If you interest somebody in something, you make them want to know more about it.
Interfere with
to prevent something from happening in the usual way or stop it from developing normally
invest in (1)
to put your energy and resources into something that you think will help you to achieve your goal
invest in (2)
to put your money into a company or a business venture in order to get a share of any profit it makes
invite around
If you invite somebody around, you invite them to your home for a meal, or a party, or a game of cards, etc.
Invite in
If you invite somebody in, you ask them to come inside.
Invite out
If you invite somebody out, you ask them to go to a restaurant with you, or to see a movie, or go dancing, etc.
Invite over
If you invite somebody over, you invite them to your home, usually for a meal.
Involve in
If you involve yourself in something, or if someone else involves you in something, you take part in it.
iron out
If you iron out the last details of a deal, you sort out the final problems or issues.