


Другие языки
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My daily routine

1. Learn active vocabulary:

after that / then – затем, после этого, потом

to wake up at 7 – просыпаться в 7 часов

to wake – будить

to get up at 7.15 – вставать в 7.15

to do morning exercises – делать утреннюю зарядку

to take a shower / bath – принимать душ / ванну

to wash up – умываться

to clean teeth – чистить зубы

to dress up – одеваться

to have breakfast / lunch / supper – завтракать / обедать / ужинать

to have tea / coffee / juice – пить чай / кофе / сок

to have … for breakfast – есть … на завтрак

to leave for the University – уходить (уезжать) в университет

to go to the University by bus – ехать в университет на автобусе

to go to the University on foot / to walk to the University – идти в университет пешком

It takes me 20 minutes to get to study – мне требуется 20 минут, чтобы добраться до учебы

to stay at University till 3 – оставаться в университете до 3 часов

to have 4 lessons / classes – у … 4 ленты

to miss lessons – пропускать занятия

to take test / credit test / exam in Maths – сдавать контрольн. работу / зачет / экзамен по математике

to pass / to fail exam – сдать / провалить экзамен

at the canteen – в студенческой столовой

to came back to = to return to – возвращаться в

late / early – поздно / рано

to do homework / home task – делать домашнюю работу

to prepare for the lesson / test / report in Physics – готовиться к занятию / тесту / реферату по физике

to learn by heart – учить наизусть

to study – учиться, изучать; study – учеба, изучение

to research / (a) research – изучать, исследовать / научно-исследовательскую работа; научное исследование

to help about the house – помогать по дому

to go for a walk – ходить на прогулку, гулять

to go to bed at 12 – ложиться спать в 12 часов

timetable – расписание

2. a) Read, translate the text and find English equivalents for these Russian words and expressions:

какой-нибудь, так как, далеко от, полчаса, отвечать на письма, подписывать, обсуждать, ближайшая закусочная, национальная кухня, блины, дважды в неделю, чтобы повысить свой уровень владения иностранным языком, работать с, навещать, выставка, также

I have got a brother. His name is Alex. He is 27. He is an economist by education. He works at a computer firm where he is a manager.

Alex gets up early, at 6.30, as he lives far from his work. He always has breakfast at home. He has coffee and some sandwich for breakfast. It usually takes him half an hour to get to the firm by car. He is never late. Alex is busy at his work from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.: he reads and answers letters and faxes, signs documents and contracts, gets visitors, discusses new projects with his colleagues. He always has lunch at the nearest snack-bar. He likes it for Russian cuisine. Alex usually has borsch or pancakes for lunch.

My brother returns home at 6 in the evening. As he is single he usually spends evenings with his friends. Twice a week he studies at evening French courses to improve his language skills as his firm deals much with French partners.

At the weekend Alex sees us (our parents and me). We sometimes go out of town or go to the theatre or visit some exhibition. We always discuss our problems and plans for holidays, as well.

b) Correct these sentences according to the text. Use negative forms of Present Simple:

1. Alex is a lawyer by profession. 2. He is married and has got 3 children. 3. He lives near his firm. 4. He likes sleeping and gets up late, at 11 o’clock. 5. He is often late for his work. 6. Alex usually has breakfast at the canteen. 7. He gets to his firm by bus. 8. Alex sells computers at his job. 9. He always has lunch at home. 10. He likes French and Japanese cuisine. 11. Alex never spends his weekends with his parents.

c) Make up your own sentences with the words and expressions from the text about yourself.

3. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary:

about the house, by bus, canteen, to clean, to come back, to do, for breakfast, to get up, to go to bed, homework, to leave, lessons, to miss, my study, to stay, to take, University, walk

My name is Jim. I am 18 years old. I am a technical … (1) student.

I usually … (2) early, at 7 o’clock. Then I … (3) my morning exercises, wash up, … (4) my teeth and dress up. At 7.30 I have breakfast. I always have green tea and sandwich with cheese … (5). At 7.50 I … (6) for the University. I often go to the University … (7), sometimes by my father’s car. It … (8) me 25 minutes to get to … (9).

The classes begin at 8.30. We usually have 3 … (10) and I … (11) at University till 2 o’clock. I never … (12) lessons. I usually have lunch at the …(13), but after classes. I am always very hungry.

I … (14) home at 3 or 4. Then I help my mother … (15), do my … (16), have supper and go for a … (17) with my friends. In the evening I sometimes watch news on TV or Internet, play the computer and walk with my dog. I usually … (18) at 11.30.

4. Read and translate the dialogues:

- Jenny, what do you do?

- I am a holiday rep.

- Tell us about your typical day.

- OK. Well, I get up at about 10 o’clock and go to the hotels at about 11. I meet the clients at quarter past eleven and tell them about our parties and evening events, and I sell them tickets for excursions and day trips. Then I have lunch at about 2 o’clock.

- Do you eat with the clients?

- No, I don’t. I have lunch with the other reps.

- And what do you do in the afternoon?

- At half past three I go to the hotel pool and help the other reps with games.

- Games?

- Yes, we organize all kinds of games and competitions for the clients. It’s a great fun.

- Do you play the games?

- Oh no, I don’t. I am the referee.

- So, what do you do in the evenings? Do you have dinner with the clients?

- Yes, I do.

- Where do you go for dinner?

- I take the clients to a restaurant at quarter to eight and then I take them to a nightclub at about half past ten. Sometimes we have special parties and entertainment.

- When do you finish work?

- Well, I leave the nightclub at about half past one in the morning. So, I get home at about quarter to two.

- What a busy life!

- Yes, it is. But I love it.

* * *

- Please, tell me about your usual day.

- Well, I wake up at 7 o’clock.

- Really? Do you get up then?

- No, of course, I don’t. I have breakfast in bed and read morning newspapers.

- When do you get up?

- I get up at 10.

- What do you do then?

- I read my mail and answer it.

- … and then?

- At eleven I walk in the garden with Philip. Philip is my dog.

- When do you have lunch?

- I have lunch at half past twelve. I usually go to the nearest snack-bar. I love their Italian cuisine.

- And after lunch?

- Oh, I have a rest till six o’clock.

- What do you do at six after the rest?

- I dress up for supper. We have supper at eight. Our friends and relatives come for supper. We talk and have fun all the evening.

- When do you go to bed?

- Well, I have bath at half past eleven and I usually go to bed at twelve.

- I think you have got a busy and interesting life.

* * *

- I’ve heard your sister Jeannette has got a new job.

- Yes, she has. She is a cleaner. She cleans the shark tank in the zoo. She swims under the water to clean the tank. The visitors at the zoo watch her.

- Does Jeanette like her work?

- Yes, she does. She loves it.

- Does she clean the tank every day?

- Yes, she does.

- Does she feed the sharks every day?

- No, she doesn’t. She feeds the sharks three times a week

- Does she work every day?

- No, she doesn’t. She works five days a week.

5. Match the questions and the answers:

1. What do you do? 2. Do you like your work? 3. When do you get up? 4. How do you get to your work? 5. When do you have lunch? 6. Where do you have lunch? 7. When do you finish work? 8. Where do you go in the evenings? 9. Do you work every day? a. I usually leave my work at 7 but sometimes I stay there till 10. b. I am a singer. c. No, I don’t. I sometimes have days-off. d. Yes, I do. I love it. e. We always go to the nearest snack-bar. f. I get their by my car or by bus. g. My friends and I often go to a nightclub. h. I get up at half past six. i. I have lunch with my friends at two.

6. Answer the questions:

1. What do you do?

2. When do you get up?

3. Do you do your morning exercises?

4. What do you have for breakfast?

5. How do you get to your study?

6. How many lessons do you usually have?

7. Where do you have lunch?

8. Do you ever miss your lessons?

9. What do you usually do after lessons?

10. Where do you go in the evenings?

11. Do you often work in the Internet?

12. When do you go to bed?

13. Do you like to study here?

14. Why do you study here?

7. Put the verbs in the brackets into the form of Present Simple:

- When you (to get) up?

- I (to get) up at ten in the evening.

- You (to work) at night?

- Yes, …

- What you (to do) in the afternoon?

- I (to sleep).

- When you (to have) dinner?

- I (to have) dinner at about eleven in the morning.

- You (to work) in an office?

- No, …

- Where you (to work)?

- I (to work) in a hospital.

- So, what you (to do)?

- I (to be) a nurse.

* * *

- Ann, as far as I (to know) your sister (to be) a doctor).

- Yes, … She (to work) in a hospital. She (to be) a cardiologist.

- She (to like) her gob?

- Yes, … She (to think) it (to be) useful.

- When she (to leave) for her work?

- Her working day (to begin) at eight o’clock so she (to get) up very early as she (to leave) home at 7.

- Where she (to have) lunch?

- She usually (to have) lunch at the canteen with her colleagues.

- She (to came) home late?

- Yes, … She often (to return) home at seven.

- She (to have) got a family?

- Yes, … She (to be) married and (to have) got a daughter.

- Her husband (to work)?

- Yes, … He (to be) a fire-man.

- What they (to do) in the evenings after work?

- My sister (to do) her usual work about the house: (to cook), (to wash), (to help) her daughter with the lessons.

- Her husband (to help) her?

- No, of course, … As he (to be) tired of his job he usually (to watch) TV, (to read) newspapers and magazines, or (to drink) beer with his friends.

* * *

- Hello, Jane. Haven’t seen you for ages. How you (to be)?

- Fine, thanks. And you?

- Pretty well, thanks. What you (to do)?

- I (to study) at the college.

- Really? What you (to study)?

- I (to study) Chemistry in spaceship building.

- How very interesting! You (to like) it?

- Yes, of course, … It (to be) difficult but interesting.

- Tell me about college, please. My sister (not to know) what to study.

- Well, we usually (to have) 3 or 4 lessons. I (to come) back home at 4. We (not to do) much homework.

- How you (to study)?

- Not bad. Our teachers always (to help) us with our reports and tests.

- You ever (to fail) your exams?

- No, …

- Great!

8. Learn this verse by heart:

Where does John line? – He lives near the bank.

Where does John work? – He works at the bank.

When does he work? – He works all day and he works all night at the bank.

Where does he study? – He studies at the bank.

Where does he sleep? – He sleeps at the bank.

Why does he spend all day, all night at the bank? – Because he loves his bank more than his wife and he loves his money more than his life.

9. Make up a story about your daily routine.


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