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Unit III. Seasons. Weather времена года. Погода

Задание 1. Запомните следующие слова:

season - время года                             fine - хороший, прекрасный

weather - погода                                  usually - обычно

spring - весна                                       still - все еще

in spring - весной                                          often - часто

summer - лето                                      last - последний, прошлый

autumn - осень                                     to last - длиться

winter - зима                                        to begin - начинать(ся)

year - год                                             to end - заканчивать(ся)

a leap year - високосный год                       to become - становиться

month - месяц                                      to cover - покрывать

week - неделя                                       to wear - носить (об одежде)

rain - дождь                                                  to carry - носить (о вещах)

to rain - идти (о дожде)                               to freeze - замерзать

snow - снег                                                    to shine - светить

to snow - идти (о снеге)                                to change - менять(ся)

raincoat - плащ                                    to blow - дуть

сold - холодный                             river - река

hot - жаркий                                        climate - климат

warm - теплый                                     temperature - температура

hard - (зд.) сильный                            frost - мороз

clothes - одежда                                   wind - ветер

people - люди                                      as a rule - как правило

umbrella - зонтик

sun - солнце

cloud - облако


Задание 2. Запомните названия:

      а) дней недели:

Sunday                                                 Thursday

Monday                                                Friday

Tuesday                                               Saturday


              б) месяцев года:

January                                                July

February                                              August

March                                                   September

April                                                    October

May                                                      November

June                                                      December


Задание 3. Назовите эти месяцы:

1. The third month of the year. 2. The month between (между) October and December. 3. The month beginning with the letter (буква) 's'. 4. The month with only 28 days. 5. The month after (после) April. 6. A month with a lot of rain. 7. A month without (без) the letter 'r' in it. 8. The first month of the year. 9. The last month of the year. 10. A month with 31 days.


Задание 4. Исправьте следующие предложения, начиная со слов "That's wrong" по образцу:

Т.: Tuesday is the last day of the week.

S.: That's wrong. Tuesday is the second day of the week.

1. There are six days in a week. 2. March is the fourth month of the year. 3. It is very cold in July. 4. It is usually hot in January. 5. December is the first month of the year. 6. There are ten months in a year. 7. November is the last month of the year. 8. Friday is the first day of the week. 9. There are 365 days in a leap year. 10. Winter begins in January.


Задание 5. Закончите предложения, используя следующие слова:

freeze, ice, autumn (2), seasons, week, hot, raincoats, umbrellas, Sunday, Monday, warm, spring, summer, winter.

1. There are 4... in a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

2.... is the hottest and... is the coldest season of the year.

3. When... begins, it is still warm, when it ends, it is cold.

4. It often rains in... and in....

5. In winter the rivers... and become covered with....

6. In winter we wear... clothes.

7. There are many... days in summer.

8. It often rains in autumn and people wear... and carry....

9. There are... days in a....

10.... is the first and... is the last day of the week.


Задание 6. Закончите следующие предложения по образцам:

Model A: When the sun shines (sunny).

When the sun shines we say that the weather is sunny.

Model B: When it rains (rainy)

When it rains we say it is rainy.

1. When the temperature is -25° (cold). 2. When a cold wind blows (windy). 3. When the frost is hard (frosty). 4. When it is warm (fine). 5. When the temperature is +30° (hot). 6. When the sky is covered with clouds (cloudy). 7. When the weather changes very often (changeable). 8. When we have warm weather at the beginning of September (Indian summer - бабье лето).


Задание 7. Прочтите следующие диалоги, запомните их и воспроизведите в


1) - What kind of weather do you like?

- I like all sorts of weather/ when it's hot, warm or cola, frosty or cloudy, except (за исключением) windy weather. It gets on my nerves (она действует мне на

нервы или она раздражает меня).

- The English say: there's no bad weather, there are bad clothes.

2) - Hi, Jack. This is Jim. I'm calling (звоню) from Miami.

- From Miami? What are you doing there?

- I'm on vacation.

- How's the weather in Miami? Is it sunny?

- No, it isn't. It's cloudy.

- Is it hot?

- No, it isn't. It's cold.

- Are you having a good time?

- No, I'm having a terrible (ужасный) time

-I'm sorry (жаль) to hear that.

3. - Isn't the weather awful? (ужасный) It's raining cats and dogs (дождь льет как из ведра). Kit's very wet (мокро). It was fine this morning, so I didn't take my umbrella.

- Don't worry (не беспокойся). You can have mine.

- Thank you very much. It's very kind of уоu (Очень мило с

Вашей стороны).

4. - What is the weather like in England?

- The weather changes in our country very often that's why (вот почему) we say: ‘Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather’.

- Are all the days alike (похожи) in autumn?

- Oh, no, it may be raining one day and the next day it oaf be sunny.

- Do Englishmen always (всегда) wear raincoats and carry umbrellas in autumn?

- As a rule, they do.


Задание 8. Прочтите текст, следующие слова помогут вам понять его содержание:

to divide - делить                                          rule - правило

exception - исключение                                call - называть

ordinary - обычный                             during - в течение


                                             Text A

Seasons and weather

A year has 365 or 366 days and is divided into twelve months. The names of the twelve months are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.

A month has 30 or 31 days. February is an exception to this rule. It has 28 days in an ordinary year and 29 days in a leap-year.

There are 7 days in a week. The names of the seven days of the week are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The time from Saturday afternoon to Monday morning is called the weekend. As a rule people do not work during the weekend. They have a rest then.


Задание 9. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. How many days has a year (a leap year)? 2. What are the names of the twelve months of the year? 3. How many days has a month? 4. How many days has February? 5. What are the names of the seven days of the week? 6. What time is called the week-end? 7. What do people do during the week-end as a rule?


Задание 10. Запомните слова и выражения к тексту B:

each - каждый                                      sea - море

lake - озеро                                                   thunderstorm - гроза

to get (got, got) - (зд.) становиться      thunder - гром

to go skating = to skate -                      see - видеть

    кататься на коньках                   flashes of lightning - вспышки

brightly - ярко                                               молнии

sky - небо                                            for a while - некоторое время

melt - таять                                                    soon - вскоре

quickly - быстро                                  come - приходить

turn into water - превращаться                    come out - выходить

    в воду                                         short - короткий

grass - трава                                   long - длинный

grow - расти                                        dark - темный

meadow - луг                                       early - ранний, рано

bird - птица                                                   sometimes - иногда

country - страна                                  really - действительно

in the country - за городом                 tree - дерево

think - думать, считать                                 turn - становиться

holidays (Am. Eng. vacation) -                      lots of = a lot of - много

отпуск, каникулы                                     on the ground - на земле

hear - слышать


Text В

The four seasons of the year are: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Each of the seasons lasts about three months. Winter as a rule begins in December and ends in March. We usually have many cold days in winter and it often snows. The rivers and lakes freeze, and when the ice gets thick enough the children can go skating.

When spring comes, the days get warmer. The sun shines brightly in a blue sky. The snow melts quickly and turns into water. Grass grows in the meadows. The birds return from the hot countries. Many people think that spring is the best season of the year.

In summer the days are very hot as a rule. We often have thunderstorms. We hear the thunder and see flashes of lightning. The wind begins to blow hard. It rains hard for a while and soon the sun comes out again, «any people have their holidays in summer. They go to some place in the country or near the sea.

After summer comes autumn. The days get shorter and the nights longer. Dark clouds gather in the sky and it rains. We generally have much rain in autumn. People wear raincoats or carry umbrellas. But the few fine days that we sometimes have in early autumn are really beautiful. The trees turn red and gold. There also are lots of yellow and brown leaves on the ground. It is the most beautiful season of the year.


Задание11. Ответьте на вопросе к тексту B:

1. What are the four seasons of the year? 2. How long does each of the seasons last? 3. When does winter begin? 4. What sort of weather do we have in winter? 5. Do we have much snow in winter? 6. Do the rivers and lakes freeze in winter? 7. How does the sun shine in spring? 8. When do the days get warmer? 9. What season comes after spring? 10. Where do many people go when hot weather sets in (устанавливается)? 11. What kind of weather do we usually have in summer? 12. What season comes after summer? 13. Does it often rain in autumn? 14. What do people often wear and carry during the rain? 15. Do we have fine days in autumn? 16. Which of the seasons do you like best?


Задание 12. Перескажите тексты А и В, опираясь на вопросы к ним.


Задание 13. Ответите на следующие вопросы и опишите сегодняшнюю погоду.

1. What season is it now? 2. Is it a warm or a cold season of the year? 3. What are winter (spring, summer, autumn) months? 4. What month is it now? 5. What day and date is it today? 6. Is it sunny or cloudy today? 7. Is the sun shifting brightly today? 8. Is it windy today? 9. What colour is the sky today? 10. Is it dry (сухо) or wet (сыро) outdoors? 11. Is it raining or snowing? 12. Is it slippery (скользко) today? 13. Is the ground (земля) covered with snow? 14. Are there pools (лужи) of water on the ground? 15. Are the trees green, yellow or naked (без листвы)? 16. What clothes do people wear in such weather? 17. Are people carrying umbrellas today? 18. Do you like such weather?


Задание 14. Подготовьте пересказ по одной из тем:

1. Seasons and weather.

2. Today’s weather.

3. My favourite (любимый) season.


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