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The four basic taste sensations are

a. sweet, salty, bitter, and hot

b. sweet, bitter, burned, and salty

c. sour, acid, sweet, and mint

D. sweet, salty, bitter, and sour

e. sweet, salty, bitter, and cold

22  One of the following is not a skin sense.

A. Incongruent pleasure

b. Light touch

c. Deep touch

d. Temperature

e. stroking

The receptor organ that makes smell possible is called the

A. olfactory epithelium

b. vestibular membrane

c. odor membrane

d. synaptic epithelium

e. vestibular membrane

24   What sense makes it possible for you to touch the tip of your nose with your eyes closed?

a. The cardiovascular sense

b. The vestibular sense

C. Kinaesthesia

d. Synthesis

e. willpower

The vestibular sense lets you know when

a. a signal is present

b. a figure is perceived against aground

C. you are walking upright

d. you have a subliminal perception

e. you are hungry

26   A ccording to Koffka, the actual world ―out there, the world as defined by physics is

a. the family

b. the phenomenal world

C. the geographical world

d. the psychological world

e. the subjective world

27  One of the following is not a Gestalt law.

a. Proximity

b. Similarity

C. The cognitive hypothesis

d. Closure

e. The figure and background

An illusionist

a. an individual perception

b. a false belief

c. a kind of hallucination

D. a false perception

e. the same thing as adelusion

The process of thinking about thinking is called

a. symbolic production

b. functional reflection

C. met thought

d. cognitive existentialism

e. psychological reflection

30  What kind of a concept strings together perceived attributes?

A. a conjunctive concept

b. a relational concept

c. a disjunctive concept

d. an iconic concept

e. a cognitive existentialism

Test «Psychology»

Option 2

Step-by-step instructions for operating a microwave oven provide an example of

a. a heuristic approach

b. a means-end analysis

c. an insight analysis

d. an algorithm

e. an experimental analysis

2. Which of the following correctly defines a mental set?

a. an unconscious wish

b. a conscious conditioned reflex

c. a subconscious determining tendency

d. a false negative

e. a false positive

3.  What exists when there is a need to use a tool or familiar object in a novel way and one can‘t perceive the novel way?

a. cognitive slippage

b. mental facilitation

c. functional fixedness

d. transformational perception

e. cognitive facilitation

4.   What kind of reasoning is characterized by making observations and gathering information until a general conclusion is reached?

a. inductive reasoning

b. deductive reasoning

c. if-then reasoning

d. relational reasoning

e. corelational reasoning

Deductive reasoning is reasoning in which

a. a premise follows from a hyper premise

b. a conclusion follows from a meta conclusion

c. a conclusion follows from a premise

d. a premise follows from a conclusion

e. inductive reasoning

Sir F. Galton abandoned his attempts to measure intelligence because

a. he was dismissed from the post

b. he lost interest in the subject

c. he was disheartened by the failure

d. he was forbidden to continue further research in this field

e. he was illing

The major precondition for creating the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale was

a. the desire of scientists to measure intelligence in an objective manner

b. lack of reliable knowledge in this area of psychology

c. need to help children with cognitive difficulties

d. friendly relationships between the two scientists

e. there is no direct correlation between the level of intelligence and living standards

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D. the raw data of experience | 
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