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Interna t I onal organ I za t I on S


Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових  лексичних одиниць; вдосконалю- вати навички читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення; розви- вати  пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати любов до своєї країни  й націо- нальну  самосвідомість.









1. Warm-up

Do ex. 1, p. 248.


2. Listening


Listen about the  Council of Europe and do ex. 2, p. 248.

The  Council of  Europe is  an  international  organization promoting co-operation between all  countries of Europe in the  areas of legal  stand- ards, human rights, democratic development, the  rule of law and  cultur-

al co-operation. It was founded in 1949, has 47 member states with some                                            

800  million citizens, and  is an  entirely separate body  from the  European

Union (EU),  which has  only  27 member states. Unlike the  EU,  the  Coun-

cil of Europe cannot make binding laws. The two do however share certain                                            

symbols such as the  flag of Europe. The Council of Europe has  nothing to

do with either the Council of the European Union or the European Council,                                           

which are both EU bodies.

The  best  known bodies of  the  Council of  Europe are  the  European

Court of Human Rights, which enforces the European Convention on Hu-                                            

man  Rights, and the  European Pharmacopoeia Commission, which sets  the

quality standards for  pharmaceutical products in Europe. The  Council of                                    Europe’s work  has  resulted in standards, charters and  conventions to fa-

cilitate cooperation between European countries.

Its statutory institutions are the Committee of Ministers comprising                                

the  foreign ministers of each  member state, the  Parliamentary  Assembly composed of MPs from the parliament of each member state, and the Secre-

tary General heading the secretariat of the Council of Europe. The Commis-                                            

sioner for  Human Rights is an independent institution within the  Council

of Europe, mandated to promote awareness of and respect for human rights                                            

in the  member states.

The headquarters of the  Council of Europe are  in Strasbourg, France,

with English and  French as its two  official languages. The  Committee of                                 Ministers, the  Parliamentary Assembly and the  Congress also use German,

Italian, and Russian for some of their work.

While the  member states of the  European Union transfer national le- gislative and  executive powers to the  European Commission and  the  Euro-

pean Parliament in specific areas under European Community law, Council                                            

of Europe member states maintain their sovereignty but commit themselves through conventions (i.e., public international law) and  co-operate on the basis  of common values and common political decisions. Those conventions and  decisions are  developed by the  member states working together at the

Council of Europe, whereas secondary European Community law is set by                                            

the  organs of the  European Union. Both  organizations function as concen- tric circles around the common foundations for European integration, with

the  Council of Europe being the  geographically wider circle. The European                                           Union could  be seen  as the  smaller circle with a much higher level  of inte-

gration through the  transfer of powers from the  national to the  EU level.                                 Being part of public international law, Council of Europe conventions could

also  be opened for  signature to non-member states thus facilitating equal co-operation with countries outside Europe.

The Council of Europe’s most famous achievement is the European Con- vention on Human Rights, which was adopted in 1950 following a report by the  Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly. The Convention created the  European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The Court supervis- es compliance with the  European Convention on Human Rights and  thus functions as the highest European court for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is to this court that Europeans can bring cases  if they believe that a member country has violated their fundamental rights.


3. Reading

Do ex. 3, p. 249.


4. speaking

Do ex. 4, p. 249.


5. summary

1) Who  designed Flag  of Europe?

a) 1 Programmer: Paul Gregory

b) 2 Arsu00E8ne Heitz and Paul Lu00E9vy c)   3 Paul Brown

d) 4 Paul Philippe Cret  of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

2)  What is the  leader of Council of Europe called? a)  1 Secretary-General of the  United Nations b)  2 Managing Director

c) 3 Commissioner for Human Rights

d) 4 OSCE Representative on Freedom of the  Media

3)  The  Council of Europe is one of the  oldest international organization working towards …, having been founded in 1949.

a) 1 European integration         b) 2 Schengen Area

c) 3 Eurozone                                d) 4 European Union

4)  The  Council of Europe Development Bank  has  its seat in  Paris, the North-South Centre of the  Council of Europe is established in Lisbon, Portugal, and the  Centre for Modern Languages is in Graz, ….

a) 1 Czech Republic                      b) Hungary c) Poland d)   Austria

5)  …, Japan, Mexico, the  U.S.  and the  Holy See have  observer status with the  Council of Europe and  can  participate in the  Committee of Minis- ters and all intergovernmental committees.

a) Canada                                      b) Belize

c) Barbados                                   d) United Kingdom

6)  The Council also voted to restore Special Guest status to …, on condi- tion that this country declares a moratorium on the  death penalty.

a) Belarus                                   b) Azerbaijan

c) Serbia                                       d) Bosnia and Herzegovina

7)  Which of the  following lead  to  the  establishment of Council of Eu- rope?

a) 1 Cambodian coup of 1970         b) 3 ASEAN  Charter c)   Treaty of London (1949)            d) Liberation Day

8)  The British MP Sir  David Maxwell-Fyfe was rapporteur for  the  draft- ing of the  ….

a) 1 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights b) 2 International human rights law

c) 3 International Covenant on Economic, Social  and Cultural Rights d)   4 European Convention on Human Rights

Key: 1 b, 2 a, 3 a, 4 d, 5 a, 6 a, 7 d, 8 d.


6. Homework

Look for some information about other international organizations and write about one of them.

Lesson 85


So CI et Y and I t S P eo P le


Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; вдоско- налювати навички читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати толерантне ставлення до інших i зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.









1. Warm-up


1) What is a society?

2) What kind of improvements would  you like to see in your society?

3) Is your society getting better or worse?

4) Are you proud of your society?


2. Listening

Listen to someone’s opinion about living in a society and  say  how so- ciety influences on people  and relationship.


The world we live in always has a changing society because people think

they should fit in certain society standers. It does not make any difference                                            

where you live most people  will still try to be with a group of people. A lot of people  will pay a lot  of money  just to be in some  groups even  if they do

not like the people in the group. I have always tried to do things with people                                            

that make around the  same  amount of money  as I do. I am willing to spend

little more  just to do something different as long  as I don’t spend money                                 I do not  have. Trying to keep  up with certain society groups can put your-

selves in a lot of trouble.

Society has a way of making people change their life style for a life style                               

they really don’t like that much. I have always tried to have a few friends in

every different group of people I am around. If your society of life is based                                           

on that type of life  you will always have  a lot more  friends. Society should not  dictate how your life  should be lived. You  will  always have  problems

with groups of people if you do not really live their life style. If you try to                                            

keep up with the  Joneses all the  time you may lose a lot of good friends.

When you see shopping ads that stores create in order make you think you need to pay more, this is a form of high society. The whole society stand- ard  is based  on how much you  can  afford to spend on the  things you  buy.

Most people who make good money will still shop at stores that sell things                                            

cheaper. High society people  will always try buy stuff cheaper and  most of the  time and they will never tell  anyone about it.

The next time you think you need to be in a certain society group, check                                 

to see if you really need  the  people  in that group. When you take the  time

to see which social group you adapt to best, you will like the idea of just be-                                           

ing with someone you really want to be around. This  way you will not  have to try to impress people  that you really don’t like. Just be yourself and you will have  a better social life.


3. Reading

Read some information from the  Internet. Answer the  questions.

1) What problem is raised in the  article?

2) What are the  reasons of such lifestyle?

3) What problems do these girls face?

4) What are the ways of solution of these problems in your opinion?                                       

5) Wild teen girls: Dangerous lifestyle patterns

Early in life  you  aren’t given very many choices. As a child, your pa-

rental figures make them for you, hoping to instill right from wrong. Some                               

children don’t have  model  parents and  depend ultimately on  what their society teaches them. Young in life, some  children are  abused physically, verbally and / or  sexually. Reasons behind wild  teen girls and  dangerous lifestyle patterns can be many.

The drinking, the  drugs and  the  multiple partners is the  easy  way out of a temporary problem with long  term consequences. You depressed and angry. No one  understands except you  and  your friends with a bottle of liquor, and a bag of weed. You know what is best because only you know you and what you going through. Besides, what have  you got to lose?

A major problem with teens, is they don’t have a clue what their resources are. Usually by the  time someone realizes there’s a problem, it’s  gotten way out  of control for  the  teen. They  get  lost  in the  underbelly of their society, making it harder for the  teen  to turn it around quickly. Established friend- ships with bad influences are tough to break and won’t  happen easily.

Since  the  60’s, teen suicide rates have  tripled. Every year, 1 in 4 teen- agers contracts an STD. Teen pregnancies have only dropped 72 out of every

1,000 females. This includes births, abortions and miscarriages.

High schools now provide daycare for  teens still wanting to come back and  graduate after giving birth. Police officers are  designated to specific school  districts to make their presence known. D.A.R.E. has become a joke if it even  exists at their schools. Dangerous behavior is becoming more  ac- ceptable because now it is expected from teens.

Instead of only  giving these girls ways  to cope with the  out  comes  of their poor  choices, they need  positive influences in  the  early teen years. A good role model  can go a long way, especially if they don’t have  one at all to begin with. Even  though they are  old enough to take care  of themselves while  mom  and  dad  are  gone, doesn’t mean they are  old enough to handle the  pressures of society and  potential hazardous outcomes on their own.

We  can’t protect anyone from everything, nor  is  it our  responsibi- lity. It is our  responsibility as parental figures, teachers, counselors, and community members to promote education. The goal here is to reach these girls before the  dangerous lifestyle patterns become  a dangerous lifestyle period.


                                4. speaking


Work in groups

A large area of your country has  been set  aside by the  current govern- ment for the  development of a new nation. This area will include an invited international  community of  20,000 men  and  women. Imagine that your group has to decide the  laws of this new country.

Discuss the  following questions.












Which political system will the  country have? What will the  official language(s) be?

Will there be censorship?

What industries will your country try to develop? Will citizens be allowed to carry a gun?

Will there be the  death penalty? Will there be a state religion?

What kind of immigration policy  will there be?

What will  the  educational system be like? Will there be compulsory education to a certain age?

Who  will be allowed to marry?


5. summary

Do ex. 5, p. 250.


6. Homework

Write a short paragraph “How has technology changed society?”

Lesson 86


Interna t I onal organ I za t I on S


Цілі:   вдосконалювати  навички вживання нових  лексичних одиниць; вдо- сконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; розвивати культуру  спіл- кування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати толерантне ставлення до інших і загальну культуру учнів.








1. Warm-up

Do ex. 1, p. 251.


2. Reading and  speaking

Do ex. 2, p. 251.


3. Vocabulary practice


Fill in the  gaps  with the  words from WORD FILE (p. 251).

All people  have  the  right to (1) … of opportunity.

In the  end we (2) … the  deal on very favorable terms.

It (3) … acts of Parliament and  subordinate legislation made  under the authority of the  parent act.

Only five  of the  firm’s employees are (4) ….

A (5) … amount of research was done  here by our  science department.

The utility company is still working to (6) … power supplies in rural                                         


Only in one particular (7) … could the court legally override the decision.

Care for the disabled, old, and sick is essential in a (8) … society.                                         

Key:   1 equality, 2 settled, 3 comprises, 4 permanent, 5 considerable,

6 restore, 7 circumstance, 8 civilized.


4. Reading and  speaking

Read the  text about the  Unite Nations Organization and  answer the questions.












When was the  organization founded? What was the  reason of foundation?

Who  mentioned the  term “United Nations” for the  first time? How many first member of the  organization were there?

Where  was  the  United Nations Headquarters  located at  the  be- ginning?

Why  was the  organization criticized?

How many members of organization are there now?

What is the  leader of the  Unite Nations Organization called? What is the  structure of the  organization?

What are the main goals of the organization? (To keep peace throughout                                    

the  world; to develop friendly relations among nations; to help nations work  together to improve the  lives  of poor  people, to conquer hunger,

disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights                               

and freedoms; to be a centre for harmonizing the  actions of nations.)

The United Nations is an international organization whose stated aims are

facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic                               

development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace. The UN was founded in 1945 after World War  II to replace the League of Na-

tions, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue.                                       It contains multiple subsidiary organizations to carry out its missions.

The League of Nations failed to prevent World War II (1939–1945). Be-                                         

cause of the widespread recognition that humankind could not afford a third world  war, the United Nations was established to replace the flawed League

of  Nations  in  1945  in  order  to  maintain  international  peace  and  promote                               

cooperation  in  solving international  economic, social  and humanitarian problems. The earliest concrete plan for a new world organization was begun under the aegis of the U.S. State Department in 1939. Franklin D. Roosevelt first coined the term ‘United Nations’ as a term to describe the Allied count- ries. The term was first officially used  on 1 January 1942, when 26 govern- ments signed the Atlantic Charter, pledging to continue the war  effort. On

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