yourselves in just a few wolds.
Then each participant said a few words about himself or herself in English or in Russian and Mr. Lvov acted as an interpreter.
Here is what of one of the participants said:
Mr Hill, let me first thank you for the nice reception and for a good beginning of the Programme. I hope the Programme will be a success and we shall learn a lot of useful things.
My name is Oleg Pilov. I'm financial manager of a department in a commercial bank in Moscow. And I'm especially interested in topics relating to financing foreign transactions for small businesses.
After everybody made introductions Mr. Hill distributed the Timetable of the Programme and invited the participants to have a panoramic tour of London by private coach. The Russian speaking guide told the Group a lot of interesting things about London and the participants enjoyed the sights. Many of them made pictures with their cameras.
Words and expressions
eighteen | восемнадцать (числ.) | |
to begin (began, begun) | начинать (ся) | |
beginning | начало | |
at the beginning of something | в начале чего-либо | |
floor | [flþ] | пол; этаж |
the ground floor | первый этаж | |
the first floor | второй этаж | |
the second floor | третий этаж | |
on the... floor | на.. этаже | |
myself | сам | |
Let me say a few words about myself. | Разрешите сказать несколько слов о себе. | |
Economics | экономика | |
doctor | доктор | |
Doctor of Economics | доктор экономических наук | |
to specialise | ['speS@laIz] | специализироваться |
East Europe | Восточная Европа | |
East European countries | страны Восточной Европы | |
Poland | Польша | |
Hungary | Венгрия | |
closely | тесно | |
to cooperate | сотрудничать | |
to establish | устанавливать | |
well-established company | положительно зарекомендовавшая себя фирма | |
computer | компьютер | |
computer skills training | обучение компьютерной грамотности | |
financial | [faI'n{nS] | финансовый |
consulting | консалтинг | |
booklet | брошюра | |
history | история | |
scope | сфера, масштаб, объем | |
activities | деятельность | |
grateful | благодарный | |
I'm grateful to you | Я признателен вам | |
I'll be grateful to you if | Буду признателен, если | |
вы. | ||
in a few words | несколько слов | |
in just a few words | всего в нескольких словах | |
each | каждый | |
each participant | каждый участник | |
to act | действовать, высгупать | |
to act as an interpreter | выступать в качестве переводчика | |
to be a success | [s@k'ses] | пользоваться успехом |
useful | полезный | |
department | отдел, ведомство, депар | |
тамент | ||
commercial | [k@'mýSl] | коммерческий |
to be interested in something | интересоваться чем-либо | |
to relate to something | относить (ся) к чему-либо | |
topics relating to something | вопросы, относящиеся к чему-либо | |
transaction | сделка | |
private | частный | |
private coach | частный автобус | |
guide | [gaId] | гид |
to tell somebody something | говорить кому-либо что-либо | |
sight | [saIt] | вид |
to enjoy sights | наслаждаться видом | |
sightseeing | ['saIt,sÖIÎ)] | осмотр достопримеча тельностей |
to go sightseeing | осматривать достопримечательности | |
to make pictures | фотографировать | |
camera | фотоаппарат | |
to make pictures with a camera | фотографировать фотоаппаратом |
Прошедшее простое время (Past Indefinite)
Past Indefinite правильных глаголов (regular verbs) образуется с помощью окончания ed, добавляемого к инфинитиву без частицы to:
I invited them to the conference room.
He/ She invited them to the conference room.
We invited them to the conference room.
They Invited us to the conference room.
Past Indefinite неправильных глаголов (irregular verbs) образуется не по правилам и обычно указывается в словарях в скобках после инфинитива. Далее указывается 3-я форма глагола, необходимая для образования Present Perfect. Неправильные глаголы следует заучивать сразу в трех формах. Например: