






His beautiful manners she could count upon him not making a nuisance of

Himself when she had once got it into his head that there was nothing doing.






But when it happened ( // ) it did not turn out

( ; to turn out . - ) in the

least as she had expected ( , ). Charles Tamerley

and Julia had been for a walk in St. James's Park (

--), they had looked at the pelicans (

), and the scene suggesting it (

// ), they had discussed the possibility of her playing

Millamant on a Sunday evening ( /, /

: ).

They went back to Julia's flat ( ) to have

a cup of tea ( ). They shared a crumpet (

). Then Charles got up to go (

, ). He took a miniature out of his pocket (

// : ) and gave it to her (



pelican ['pelIkqn] crumpet ['krAmpIt] miniature ['mInI(q)tSq]


But when it happened it did not turn out in the least as she had expected.

Charles Tamerley and Julia had been for a walk in St. James's Park, they had

Looked at the pelicans, and the scene suggesting it, they had discussed the

Possibility of her playing Millamant on a Sunday evening. They went back to

Julia's flat to have a cup of tea. They shared a crumpet. Then Charles got up

To go. He took a miniature out of his pocket and gave it to her.


"It's a portrait of Clairon ( ). She was an eighteenth-century

actress ( ) and she had many of your

gifts ( ; gift , , ;







Julia looked at the pretty, clever face ( ,

), with the powdered hair ( ), and wondered

whether the stones that framed the little picture ( , ,

) were diamonds or only paste (

; paste , ; .


"Oh, Charles, how can you (, , : )! You are

sweet ( // )."

"I thought you might like it ( , // ).

It's by way of ( ) being a parting present (


"Are you going away ( )?"

She was surprised ( ), for he had said nothing about it (

). He looked at her with a faint smile (


"No. But I'm not going to see you any more (. )."

"Why ()?"


century ['sentSqrI] paste [peIst] present ['prez(q)nt]


"It's a portrait of Clairon. She was an eighteenth-century actress and she had

many of your gifts."

Julia looked at the pretty, clever face, with the powdered hair, and wondered

Whether the stones that framed the little picture were diamonds or only paste.

"Oh, Charles, how can you! You are sweet."

"I thought you might like it. It's by way of being a parting present."

"Are you going away?"

She was surprised, for he had said nothing about it. He looked at her with a

Faint smile.

"No. But I'm not going to see you any more."








"I think you know just as well as I do ( ,

, )."

Then Julia did a disgraceful thing ( :

). She sat down ( ) and for a minute

looked silently at the miniature ( -

). Timing it perfectly ( :

), she raised her eyes ( // ) till

they met Charles's ( / / ). She could cry

almost at will ( : ; will ,

, ), it was one of her most telling accomplishments (

), and now without a sound (

, ), without a sob ( ), the tears

poured down her cheeks ( // ). With her mouth

slightly open ( ), with the look in her eyes (

: ) of a child that has been deeply hurt

(, ) and does not know

why ( , ), the effect was unbearably pathetic (/

/ , ). His face was

crossed by a twinge of agony ( :

). When he spoke (

) his voice was hoarse with emotion (

// ).


timing ['taImIN] accomplishment [q'kAmplISInqnt] hoarse [hO:s]


"I think you know just as well as I do."


: 2018-11-11; !; : 157 |



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