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Kettlebell lifters health is the possibility to adapt to special physical activity. In this case, cardiovascular and respiratory systems play the main role. However, the question about working potential of above-mentioned systems during 10 minutes 32 kg kettlebells lifting is opened. To sum up, the main purpose of present research is to define relationships between of physical training in kettlebell lifting and parameters of electrocardiogram (ECG).

: , , .

, , , () . Ö .

Ö, - -.

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2008 . - (I .) () . 46 -. : 4 (), 15 (), 12 (), 15 I . 12 1,5-2 10 .

: , . : , . [1, 3]. , , (...), , . () , [3].

... , . ... (α) [1]. , , , , α 40-70 [4]. ... α 70-90. α 40-0, ... [4]. ... (α) 30-69 [3].

, R S . ... , (V3) [1, 3, 4].

, , 1 , ... , V4-V6 ( 1)

( ). . , α - - , . 10 , 32 . , I : , .


, (n = 19) V3-84,2% V4-10,5% V5-5,3% V3-57,9% V4-31,6% V5-10,5% 68,810,2 71,910,2 p<0,05
(n = 12) V3-58,4% V4-33,3% V5-8,3% V3-49,9% V4-16,7% V5-16,7% V6-16,7% 78,07,3 93,39,0 p<0,01
, 1 (n = 15) V3-33,3% V4-46,7% V5-13,3% V6-6,7% V3-13,3% V4-53,3% V5-6,7% V6-26,7% 77,011,7 98,913,5 p<0,01


, . , [2].

, , V4, V5 V6 , [1, 3, 4].

. - , -, .

1. , (Δα = 4-5, V3 V2 V4). - (Δα = +10-15, V3 V4, V5 V6).

2. , , , ... (68,810.2) V3 .

3. ... 90 V5 V6 , , - .


1. , .. / .. . --: - , 2000. 160 .

2. , .., / .. , .. // . .: . 2009. 1. . 12.

3. , .. : . / .. , .. . 8- . .: -, 2007. 320 .: .

4. , .. / .. . 3- . .: , 2003. 528 .: .




, .. - () / .. , .. , .. // . .: . 2010. 1. . 25-26.



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