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In my opinion, it is the most bright ideological concept what ever could be heard “ journalist Sergey Golubitsky


In an epoch of communications when the Internet, a communication facility, mass-media pull together people of different faiths, the nations, cultures, there was a necessity of creation of new idea uniting all. Various religions of the world, culture of a planet during many centuries were shaped in the distance from each other when there were no special possibilities for travel, contact with other culture. Now, when in business trip and in vacation people fly to all points of the world when representatives of different religions, cultures work at one enterprise and live in one house, there was an necessity in creation of universal ideology which would reflect an essence of all spiritual doctrines, and would be in a harmony with a modern science.

In Russia everyone awaits for a new national idea which will unite and will revive our society which, conforming to historical spirit of Russia, becomes at the same time and New Civilized Idea, capable to rescue this world, moving now at a full speed aside ecological accidents, social conflicts, economic disasters.

Here I wish to state an essence of national and universal civilized ideas which if to accept to a management, will easily eliminate distortions in system of values of the modern person, will unite a society and will lead to prosperity at all levels. This idea is simple, ingenious, it is easy to understand by everyone, is clear, does not cause doubts, is stated briefly, easily accepted by everyone. Being a basis of stable progress of a society, it clearly passes an essence of all spiritual doctrines and objectively, at a level of a science, explains a necessity of change of a competitive egoistical paradigm of progress.

It has to be admitted, that all problems of a modern society is a result of incorrect criteria of an assessment of progress of a society. In the system of an assessment imposed to a modern society, the state of affairs in the state is estimated by economic performance: quantity of investments, economic growth, a level of GDP – the CONSUMPTION LEVEL. While the real progress of the person and a society is not progress of consumption, but PROGRESS of RELATIONS on all levels.

Progress of relations is the general denominator expressing an essence of all religions. Precepts of all spiritual doctrines warn about the aspects which conduct us to destruction of relations: do not lie: the lie destroys attitudes between people; do not steal: larceny destroys relations between people; do not talk bad words: bad words lead to destruction of relations; do not be unfaithful with your husband, wife: unfaithfulness lead to destruction of family, relations. Do not kill (including animals,): murder is the end of any relations …

From the point of view of a modern science, the person differs from animals with the highest nervous functions, — with capacity to build relationship and develop it. Progress of relations, thus, is a common things in science and religion.

Progress of relations as a principle and objective of a human life is a civilized ideology containing global idea of social justice and mutual aid. It is historically proved "New" idea of revival of Russia and all society, based on V.I.Vernadskogo's works including.

About a priority of relations above consumption it is spoken in many Russian proverbs. «Have no hundred roubles, but have hundred friends!» If your objective is relations, if you have hundred friends - you will have also hundred roubles, and even more! But if your objective are roubles, if for the sake of profit you betray friendship you will not have friends, and later – there will be no money as well.

In the same perspective of relations it is possible to consider expression «do not put a cart ahead of a horse!» The horse – alive, it symbolizes relations; but material progress, dead things — a cart, which follows by itself.

It would seem, a difference is not big – what to make criterion of an assessment and objective: improvement of relations or material progress? But if we put a cart ahead of a horse we shall not go far, the cart will fall down on the first turn, and the horse will break a backbone – that what we see now: we already destroy our close future, the countries balance on the verge of social, economic, political disasters owing to destruction of the healthy raised relations between people. If a cart is where it should be – we even should not care about it: it goes after. The priority of attitudes entails also the material prosperity, stable material progress!

Well-being, prosperity of a society come only when we are focused on improvement of relationships between people. This, but not something else should be objective of an education system, education at schools and in high schools. Nowadays graduates of the schools are learnt only how to make money, thus attitudes even with each other are so bad, that murders by teenagers and members of family every day become more frequent. Children do not know how to build healthy relations in a society, how to respect seniors, how to choose the partner in life, how to build healthy relations in families. They are learnt something else. All films which they see since the childhood, already focus them only on money, and all computer games today are «destroyers», «moneymakers» and «killers». All this becomes their value of a life.

People need to be loved, and things — to be used. Now things are loved, and people are simply used owing to conceptual substitution of an assessment of criteria of progress from attitudes on money, on economy. True value is relationship, not money. Only relationship, not money, not oil does a society invincible and strong. Owing to orientation to relations we have won War: our grandfathers closed embrasures with a chest for the sake of others, with an idea: «let I shall die, but may others live better after me!» Owing to orientation to relations the country for two five-years periods (for 10 years!!!) from full ruin was completely restored and became a world Superstate. «The person to the person is friend, comrade and the brother!», «Let yourself be in trouble, but go to help your comrade!» - these verbal formulas had been laid in the heart from the cradle, were the pledge of rallying of people, remarkable achievements in all areas of art, work.


Actualization and self-actualization are the main and true value of a life. Not money. Money –if it is done as objective only closes progress, prosperity of a society. Creative self-opening, self-actualization (spiritual progress) of each individual person is an objective of the society focused on progress of relations. To open talents within us and to be truly actualized, it is possible only without a binding to money, in spirit of a hobby and service to people, in an atmosphere where all your capacities are appreciated where there is no envy, where you are not considered as the contender, the competitor. Self-development, the actualization, full display of all talents is possible only in a progress of relations. The love is a concentration on the blessing of others - unlike individualism which develops from opposition to the rest.

When the person concentrates on economic performance, on personal profit - he becomes individualistic, inclined to asocial acts. Education on orientation to economic performance does people dangerous for a society, and for each other.

When people are focused on economic rates, they start to live unnatural, artificial life, playing a role imposed by "fashion-makers", suppressing high feelings within themselves. Acting brutaly to conform to standards of prestige, a prosperity and positions in a society – “ to be above others “, “ not to be a looser “, etc. All attitudes with others become very much mercenary: «what I can get from it? "," how he can be used?»

When we are concentrated to money, personal benefit - we really do not live, because we are concentrated to the future. While perfection of relationships means to live in the present, to live HERE and NOW. To see everyone as a particle of the God - this is a spiritual life, a life in the present.

The paradox consists that in striving for money, for personal benefit, the person makes the acts depriving his good future. If we are concentrated on progress of relations - we are concentrated on what we can do good for people NOW, our proper actions in the present will provide us the good future. It is a “ dialectical paradox “ which principle needs to be more experienced than understood. To be applied in a life: «If you are useful to society - the society will take care of you: do not think how to take from others; think how to be useful for people!» As full disclosing of all our capacities is possible only without a binding to money, in a creative spirit of service to the world.

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