






. VB.NET VB6 VBScript, Format, Format Number, FormatCurrency, FormatPercent FormatDateTime. , , .NET Framework.

.NET Framework . :


Dim balance As Decimal = 123456

Dim creditLimit As Decimal = 999999

Console.WriteLine ("Customer balance is {0:C}, credit limit is {1:C} ",_

balance. creditLimit = balance)




Customer balance is $123,456.00. credit limit is $876.543.00


, , :


Console.WriteLine ("Customer credit is {1:C}, balance is {0:C} ".

balance. creditLimit = balance)




Customer credit is $876.543.00. balance is $123.456.00


. , {1:} , {0:} (, .NET Framework 0). ѻ , Windows.

. 4.7 .

(/) Double, . (\) Integer. , Decimal Integer .



- ( )
/ ( Double DivideByZero;)
\ ( DivideByZero)
Math.Pow(x,y) x y


, .NET GetType. ( WriteLine) . :


Module Modulel

Sub Main()

Console.WriteLine((4 / 2).GetType())

Console. ReadLine()

End Sub

End Module





GetType , .

, , . ( ) , . @, Decimal:


Option Strict On

Module Modulel

Sub Main()

Dim cdeg As Decimal

Console.Write( Enter the degrees in centigrade...")


Dim fdeg As Decimal

fdeg = (((9 / 5) * cdeg) + 32)

Console.WriteLine(cdeg & " is " & fdeg & " degrees Fahrenheit.")

Console. ReadLine()

End Sub

End Module


- / fdeg Double. , :


Option Strict disallows implicit conversions from Double to Decimal.


? Option Strict VB.NET, . @ ( ) Decimal. :


fdeg = ((CDec(9 / 5) * cdeg) + 32)


Decimal, Decimal.

, Write WriteLine, . , , .

, VB.NET IEEE, . :


Sub Main()

Dim getData As String

Dim x, As Double

x = 4

= 0

Console.WriteLine("What is 4/0 in VB.NET? " & x / y)


End Sub




What is 4/0 in VB. NET? Infinity




NaN (Not A Number, ).


. 4.8 , Integer Long.






\ Integer ( ). , 7\3=21. , / Double; , Integer \ .

Mod . , 7 Mod 3 = 1. , Mod 0: 8 Mod 4 = 0.

. . VB.NET, , , . , ; , 3+4*5 23, (4*5) , .



( ).






, ( ).


, , VB. NET , .

*= = *

+=  = +

/= = /

-= = -

\=  = \

^=  = ^

&=  = & ( )


<== | ==>

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