Baker Library, Harvard University, Boston, Mass.
Thompson Products Company Records Bentley Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Charles Sligh Papers Department of Archives and Manuscripts, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
CIO Papers
George G. Higgins Papers George Meany Memorial Archives, Silver Spring, Md.
George Meany Papers
William Schnitzler Papers Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, Del.
American Iron and Steel Institute Records
Chamber of Commerce of the United States Papers
Jasper E. Crane Papers
J. Howard Pew Papers
National Association of Manufacturers Records
Walter S. Carpenter Jr. Papers, Du Pont Records Harry S. Truman Library, Independence, Mo.
Lou E. Holland Papers
Paul G. Hoffman Papers
Charles W. Jackson Files, Harry S. Truman Papers Historical Collections and Labor Archives, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa.
Howard R. Hague Papers
David J. McDonald Papers
United Steelworkers of America Archives General Files of the Legislative Office USA District 30 Records Department of Education Records USA Executive Board Minutes
Public Relations Department Records Labor-Management Documentation Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
AIF Files
AOF Files
AUF Files
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Records Bessie Hillman Papers
Greater Buffalo Industrial Union Council Records
Geneva, N.Y. Federation of Labor Minutebook
Inter-University Labor Education Committee Records
UAW Local 686 Records, Buffalo, N.Y.
ILGWU Papers Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Eugene Meyer Papers
G. Bromley Oxnam Papers
Charles P. Taft Papers Manuscripts and Archives, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass.
Solomon Barkin Papers
William Belanger Papers Neilson Library, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio
John Ramsay Papers
Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company Records Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa.
National Council of Churches Records Southern Labor Archives, Georgia State University, Atlanta
AFL-CIO Papers, Region 8
John Ramsay Papers
United Textile Workers of America Papers Urban Archives Center, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.
Benjamin Barkas Papers
Philadelphia United War Chest/United Fund Records Walter P. Reuther Library for Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich
CIO Executive Board Minutes
CIO Office of the Secretary-Treasurer Papers
CIO Washington Office Records
Michigan AFL-CIO Records
Mildred Jeffrey Papers
Mark Starr Papers
UAW Education Department Records Victor Reuther Files Edward Coffey Files
UAW Executive Board Minutes
UAW Local 248 Papers
UAW Recreation Department Records
Walter P. Reuther Papers Wayne County AFL-CIO Papers Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wis.
American Federation of Hosiery Workers Papers
American Federation of Labor Papers
Bruce Barton Papers
National Broadcasting Corporation Papers
Textile Workers Union of America Records
William Grede Papers
United Packinghouse Workers of America Records