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Охрана труда





Read the text. Choose the best words to complete it and fill in the box.

Russia joined the Bologna Process in 2003 and is in the process of actually 1 ________ its higher education system to make it compatible with Bologna principles.  The main argument in favor of the Bologna Process is that it is logical to give students a broader education at undergraduate level. This provides the skills that are necessary for 2 _______ more specialized education later on.

The master’s degree is a specialized degree for more mature professionals who already know what they want to learn. As such, it is 3 _______ to offer students the chance to change course – and even institution – as they move from bachelor’s to master’s; it is all the more useful to get work 4 _______ before choosing a master’s in order to understand better one’s career preferences.

The Bologna Process gives Russian universities an instrument for bilateral student 5 __________ and therefore wakes them up to the realities of the European educational system. It provides Russian universities with opportunities to create new programs, both broad undergraduate programs and specialized master’s programs. But it depends on the universities themselves as to whether they will use these opportunities to improve the 6 _______ of Russian higher education.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. getting obtaining funny advice exchanges number transforming delivering wonderful experience studies quantity receiving providing important recommendation experiments quality


Exercise 3.

Compare the system of higher education in Russia, Great Britain and the USA following the issues:

academic year







Section I

My Working Day


to wake up вставать to groom приводить себя в порядок to leave for work уходить на работу to assess the work оценивать работу to consider the approaching deadline обсуждать приближающиеся сроки окончания какой-л. работы to plan out планировать urgent matter urgent ['ɜːʤ(ə)nt] срочное дело appointment [ə'pɔɪntmənt] условленная встреча, назначение to budget time ['bʌʤɪt] рассчитать время to make an action plan составлять план действий to set expectations определять ожидаемые результаты schedule ['ʃedjuːl] расписание, план crunch [krʌnʧ] time кризис to make a call звонить to return a phone call перезванивать to hop over преключаться на другие занятия resume ['rezjuːmeɪ] резюме the letter of application [ˌæplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]  skill навык experience [ɪk'spɪərɪən(t)s] опыт работы to employ [ɪm'plɔɪ] нанимать curriculum vitae [kəˌrɪkjələm'viːtaɪ] резюме to be fluent in ['fluːənt] бегло говорить на иностранном языке


Text A

My Daily Working Routine

I try to wake up every day at 6:30 am. Occasionally, I cheat and wake up at 7. I make a pot of coffee, work on my comic for three hours, groom, pour another cup of coffee to go and leave for work. My sweet wife Angie usually makes a brown-bag lunch for me so I can get the most out of my lunch break.

I arrive at Disney just after 9:30. It only takes me about 8 minutes to get to work. The first thing I do when I sit down at one of my desks (one for real drawing and one for my computer)  is look at my work from the day before. This might be a physical drawing or a set of sketches, a digital drawing, or reference photos. I assess the work from the day before, consider the approaching deadline and plan out how much time I will spend on each unfinished element. I’ve done this for so long that I can budget my time with surprising accuracy. When I get changes from my Art Director or Director the schedule can change.

I have one formal meeting every day with my Art Director, Production Manager and Art Department Coordinator. This is usually a really fun time for me because I love my colleagues. It’s fun catching up personally and professionally.

I work with them to make an action plan for the day and we set expectations, re-assess deadlines etc… These meetings can be five minutes or thirty – depending on how much there is to work on. We also have at least one weekly meeting with the director, producers, the PM, the ADC and the art department.

If I’m starting a new character (my favorite part of the process) I like to change my environment. I collect and print out my reference and go to one of the cafes at the studio or to a nearby Starbucks. I usually just sit and sketch all day long. Sometimes I’ll have two or three days to just explore a character. Other times the schedule is more compressed. I often spend the entire day painting. I leave the studio around 6:30 or 7 p.m.

During crunch time on a production, I will work overtime. Or sometimes I’ll do regular time on my main production but hop over to do for a different production, for the marketing department or for something involving Disney Consumer Products.

When I get home, I usually have dinner with my wife and we walk our dog together. Generally, I try to use mornings for me and evenings for others (family and friends). I also try to make and return phone calls in the evenings.

Lately (as I’ve been working hard to launch my comic) I have been working past 8 pm several evenings a week but I don’t really like to do that. I’m never at my best when I work past 8 p.m. At my worst, I’m grouchy, slow and easily distracted. Unless I’m addressing an urgent matter, I’m much better off if I save it for the next day.


catch up поболтать grouchy ворчливый distracted расстроенный


Exercise 1.

Answer the questions.

1. What time does he arrive at work?

2. Does it take him long to get to work?

3. What does he do at work?

4. What meetings does he have at work?

5. What is his occupation?

6. What does he do in the evening?


Exercise 2.

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