Points To Check For | My Check | My Partner’s Check |
Did the writer understand the assignment? | ||
Is the topic narrow enough to fit into one paragraph? | ||
Is there only one main idea in the paragraph? | ||
Are there specific ideas that support the main idea? | ||
Is there any information that doesn’t fit? | ||
Are there any spelling or grammar mistakes? |
5) Rewrite your paragraph.
OBJECTIVES: at this stage you are going to learn about different styles of theses writing.
There are several types of paragraphs, which are organized differently. You may choose the best way to present your theses’ topic, combining them in your paper.
A paragraph of description has one topic (subject). The topic sentence is the first sentence. It includes the topic and main idea of the paragraph. The other sentences give details – more information – about the main idea. In a paragraph of description, the adjectives are important. Learn the example and note the following:
1) The first word in this paragraph is indented.
2) All of the other lines begin at the margin.
3) Every sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.
4) After a period, the next sentence begins on the same line.
Yevgeny V. Buinov
Siberian Transport University
Nowadays, STU is one of the leading transport universities in Russia and an important scientific center (a topic sentence).
Its schools of thought on the automatic control; computer-aided devices for metering, control, and diagnostics; software for expert systems aimed for investigation of complex entities; hybrid methods and program systems for calculating strengths and reliability of large engineering systems; mathematical modeling and optimization of complex mechanical systems acquired national and international reputation. Inter-university conferences are of utmost importance. Getting together and discussing problems of common interest provides first-hand information on the research, facilitates personal contacts, promotes further collaboration, which is, indeed, the primary objective of these events (details).
In a paragraph of process, you write about each step in a series of actions. It’s important to write these in order of time (What happens first? What happens next?) for this assignment, begin with the topic (your learned action) in the first sentence. After this, write each step from your plan in a complete sentence. Learn the example and note the following:
1) The use of transition words.
2) The use of the simple past tense.