


Другие языки
Охрана труда





The ceremony

The recruit’s parents may be there.

The troop (or company) in full uniform, gathers on three sides of a rectangle. The forth one is reserved for parents and friends. If the ceremony takes place during the camp, the visitors are placed behind the masts, where the three flags are floating.

The recruit wears his uniform, except his beret. The other Scouts / Guides have their berets on their heads.

As soon as the patrols are gathered, they are put in the “be prepared” position.

One assistant or a patrol Leader holds the Baussant standard. He stands on the right of the troop leader. The religious adviser stands on the troop leader’s left. The leader calls the recruit (name), who comes to the centre, with his patrol leader behind him, his left hand on the recruit’s right shoulder.

Leader: What do you wish?

Recruit: To become a European Scout (Guide).

Leader: Why?

Recruit: To learn how to serve better God and my neighbour.

Leader: Which material advantage are you expecting from it?

Recruit: None.

Leader: What is the scout’s first duty?

Recruit: The daily good turn.

Leader: What are the scout’s three main virtues?

Recruit: Frankness, devotedness, purity.

Leader: Do you know the law and the principles?

Recruit: Yes, Leader.

Leader: Recite the principles.


1. A Scout’s duty starts at home.

2. Faithful to his country, a Scout favours European unity and brotherhood.

3. As a son of Christendom, a Scout is proud of his faith: he labours to establish the reign of Christ in all his life and in the world around him.

Leader: Do you promise to observe the law and principles?

Recruit: Yes, on my honour.

Leader: Do you know that your honour is to belong to Christ, to be faithful to your country, your parents, your Leaders, your fellows, and to have only one word on which the others can rely?

Recruit: Yes, Leader, I know it. People will be able to rely on my scout word.

Leader: How long are you ready to serve?

Recruit: If God wants, forever.

Leader: Since the Court of Honour has decided to trust you, we admit you to pronounce your promise.

Leader: But, as you are a Christian and as you received the name of... at your baptism, you are going to receive God’s blessing.

Recruit: (he goes to the Priest and kneels down to receive a blessing)

Priest: May Our Lady help you and may the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit come upon you and dwell there forever.

Recruit: (he makes the sign of the cross. Then he puts his left hand on the Baussant and salutes with the right hand).

“On my honour and with God’s grace, I promise to do my best to serve God, the Church, my country and Europe, to help my neighbour at all times, to observe the Scout Law.”.

Leader: From now on (or “remember” for a former wolf cub), you belong to the great scout brotherhood.

The new explorer comes nearer. The leader puts his beret on his head, with the new cross, blessed during the previous evening, and salutes him. Then the explorer steps backward, salutes the leaders, and turns round to shake hands with his patrol leader. Both turn towards the troop. The explorer salutes the troop for the first time and the troop salutes back to him. Then he goes back to his place with his patrol leader.

The Leader starts singing the promise song.

Exceptionally, several recruits may be invited to pronounce their promise on the same day. Then they may come in front of the staff together and answer together the unit leader’s questions, till the moment of the blessing: they receive it individually from the priest and pronounce the promise text one after the other.


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