Get in - to get inside How did he get in? He got in through the window. войти, проникнуть внутрь
get into something - to enter (some place, state) Get into the car! She doesn't get into town often. He got into trouble. войти в (какое-то место, положение)
Get something off something - to remove something from something Get your feet off the table! Get your hand off my shoulder! убрать что-то с чего-то
Get off the bus, train, plane - to leave the bus, train, plane.He got off the train at the River Station. сойти с автобуса, поезда, самолета
Get on - to get along, to make progress How are you getting on? Is your book getting on?поживать, продвигаться
Get on the bus, train, plane - to take a bus, train, plane He got on the bus on Maple Avenue.сесть на автобус, поезд, самолет
get out (of something) - to get outside She broke the window and got out. Get out of the house! He got out of the car and walked to the bank. выйти, выбраться наружу (из чего-то)
Get over something - to recover from an illness or bad experience You'll get over it soon. I'm glad you got over your illness so quickly. He'll get over these difficulties soon. преодолеть, оправиться после болезни или неприятности
Get through something - to go through something The refrigerator won't go through this narrow door. I don't know how he got through college, he never studied. пройти сквозь, через что-то
Get to some place - 1. to reach some place; 2. get to someone - to affect feelings 1. We got to London at night. 2. This music really gets to me. 1. добраться до какого-то места; 2. затронуть чувства
Get together - to meet with friends or relatives for a party We should get together again some time. Their big family gets together for Christmas. собраться вместе для празднования
Get up - to rise He gets up at 8 o'clock. вставать, подниматься
Give away - 1. to give for free; 2. to reveal (a secret, feelings); to inform against someone 1. She gave away a lot of books. 2. Her trembling voice gave away her fear. He gave away several gang members to the police. 1. отдать (бесплатно); 2. выдать (секрет, чувства); выдать кого-то
Give back - to return something He gave back the money he owed. вернуть что-то
Give in - to yield, to surrender Don't give in without a fight. уступить, сдаться
give out - 1. to hand out; 2. to fail, to stop functioning 1. The teacher gave out the test papers. 2. His legs gave out and he fell. 1. раздавать, распределять; 2. иссякнуть (о силах)
Give something to someone or something - to present, to hand, to pass something to someone / something Give the book to Ann. Give my regards to your family. He gives all his time to work. She often gives to charity. дать, вручить, передать кому-то, чему-то
Give up - to stop doing or trying to do something She gave up smoking a year ago. I gave up trying to fix my old car. Don't give up! Keep trying! отказаться от продолжения или попыток делать что-то
go ahead - to go in front; to proceed with something; to begin (speaking) You go ahead, I'll join you later. The director allowed him to go ahead with his plan of changes. Go ahead, we are listening. идти вперед кого-то; продолжить что-то; начать (говорить)