I. Master the active vocabulary:
environmental protection - защита окружающей среды
environment - окружающая среда
nature conservation - сохранение природы
preservation - сохранение, сохраность
rational use - рациональное использование
natural resources - природные ресурсы
utilization - использование
pollution - загрязнение
pollutant - загрязнитель
elaboration - разработка, развитие
relevant - уместный, относящийся к делу
to protect - защищать, предохранять
to renew - обновдять, восстановлять
framework - структура, рамки
a consequence - последствие чего-либо
water shortage - нехватка воды
abuse of arable lands - неправильное использование
пахотных земель
to destroy - разрушать
damage - вред, повреждение, ущерб
to suffer an environmental problem - сталкиваться с пробле-
мой окружающей среды
cotton growing - хлопководство
to be under threat - быть под угрозой
II. Read and translate the text:
Protection of Nature.
As a highly industrialized state Russia cannot ignore the problem of environmental protection. Nature conservation has always been an important part of its domestic and foreign policy. More than a hundred documents related to the preservation and rational use of natural resources were signed.
The state system of environmental supervision and control is responsible for regulating the utilization of urban and industrial air basins and control over the sources of their pollution, and for the elaboration of the levels of maximum allowable discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere. Our state supervises the observance of the relevant legislation, and publicizes the need to protect the environment and to rationally use and renew natural resources.
We cannot talk about our state’s environmental protection measures without mentioning its extensive international efforts in the field, as environmental protection today has gone beyond the national framework to become an important international issue.
There are many consequences of damaging the environment. One of them is acid rain. Another one is water shortage resulting from abuse of arable lands in agriculture. The third one is destroying the ozone layer of the Earth through pollution from factories and plants. The fourth problem is damage to water and soils. The fifth one is damage to wildlife: numerous species of animals and plants can disappear. Lastly, the most serious danger arising from damaging the environment is the result of the above- mentioned consequences. This is the danger for the life and health of the man.
The territories of the former Soviet Union are suffering many environmental problems. Apart from the effect of the Chernobyl disaster, the worst problem is probably in the area around the Aral Sea. Cotton growing in the region has used huge quantities of water, and the sea level has fallen by 14 yards. This destroyed fishing industry and led to a damage to soils, crops and wildlife. Many forests in the North of European Russia and the Far East are under threat a system of dams on the Volga has caused damage to fish.
If we are unable to learn how to use the environment carefully and protect it from damage caused by man’s activities, very soon we’ll have no world to live in.
III. Answer the question:
1. Why cannot Russia ignore the problem of environmental protection?
2. What part of its policy has nature conservation always been?
3. How many documents related to this problem were signed?
4. The state system of environmental supervision and control is
responsible for regulating the utilization of urban and industrial air
basins, isn’t it?
5. What measures does our state undertake in order to protect the
environment and renew natural resources?
6. Why cannot we mention the extensive international efforts in the field
environmental protection?
7. What are the general consequences of damaging environment?
8. Which of them, to your personal opinion, is the most dangerous?
9. What territories of the former Soviet Union can be found suffering many
environmental problems?
10. Why is cotton growing considered to be the main damage factor in the
area around the Aral Sea?
11. Are there forests in Russia under threat?
12. What has caused damage to fish in the Volga?
13. Why is it so important to learn how to use the environment carefully and
protect it from damage?
14. Do you consider the problem of environmental protection to be an urgent
IV. Give Russian equivalents to these words and word combinations:
industrialized state, environmental protection, nature conservation, preservation, rational use, natural resources, control, supervision, utilization, urban, pollution, discharge of pollutants, observance, to protect, environment, environmental protection measures, extensive efforts, national framework, international issue, consequences of damaging, acid rain, water shortage, abuse of arable lands, agriculture, destroying the ozone layer, damage to water and soils, damage to wildlife, disappear, danger, to suffer, disaster, threat, man’s activities.
V. Find the English equivalents for these words and word combinations:
проблема защиты окружающей среды, сохранение природы, внешняя и внутренняя политика, сохранение и рациональное использование природных ресурсов, регулирование использования, источники загрязнения, максимально допустимый, загрязнители, соблюдение законодательства, необходимость защищать окружающую среду, рациональное использование, государственные меры по охране окружающей среды, сфера, национальные рамки, международный вопрос, последствия ущерба окружающей среде, кислотный дождь, нехватка воды, неправильное использование пахотных земель, разрушение озонового слоя атмосферы, вред воде и почве, вред дикой природе, серьезная опасность сталкиваться с многими проблемами, разрушать, повреждение, находится под угрозой, человеческая деятельность.